Chapter 598 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (22)

Sheng Yujin returned to the bachelor's dormitory of the textile factory with a kettle in her hand, and found that the door of his room was open, and his brother was leaning on a bamboo recliner, shaking a big cattail fan, waiting for him.

"Why did you come back? I'm starving to death waiting for you to eat." Sheng Yuxi sat up from the recliner with a resentful expression, "Hurry up, give me a drink of water."

"You drink this."

Sheng Yujin dodged his hand reaching for the kettle, and poured him a cold cup.

There was still some tea left in the kettle, so he poured it into his own enamel cup, mixed it with some warm water and continued to drink.

"Hey! Comrade Sheng Yujin, when did you become so narrow-minded? You won't even give your brother a sip of tea? You won't let me make it myself. Isn't the tea pot right here..."

With that said, Sheng Yuxi reached out to reach for the exquisite porcelain tea pot on the desk, but was stopped by Sheng Yujin with sharp eyesight.

Sheng Yuxi tilted her head and looked at her younger brother several times, and said with a smile: "The old man is right, you have a situation! According to my observation and analysis, this tea is probably not ordinary tea. If it is ordinary tea, with your temperament, Don’t talk about making me a cup, I’d be happy to send me the whole can. And how can I remember, you didn’t like drinking tea before... Tsk tsk tsk! The truth has surfaced!"

After finishing speaking, Sheng Yuxi clapped his hands and made a conclusion: "So, this tea was given by your partner?"

"Brother, are you free?" Sheng Yujin put the tea pot in the drawer, turned his head and glanced at his brother, "If you have time to observe and analyze things, why don't you spend more time with sister-in-law?"


Sheng Yuxi was beaten back to her original shape by one sentence, and she lay back on the reclining chair with a slumber, and complained to her brother:
"Don't talk about it, your sister-in-law is very cruel. Isn't your factory going to send someone to the lower department to check the accounts for the first half of the year? She actually asked to go to the farm that most people don't want to go to. It's not a day or two. If you stay for at least half a month, if the accounts are not clear, you may not be able to come back for a month."

"So you had a fight with your sister-in-law?"

"You can't blame me." Sheng Yuxi wiped her face with her hand, "It was my mother-in-law who urged her to have a child, and even brought her an earthen recipe and forced her to drink it. She refused to drink it, so the mother-in-law quarreled. We It’s right next to me, so don’t try to persuade her to fight, she thinks I’m also blaming her for not being able to give birth to a baby, and forcing her to drink messy earthwork. It’s really wronged! She hasn’t been pregnant for a long time, when did I tell her? It's not our family who hurt the most, it's her parents, okay?"

After shielding his brother Lala from a bunch of complaints, Sheng Yujin's attention was still on the word "farm". With a thought, he raised his eyes and asked, "When is sister-in-law going? I'll go see her off."

"...Are you fucking my brother?" Sheng Yuxi made a gesture to kick him.

"It's only half a month, it's gone in a flash."

Unlike his favorite object, who works in the farm every day, has he complained a few words?
After Sheng Yujin had finished cursing, she took a long leg, avoided his brother's attack, and went to the kitchen with the kettle.

Since she gave him tea, she would boil a thermos of boiling water every day, make a pot of tea before leaving the car, let it cool down and pour it into the kettle, and drink it on the way.

Sheng Yuxi followed with a resentful look on her husband: "I won't even give you a cup of tea. I want you to persuade your sister-in-law, but you don't help. I have loved you since I was a child!"


"You really don't want to help me? Then I'll tell my grandma that you don't have a date at all. Let the old man arrange a blind date for you. I heard that the lesbian who runs the second factory..."

"Okay, I'll help you persuade sister-in-law." Sheng Yujin said helplessly.

"It's almost there."

"But let me declare first that I am only in charge of persuasion, and whether my sister-in-law listens or not is none of my business."



Blink to Saturday.

Although the group dance didn't start until 04:30 in the afternoon, it didn't affect the employees of each factory to go to work, but as the dance approached, the single boys and girls in each factory were very excited.

People are at work, and their minds have already flown to the dance scene.

Chatting about the process of the dance party, the content of the tea party, and the successful examples of seeing each other at the dance party in previous years... The face is shy and embarrassed to say, but in my heart I dream of meeting someone I like.

The single youths on the farm are not too far behind.

After finishing the work at hand, I couldn't restrain my excitement and ran to the logistics office to ask: "What time do we leave? Is there a car to pick us up?"

Sister Tian laughed and said: "They say it's already arranged, what are you in a hurry for? The ball doesn't start until 04:30. The leader considers that you rarely have time to go to the city, so today I specially give you half a day off to pick up your car." It's 12:30, before then, you should do the work at hand, Sister Yuan and I will help you feed the pig food in the afternoon and evening."

"Thank you, Miss Tian."

The young people went back happily.

After Wang Caifeng had lunch, she wandered over to the pigsty next door to chat with Xu Yin.

Since the biogas digester is ventilated, no firewood is needed to cook pig food, which has greatly reduced the burden on the pig farm workers.

There is not much charcoal allocated to the farm, and the farm manager said that it is necessary to accumulate grain to prevent hunger and prepare for a rainy day. Therefore, apart from the canteen, other departments can only apply for coal in winter or when the ice and snow have not completely melted in the beginning of spring. In summer and autumn, the workers in the field took turns to collect firewood.

Don't want to pick it up?In the future, it is necessary to consider and consider the advanced evaluation.

Therefore, with the opening of biogas, the happiest thing for everyone is not that they bid farewell to the open pit and the environment of the pig farm has improved, but that they no longer need to collect firewood.

"Xiao Xu, why is your brain so smart? Not only do you know how to treat pigs, but you also know how to make a fire without spending money like coal or labor like firewood. It's amazing!"

This is not the first time Wang Caifeng has boasted, she really finds it amazing.

There is such a miraculous thing in this world-after the originally dirty and smelly excrement is fermented in the biogas digester, it becomes a fire that is neither dirty nor smelly?

Look at the blue fire, it looks better than coal.

The lights on the pig farm are also connected after the biogas power generation, and it will not cost a penny to turn on the lights for 24 hours in the future.

It's a pity that the wires pulled down from above are not long enough. It would be even better if they could reach the staff dormitories and office buildings.

However, the farm manager said that if this biogas project can get the approval of the superiors, more wires will definitely be dialed down next year. By then, every room in the entire farm will be connected to electricity, and the days of free electricity will soon be over. It's coming true!
The more Wang Caifeng thought about it, the more excited she became, she wished she could hold Xu Yin in her arms and kiss her a few times, how could there be such a smart and capable girl!

Unfortunately, she gave birth to two children, both girls.It would be great if I was a kid, I must marry Xu Yin home...

Xu Yin didn't know Aunt Wang's idea. She said modestly: "This is not my credit. The country has been advocating biogas construction for a long time, and many places are actively responding and implementing it. It's just that there are too many monks and few technicians. , so it was never our turn.”

"In the final analysis, it is your credit! Without you, we would not be able to use biogas. To be honest, you can definitely be a technician to guide others. I am not exaggerating. The director said so, he said Next time, if any brother company comes to visit our site and wants to borrow you to guide them in building a biogas digester, they must pay you for the technical fee, and if you don’t pay, you can’t go! Xiao Xu! You will earn extra money in the future!”


(End of this chapter)

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