Chapter 601 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (25)

Zhu Shufen caught up with Liu Xinxin, comforted her, and went back to the ball, telling the story of how Xu Yin slandered Xinxin.

At the end, he said angrily: "Everyone comment, such a shameless person, what if I scold her a few times when I see her? If I don't beat her, I'll take care of myself!"

"If this is the case, it is indeed a bit too much."

"How could Sheng Yujin like such a person?"

"You don't need to ask, you have a pretty face! Men, they are all virtuous!"

"Could it be that you were kept in the dark and didn't know? Which of you has a good friendship with Sheng Yujin, talk to him! Such a vicious woman is not worthy of him!"

"I'm going to find Jin Zhiming!"

"That's right! Jin Zhiming and Sheng Yujin grew up in the same family. Let him tell Sheng Yujin not to be blinded by the woman's face."


The whispers around them fluctuated up and down. When Xu Yin and Sheng Yujin exchanged places, they saw Zhu Shufen standing at the door talking to other branch workers, and they knew what they were talking about after thinking about it.

Xu Yin thought for a while, and asked Sheng Yujin, "You want to know, what's wrong with Liu Xinxin?"


Sheng Yujin recovered.

Ever since he held Xu Yin's hand and put her on her shoulder, he has been in a mysterious feeling.

It seems to be walking by the refreshing mountain stream and clear spring, and it is also like walking in the cool red maple in autumn.

so comfortable...

It was so comfortable that his pores opened.

Hearing Xu Yin's question suddenly, his eyes changed from confused to clear: "What's the holiday? Did you suffer? Did you get bullied?"

Xu Yin couldn't help laughing.

After confirming the look in his eyes, it was her comrade Xiaojin who hadn't run away - the same protection in several worlds.

At this time, the dance music on the radio was changed, and this one was a slow dance music.

The atmosphere is also a bit quieter.

Xu Yin told him about the festival with Liu Xinxin.

Sheng Yujin listened, her brows gradually tightened: "You mean, you were transferred to the farm because of this? So you worked in the second factory?"

Seeing Xu Yin nodding, he was suddenly a little angry: "It's not that you made a mistake at work, why should you be transferred? I think the leadership team of the second factory is quite confused, and was led by the nose by a family member of an employee..."

Xu Yin: "..."

"You are so stupid. Their family united to put pressure on you to make you unable to stay in the second factory. You should go to the main factory to file a complaint. Did you really go to the breeding farm so stupidly?"


Seeing that Xu Yin lowered her eyes and said nothing, Sheng Yujin suddenly realized: The two of them are not dating yet, yet he put it aside and called her stupid...


His calves were cramped in embarrassment, and his dance steps were messy.

It's over! It's over!

Does she think she has a bad temper?Before talking about a partner, he yelled at her and called her stupid...why are you so stupid!

He wanted to slap himself twice.

In fact, his temper... Cough, it varies from person to person, at least in the eyes of grandma, he has a pretty good temper.


Just about to explain a few words, the dance music stopped and there was an intermission. Xu Yin let go of him and went back to the original seat to drink water.

Sheng Yujin panicked for a moment, and hurriedly followed: "I'm sorry, I..."

Xu Yin stuffed his glass of water into his hand: "Drink some water."


Sheng Yujin's mind was not on the water at all, she took a couple of sips and said calmly, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that about you."

Xu Yin looked at him with a smile: "I know, you are fighting for me."

After a pause, she continued: "It's over, and I did do something wrong, regardless of whether the handling at that time was considered too much, but I got used to the farm quite well, and the colleagues there are warm and friendly, The leader is also very reasonable. In short, even if the second factory let me go, I don’t want to go back.”


"Well, what did you lie to you for?"

Sheng Yujin pulled her hair to ease the embarrassment: "Then... are you still dancing?"

Xu Yin laughed: "You still want to dance? OK! Then dance for a while."

The music sounded again, and he stretched out his hand to her with a gentle smile.

The melon eaters around felt that Sheng Yujin must have been blinded, otherwise how could he fall in love with such a vicious woman.

What's the use of being pretty!She has a good temper, and when she gets married in the future, she is also a troublemaker.

"Xiao Jin, what we said is true! Go find Sheng Yujin and tell him not to be with that woman. Xu is too bad!"

Jin Zhiming frowned: "Are you making a mistake? Comrade Xu Yin is not the kind of person you said."

"It's impossible to make a mistake! So many people in the second factory have confirmed it, so go and tell Sheng Yujin!"

Jin Zhiming shook his head: "I won't go! You have to go by yourself!"

Brother Sheng is very happy, these people want him to make Brother Sheng suffer, only fools will do it!

Seeing that Jin Zhiming refused to go, no one else could do anything about it. You pushed me, I pushed you, and no one dared to go.

Just like this, Sheng Yujin took Xu Yin to dance one dance after another, until the end of the dance, Sheng Yujin took Xu Yin away...

Everyone: "..."

who am I?
What am I doing here?
During the four-hour dance, they did nothing but gossip and talk about other people's affairs all night, they didn't dance, they didn't pay attention to their partners...

However, thanks to the people who eat melons, Xu Yin's name has resounded from the original No. [-] Factory to all departments of the General Textile Factory.

Everyone was either talking about her feud with Liu Xinxin, or gossiping about her relationship with Sheng Yujin.

Sheng Yuxi listened to the worker's description of Xu Yin's appearance, and rubbed her chin in secret joy: So Xiao Jin likes this woman!
So, I went to report to the second elder.

On that side, the Liu family was very angry. They felt that Sheng Yujin was deceiving too much. If he didn't want to date someone, then he wouldn't get along. Why did he embarrass Xinxin in a public place with so many people?
"I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

Liu Xinxin's elder brother stood up angrily, clenched his fists.

"Brother, I'll go with you!"

"I am coming too!"

"That kid has no one in his eyes, I've been displeased with him for a long time!"

"If you don't beat him up and vent your anger on Xinxin, my mother won't be able to swallow it!"

Two, three, four, five all stood up.

Liu Xinxin wiped her tears and broke down in sobs: "Forget it, it won't be good if you make a big fuss."

"It's going to make a big fuss!" Brother Wu said in unison.

"All right, all right." Father Liu, the head of the family, said, "Let your uncle come forward and go to the Sheng family first! Let the Sheng family give an explanation."

So, Mr. Sheng's old subordinate, brother-in-law of the Liu family, Wang Youkang came to visit the second elder with a net bag of canned fruit.

"That's the way it is." Wang Youkang rubbed his hands and said in embarrassment after finishing the cause and effect, "Look..."

Sheng Lao had heard about this from his eldest grandson a long time ago, so he wasn't surprised at all. He rubbed his teacup and said with a smile:
"It's true that Yujin's temper is not very good, but he has an advantage, that is, he protects his weaknesses. It's rare that he has a partner and is said that in public, how can he be in a good mood? If he's in a bad mood, don't he speak harshly? Both parties are responsible for this matter, when Yu Jin comes back from a business trip, I will criticize him, and even if I don't know each other, I can't say that he is acting or something."

Wang Youkang: "..."

I see it!Your family is all short-term!
(End of this chapter)

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