Chapter 597 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (21)

The Xu family had a wild dance.

Xu Yin didn't manage the family's financial power. Whether it was taken back by Xu's father and he managed it himself, or Xu's mother still managed it, it had nothing to do with her anyway.

She spent 100 yuan to fight for her own marriage autonomy. She doesn't plan to go home often when she has nothing to do. Is it uncomfortable and fulfilling to feed pigs, harvest vegetables, and grow fruit trees in the farm?
The "pig-biogas-fruit" ecological farming model has now reached the "biogas" step. When the biogas digester is built and the sewage aeration starts to operate, the biogas residue needs to be cleaned regularly, and fruit tree planting should be put on the agenda.

As soon as Xu Yin returned to the farm, she went to remind the farm manager that it was time to order fruit saplings.

In this era of shortage of materials, all walks of life have to produce according to the plan, unlike later generations, where an order is placed today and it will be delivered tomorrow.

In particular, the planting of fruit trees always pays attention to the season. Order now, and it may be autumn when the fruit tree saplings arrive. Autumn leaves are the best time to plant fruit tree saplings.

Transplanting in autumn has the least impact on the fruit tree seedlings, and the accumulation of the cold winter can promote the healing of the root system. When the next spring is warm and the flowers bloom, the fruit trees will germinate and grow well.

But if the order is delayed until autumn, the nursery farm may not be arranged until next year.

"So the director, according to the plan, we have to contact the seedling farm now."

The head of the whole field really had a headache: "I have no money now! I can't pay the deposit."

In a year, which time period is the poorest?That's it for now.

After the National Day, batches of pigs will be slaughtered one after another. The main factory will send people to weigh them. If the part exceeds the plan, the financial department of the main factory will allocate funds to the farm according to the market price. This money can be used for bonuses, welfare etc.

In the last few days of the end of the year, the head of the whole farm went to the general factory to participate in the year-end summary meeting of various departments. He needed to report to the leaders of the general factory on the development and benefits of the farm that year, and then reported the breeding plan for the next year, for example, how many pigs are expected to be raised , How much is the cost of piglets, how much is the daily expenses... After the general factory evaluates, it will allocate funds at the beginning of the year.

Therefore, in a year, there are two stages with the richest books on the farm: one is the end of the year and the other is the beginning of the year. Summer, when the two ends are not in contact, can be said to be the most difficult time for the farm.

At this time, I asked the field manager for fruit saplings, but he couldn't send them out.

"Xiao Xu, how about this year, let's build the biogas digester and use it first, and then order the fruit seedlings after next year's plan is submitted and the general factory allocates funds for us?"

Xu Yin didn't believe that such a large farm couldn't even pay the deposit for fruit tree seedlings.

"The field chief—"

"Oh, I remembered that there was an important meeting at the main factory today, and I had to rush over there. Let's discuss this matter later, so let's not talk about it." Director Qi found an excuse to slip away.

Xu Yin: "..."

Today is Sunday, field manager!

The farm is on a day-off system, but except for workshops and warehouses, other departments of the main factory are closed on Sundays. How could the leaders of the main factory set the meeting time for the rest day?

Xu Yin laughed angrily, can't you see it?Think of her as a debt collector!

But the field manager refused to issue a letter of introduction. It was useless for her to go to the nursery field alone to order fruit saplings. They would not sell them to her.

Xu Yin sighed, feeling powerless not being able to make decisions.

No wonder Xu's mother sobbed all night last night, begging Xu's father not to take away the right to manage the accounts, it is indeed too important to hold the financial power of a family.

The fruit trees could not be planted for the time being. Xu Yin was busy with her work, and took the time to loosen the land in front of the dormitory door. The manure that had been retting before was ready for use, and fertilized them.

I thought that if the fruit saplings have not arrived in two months and a batch of biogas residues have been cleared, it would be good to top-dress the vegetable fields.

Gather a batch of giant sweet potatoes, potatoes, and radishes to show the field manager, let him see the power of biogas residue, and maybe he will actively approve letters of introduction and order fruit tree seedlings without her urging .

After figuring it out, Xu Yin stopped worrying and went about her work and life step by step.

Every day, I diligently raise pigs, grow vegetables, improve the biogas digester, take a break from the busy schedule to add a meal for myself to supplement nutrition, apply my face before going to bed, and learn the technology of scientifically raising pigs.

Because I was busy, I didn't pay attention to the group of single young people in the field. Her eyes were quite complicated.

It's rare to see a single lesbian, gentle, beautiful and capable, which made all the bachelors excited for half a month.

In the past half month, they swept away their laziness in the past and rushed to work, wanting to make a good impression in front of Xu Yin, so as to prevent each other from rushing away, and they also agreed to compete fairly. …

This mood is like a dark cloud suddenly floats on a sunny day, and the next second will be lightning and thunder.

Xu Yin didn't notice it, but Director Qi did, and asked Sister Tian: "Recently, what's wrong with the gay men in our field? All of them slumped? Have you collectively suffered from heatstroke?"

Sister Tian suppressed a smile and said: "They, I heard that Xiao Xu has a date, and he is from the transportation department of the main factory. The day Xiao Xu came home, he came to pick her up at the gate of the field. He is tall and handsome, and Xiao Xu It's a good match, and everyone's mood has fallen to the bottom. But it will be fine in a few days, isn't it like this before?"

It is normal that there are more men than women in farms.

Even if it's a lesbian who doesn't have a partner, there will be a day when there will be someone who is famous, and other people who don't have a partner will be depressed for a while?Just get over it.

"But the director, I heard that the main factory will hold a group dance in the Cultural Palace recently, why don't we give the single youths in our factory a holiday that day and let them all attend?"

Sister Tian heard from the logistics director of the main factory.

Talk about a dance party, but it is actually an opportunity for single workers in the factory to get to know each other.

Field Chief Qi had no objection to this, and waved his hand to let Sister Tian take charge of the notification.

The group dance was first spread from the capital and has been around for many years.

At first, it was a celebration of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but it has evolved into a blind date culture in the past two years.

Each large factory can organize it on its own, which is convenient for male and female employees to digest internally;
Insufficient conditions—for example, there are more men than women in steel mills, more women than men in textile mills, and Yin and Yang are not in harmony. What should we do?Then organize it together.

The textile mill and the steel mill can be said to be the two leading enterprises in Pingcheng. They are both rich and powerful. After joining forces, they are even more invincible. They directly contracted the entire first floor of the Cultural Palace as the dance venue.

The radio broadcasts ballroom dance music, and there are tea talks at the end. Few single young people can refuse such a trendy way of communication.

"Brother Sheng, are you going to the group dance on Saturday night?"

After handing over the car, Jin Zhiming took out a cigarette, threw one to Sheng Yujin, and asked enthusiastically.

"Don't go."

"Why don't you go? What a chance to find someone! Hey, Brother Sheng, why did you return my cigarettes? Don't you smoke one? I don't seem to have seen you smoking recently."

"Well, quit."

"..." Jin Zhiming was puzzled, "Why quit smoking? How cool is it to smoke! And brother Sheng, didn't you say that? A cigarette once in a while can lift your spirits."

Sheng Yujin squinted her eyes to face the sunset, and lazily shook the army green kettle in her hand: "I drink tea instead. Smoking is harmful to health, and drinking tea can lead to a long life."


(End of this chapter)

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