Chapter 595 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (19)

Xu Yin was embarrassed.

But at a guess, it was Sheng Yujin.

Yes, I asked him to sell a pair of gold stud earrings.

If he didn't come to her, she would forget about it.

Before I knew it, it was Friday, and last week she was transferred back home on Wednesday, that is to say, after coming back, she has been busy for almost ten days, so she hurriedly reported to Sister Tian: "Sister, I can take a rest tomorrow. ?"

Sister Tian heard her that there was something wrong at home, so she responded readily: "Of course, I will fill out the leave form for you. Don't worry, I will look after the pigsty for you."

"Thank you ma'am."

Xu Yin trotted to the gate.

When I was about to arrive, I met the accounting accountant of the finance department, and was stopped by the other party and exchanged a few words:
"Xiao Xu, why are you running in such a hurry?"

"Hello Accountant Xiao, I have something to do at the door."

Sheng Yujin put her hands in her pockets and leaned against the front of the truck and the others.

Hearing a slightly familiar soft voice coming from ahead, he looked up.

A petite figure ran towards his direction against the rising sun.

He couldn't help straightening his body leaning against the car.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

When Xu Yin spoke, her breath was still a little panting.

A smile flashed in Sheng Yujin's eyes: "Why are you running in such a hurry? I won't leave until I wait for you."

"I'm afraid it will delay your work." Xu Yin wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief, "You just came back from a business trip?"

"It's been a few days since I came back. I've been running around the city recently, and I haven't had a chance to come down."

Sheng Yujin said, and handed her a new cotton handkerchief with blue and white stripes.

"You accidentally lost that handkerchief, isn't it okay?"

"It's ok."

Xu Yin took it, and as soon as she touched it, she knew that there was money in the handkerchief.

She Shumei smiled: "Shot? Did it go well?"

"Well, I said I have acquaintances in the black market."

It was a clear and cold sentence, but for some reason, Xu Yin heard a hint of arrogance.

"Thank you." She smiled.

Sheng Yujin's eyes paused for a few seconds at the corner of her smiling mouth, she pretended to look away calmly, and waved her hand smartly: "Let's go!"

"Hey, wait a minute." Xu Yin recalled that his watch was still here, and pretended to take it out from the system warehouse, "I don't know when you will come, but I always have it on me, but I wrapped it in a handkerchief. , won’t get sweaty.”

The watch was returned to its original owner, and Xu Yin waved to him: "Thank you! Please try my handicraft."

He chuckled: "Pumpkin seeds?"

Xu Yin: "..."

And do you want sunflower seeds?A little world of your own kind.


After Sheng Yujin got into the car and started it, she poked her head out of the window and called Xu Yin:
"I will pass by here around five o'clock in the evening, do you want a ride back to the city?"

Xu Yin's eyes lit up: "Yes!"

Sheng Yujin smiled, and his smile was so dazzling that even Chaoyang was overshadowed.

Xu Yin said that she was teased.

Having said that, Comrade Xiaojin's performance is remarkable!

Remember it first, and reward it later.

She touched the handkerchief wrapped with money in her trouser pocket, and returned to the pig farm in a happy mood.

What she didn't know was that accountant Xiao saw her exchanging handkerchiefs with Sheng Yujin from a distance, and when he returned, he told those single young people who were ready to move and wanted to have a date with Xu Yin: "You guys are out of fun! Xiao Xu has a date. "


"No way?"

"When did it happen?"

"Is it our field?"

Accountant Xiao shook his head: "It's not our factory. I don't know which factory it is, but he is a truck driver, not the kind of small truck that Lao Sun drives, but a five-ton truck, and it is tall and big. Yes, much more handsome than you."

The group of single young people in the farm let out an "ow", both envious and frustrated.

The farm workers had no chance of winning against the truck driver, not to mention that the other party was a tall and handsome guy.

no play...

On this day, the single male workers in the farm were full of energy instead of their usual vigor, and they were all listless, with no motivation to do anything.

When the off-duty bell rang, a certain young man suddenly pulled himself together, shook his paws and said, "No way! You have to die to understand! I'll go to Comrade Xu Yin and ask, if she really has a partner, I wish her well. No, I, I..."

"What are you!" Yuan Yafen came over and said, knocking on the back of his head, "Xiao Xu will be on vacation tomorrow, and she has already returned home from get off work. Before she leaves, she has laid the cement pipe by herself. Come and fill it with soil. .”


The person they like is chased away by the little wolf dog outside, but they still have to stay and work overtime.

Is there anything more difficult than this?

Xu Yin didn't know anything about this, she hurried back to the dormitory and changed into clean clothes after finishing the work at hand.

Thinking of the purpose of this trip home, she took out the handkerchief that she hastily put in the system warehouse in the morning, unfolded it and counted it, huh, there is actually 70 yuan?
She thought it was sixty at most.

So, the black market didn't lower the price?
Was it his black market acquaintance who helped?Or did he post it himself?
Inverted posting should not happen, most of the acquaintances helped and did not lower the price.

Xu Yin thought about it all the way, and when she came to the gate, Sheng Yujin's car was already there, and someone else was smoking not far away, with the gorgeous sunset behind.

Seeing her running over with a small bag, Sheng Yujin snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, tilted his head and smiled at her: "I thought you didn't come out so early, smoke one to refresh yourself."

His words suddenly touched a certain string in Xu Yin's heart.

No matter in this era or later generations, running freight has always been a very hard job, with wind and rain, severe cold and heat all on the road.

Long distances are especially tiring. It can really be said that I wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.

It is also a hard job, she can take a nap and lean against the wall for a while when she is really sleepy, but he has to work hard and make no mistakes.

In this era, transportation is inconvenient and materials are scarce. Due to limited vehicles, only large factories have their own transportation departments. Therefore, the industry of driving is very popular, but few people can understand the hard work and hardships behind it.

Xu Yin thought for a while, and took out a can of Longjing tea leaves from her bag:

"Zhengchou doesn't know how to thank you, this is for you! Smoking is harmful to health, and drinking tea can lead to a long life. After you get out of the car, bring a kettle to make a pot of tea, and drink a few sips from time to time, which can quench your thirst and refresh yourself."

The refreshing effect of tea irrigated with spiritual spring water is no worse than that of cigarettes. The key is that it has no side effects and is only good for the body.

Sheng Yujin stroked the exquisite porcelain tea caddy she stuffed into her hand, pressed her tongue against her cheek, and gave a chuckle.

You haven't officially dated him yet, so you're in charge of him?

But... the taste of being controlled is not bad.

Xu Yin didn't know the thank you gift she picked out at random, and this guy made up a lot of it.

If he knew, he would probably say something to him: Mensao man!

At this moment, she was thinking about going home: "Can I catch the last train when I go back now?"


In order to fulfill his promise, he drove very fast along the way.

Xu Yin is glad that she has a [Xiaoyao Cushion], no matter how bumpy the road is, it is as soft and comfortable as sitting in a cloud.

Sheng Yujin glanced at her from the corner of her eye halfway, and joked with a low laugh: "Your baggage looks small, but you have a lot of things stuffed in it."

Cushions, tea leaves, kettles, and melon seeds... Hey, I changed the taste today, instead of pumpkin seeds, I changed it to sunflower seeds.

Tsk!Is this for a tea party?
Hearing his teasing, Xu Yin made a gesture to put away the sunflower seeds: "If you don't want it, I'll put it away?"

"Are you a child? You have to take back what you gave..." Sheng Yujin couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yin snorted and snorted: "It's a gift that is sent to the heart of the other party, otherwise it will be an embarrassment, and I don't want to embarrass you."

Sheng Yujin was so stunned that she couldn't help laughing. She was really coquettish, and she pouted as a joke.

"Okay, I apologize, I actually like eating melon seeds. The pumpkin seeds you gave me last time, Renda tastes good, did you fry them yourself?"

Xu Yin: "Hmm."

Believe it or not?

(End of this chapter)

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