Chapter 599 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (23)

"By the way, why don't you go to the ball?" Aunt Wang asked about this, "What a great opportunity to make friends."

If she was 30 or [-] years younger, she would definitely go to participate.

"I'm busy!"

Xu Yin responded casually.

She was checking the feces pulled by the pigs, and after confirming that there were no signs of illness, she shoveled them all into the sewer and rinsed them with water.

"Didn't the director give you half a day off? Just leave these tasks alone, and someone will come to help you later."

"Can you help me?" Xu Yin glanced at her with a half-smile.

Aunt Wang shrinks her neck, she is not even willing to do her own work, so she helps others?
"Well, I remembered that water was still boiling on the stove, it should be turned on now."

Enough chattering, Aunt Wang found an excuse to go back to her pigsty, and ran into Sister Yuan in the corridor:
"Hey, old Yuan, are you here to inspect the work? I'm sharing pig raising experience with Xiao Xu, but I didn't slip away to go home."

Sister Yuan didn't have time to talk to her, so she came to Xu Yin's work room: "Xiao Xu, a comrade named Sheng Yujin is looking for you, is it your date? I didn't expect that he was sent by the transportation department of the general factory to pick up our comrades to attend the ball." Driver, go back to the dormitory and pack up, I'll be waiting for you."

Xu Yin: "..."

What the hell is Comrade Xiaojin doing!
Guessing is guessing, Xu Yin handed over the work, hurried back to the dormitory to take a shower, and changed into Bragi who was suitable for the dance.It was too hot, so she set the [automatic thermostat] to belt mode and wore it on her body.

The single young people in the field held a small bench, sitting in the truck compartment and chatting, waiting for the departure.

Suddenly, someone called out in a low voice: "Comrade Xu Yin is here too!"

"Why did she come? Doesn't she have a partner?"

"I don't know! Do you want to take this opportunity to meet her partner in the city?"

While everyone was whispering and guessing, Xu Yin came to the gate.

Sheng Yujin jumped out of the cab and strode up to her: "Didn't disturb your work?"

"I asked at this time, is it too late?" Xu Yin looked at him with a smile.

Sheng Yujin pressed her tongue to her chin, and smiled: "There is something I want to ask for your help. I heard that your factory gave your single employees half a day off, so I thought you would go to the dance too..."

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, his eyes fell on her long black eyelashes when she was drooping, and there was a little tension in her tone that he didn't even notice: "You didn't participate have a partner?"

"No." Xu Yin glanced at him with a smile, "I'm too lazy to bother. But since you're looking for me, I'll definitely come. If there's anything you need, just tell me, if you can help me, I'll definitely help."

Sheng Yujin breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "There's no rush, we'll talk about it in the city."

Then he took the small bundle from her hand, gave her a hand, and helped her sit firmly in the co-pilot.

The people in the carriage didn't hear the conversation between the two of them clearly. They only saw Sheng Yujin's considerate behavior, and couldn't help but look at each other: "..."

Fuck!It turned out that the driver who came to pick them up was Comrade Xu Yin's target?
Having said that, the idea is clear - it seems that this big truck was also the one that brought Comrade Xu Yin back to the city last time.

Take a look at their position, look at their appearance, look at their clothes and watches on their wrists... just ask them how they compare to others?

Collective self-isolation!

In the city, Sheng Yujin put down the group of single youths in the carriage at the intersection not far from the supply and marketing cooperative.

There are still several hours before the dance, and everyone wants to go to the supply and marketing cooperative.

It's rare to come to the city and bring some daily necessities back.

Sheng Yujin reminded them: "Go straight to the Cultural Palace and cross two streets. After the dance, look for this car at the entrance of the Cultural Palace. I will take you back."

Although the drunkard's intention is not to drink, but since he accepted this task, he still has to complete it.

Everyone thanked him.

A worker asked Xu Yin: "Little Comrade Xu, won't you come with us?"

The others swarmed up and dragged him away:

"You Tie Hanhan who dozed off as soon as you got in the car, don't you understand the situation?"

"What's the situation? What does this have to do with me sleeping all the way?"


Xu Yin helped her forehead, she could tell that everyone in the farm had misunderstood.

"I'll explain it to you when I go back..."

"Explain what?" Sheng Yujin restarted the car.

Seeing him, Xu Yin didn't seem to care, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

He was driving the car intently, and she looked out the window at the ever-moving street trees and the buildings of this era, and the cab fell into silence.

"Hey, it's still early before the dance. Let me take you to our transportation department for a while." Sheng Yujin took the initiative to find a topic, "I'm looking for you, that's how it is..."

He didn't convince his sister-in-law, so in a few days, his sister-in-law will go to work in the farm for a while.

"My sister-in-law is going to the farm to check the accounting work recently. She used to go to the first and second branch factories, and this is the first time to go to the farm..."

"Do you want me to help take care of it?" Xu Yin continued, "This is no problem."

"It's not about taking care of her. She's not a child. Didn't you just go there this year? If you can adapt, she must be able to." Sheng Yujin said, "I just want to say that she has had some conflicts with my brother recently, and the two are in a cold war , if my brother brings something to my sister-in-law, I may need your help to deliver it."

"This is even more okay." Xu Yin replied straight away.

What else is she doing, why don't you just hand over a piece of luggage, it can't be called helping.

Seeing her agreeing, Sheng Yujin raised the corners of her mouth slightly, in an indescribably good mood.

After getting out of the car, Xu Yin looked around: "This is the transportation department of the main factory?"

"Well, have you been here before?"

"No." Xu Yin shook her head.

"Then I'll show you around today."

Sheng Yujin showed her around.

It's just that it's too hot outdoors at this time, and Sheng Yujin is worried about her heatstroke, so Sheng Yujin only chooses places with a lot of shade.

The two of them accidentally rubbed their arms together, and he found that her arms were cool and sweatless, unlike him, who had been sweating since seeing her.I don't know if it's hot or tense.

The coolness coming from Xu Yin's body made him get closer to her involuntarily.

Although the arm didn't touch it again, even if it just touched the corner of his clothes a little, it made him feel cool and comfortable.

"Your department of transportation is quite large." Xu Yin looked all the way, along the boulevard and through a large parking lot, the office area of ​​the department of transportation was in front of him.


Sheng Yujin pointed out to her one by one which one was the cafeteria, which one was the table tennis room, and which one was the special lounge for their drivers...

In front of the office window, a bunch of people were crowded.

"You read that right? Is it really Xiao Sheng?"

"It's him! Look at those long legs, who can pretend to be him?"

"At such a close distance, do you need to look at the legs? Just look at the face!"

"By the way, this lesbian is his partner? When did we talk about it? This kid actually kept it from us! Is he afraid that we will ask him for sweets?"

"The two are a good match!"

"I remembered! Section Chief Wang's daughter-in-law was talking about introducing her niece to Xiao Sheng two days ago. Could it be her? This speed is really fast!"

"I also heard from Section Chief Wang that her niece seems to be run by the second factory."

"From then on, our transportation department and the Second Factory Office will be one."

"Don't make a conclusion too early. I heard that Aunt Feng from the warehouse management office of the third factory also likes Xiao Sheng very much. Xiao Sheng was introduced by her daughter, maybe it was her daughter."

"This boy is handsome, and he is very lucky!"

"Not only is he handsome, but other conditions are also very good. If there is a daughter in the family, who wouldn't want a son-in-law like Xiao Sheng? It's a pity that my daughter is still young, otherwise I would want to be Xiao Sheng's mother-in-law."

"Hey, I really died from flooding, and I died from drought. Why don't you look at me! Apart from my ugly appearance, other conditions are not bad."

"It shows that everyone has a forward-looking vision."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about the next generation! What if the child is regarded as too ugly in the future?"


(End of this chapter)

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