Chapter 602 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (26)

Seeing that the Sheng family was so defensive, the Liu family rolled up their sleeves angrily and wanted to settle accounts with Sheng Yujin.

But Wang Youkang made them stop with one sentence: "Calm down! The Sheng family is not the Xu family."

"Then settle the score with the Xu family! Otherwise, I won't be able to swallow this breath!"

"If the fourth child of the Xu family is really dating Sheng Yujin, do you think the Sheng family will just sit back and watch?"


The Liu family couldn't swallow this breath, and they didn't dare to face the Sheng family head-on, so they intentionally or unintentionally spread the good deeds Xu Yin had done, so as not to offend the Sheng family, even if the Xu family was disgusting.

From the textile factory to the main factory and down to the breeding farm, how many workers are involved in Pingcheng.

It can be said that half of the workers in Pingcheng City have some relationship with the textile factory, either as employees or their family members.Under such a network of relationships, would the Xu family not know about it?
What's more, that night, Xu Yao also went to the group dance party. Although he was called out by his partner to hit the road after a short stay, did you not hear everyone's discussion?

"She is not ashamed to be so troublesome after going to the farm, but I am ashamed for her!"

Xu Yao grumbled at home:

"Mom, can you talk about the fourth one? She doesn't want fame, we want it! In the past, only the people in the second factory knew about it, but now the main factory, the first factory, and the third factory...maybe even the employees of the steel factory know about it. The embarrassment of others is at most grandma's house, but we are embarrassing because we want to throw it in the Pacific Ocean! As soon as I go out, I will be pointed at: Well, this is Xu Yin's second brother! Just say, are we still going out? When I went to my partner’s house yesterday, when her mother saw me, she asked, “Which sister is that of yours? Kiss or cousin? We almost didn’t let us have sex.”

Xu's mother was anxious when she heard this: "What does it have to do with you? It's all done by your fourth sister. This in-law is really too! It's unreasonable..."

"Anyway, I don't dare to go out to meet people these days! It's too embarrassing!"

"Mother! Mother!" Xu Fang ran into the house in a hurry, "Big news! Big news! The fourth child has a date! Guess who the man is? The driver of the main factory! It was originally Liu Xinxin's blind date!"

"Look, mother! I'm not wrong!" Xu Yao spread his hands, "She went to the farm and felt uneasy, so she cut off Liu Xinxin's blind date."

Xu's mother is really anxious now, worried that the Liu family will retaliate.

There are so many big sons in the Liu family, all of them are quite promising.

The last time, the trade union of the second factory came forward and ended with the transfer of the fourth child. If the new and old hatreds are reported together this time, then the Xu family...

"What to do! What to do!" Xu's mother turned around in a hurry, "You damn girl! I won't survive a day!"

"Mother, you have to talk to her!" Xu Yao fired at the side, "She is responsible for the trouble she caused! Let her apologize to the Liu family by herself, and say that she has nothing to do with the rest of our family. I don't want to be dragged down by her! I just said that this damn girl will implicate our whole family sooner or later."

Mother Xu made sense after thinking about it: "Then when your father comes back, I'll discuss it with him..."

"What are you discussing! It's the same when dad comes back. You go and come back early. If the fourth child refuses to listen to you, you can go to her leader and let her leader testify. If you are wronged, you have a debtor. It has nothing to do with our family!"

Xu's mother listened to her son, cleaned up in a hurry, and went to the farm to find the fourth child.

Xu Yin just came out of the director's office.

All the leaders and colleagues in the venue knew what happened on the day of the dance. Some of them were told by workers from other factories, and some were told by single workers who went to the dance.

So, the head of the field asked her to talk.

Xu Yin didn't lie, and she couldn't hide this matter even if she wanted to. After she finished speaking, she deeply reflected on herself:

"I have already realized my mistake, so I actively cooperated with the opinions of the leaders of the second factory. They deducted my bonus for the first half of the year, so let's deduct it; they transferred me to the farm, so let's do it. People always have to do it I paid the price for my wrong behavior. When I first came here, I really felt bad, and felt ashamed. But after I came here, I found that the farm is not as bad as the outside says. On the contrary, the leaders are discerning and reasonable; colleagues Warm and friendly, no intrigue. I fell in love with this place deeply, and I am willing to fight for it for the rest of my life..."

Field Chief Qi was moved by what she said: "Xiao Xu, you are a good comrade! The saints say: People are not sages, who can do nothing? What can be done if you make mistakes! You have changed, and they are still so aggressive. They are wrong! Ignore them! I will explain it for you in front of the leader when I have a chance."

As soon as I came out of the director's office, I was dragged to her office by Sister Tian:
"What's going on? Is what you said outside true?"


Xu Yin resisted the urge to touch her forehead, and repeated what she said in the director's office.

Sister Tian was moved again.

"Xiao Xu, I really don't know how to comfort you. I have suffered a lot of grievances, right? Why are the people in the second factory so indiscriminate! Even if you did something wrong, there is a reason for it. Could it be that Did Liu Xinxin do anything wrong? Together with her family, they put pressure on you and forced you from the Second Factory Office to the pig farm... Just thinking about it makes my heart ache. No wonder when you first arrived, you were silent Shout out, seldom talk, often hide in the dormitory, rarely go to the cafeteria...God sees..."

Xu Yin: "..."

Sister, this drama is over!

I didn't talk much at the time, because I didn't know you well; I hid in the dormitory and didn't come out, because I cooked a small stove for myself;

Sister Tian, ​​who was sympathetic and moved to the point of snot and tears, comforted her. She was about to go back to the pig farm, but she was stopped by accountant Xiao again after walking a few steps:
"Xiao Xu, your mother is here, right at the gate. I asked her to wait for you in the dormitory, but she refused. She looked anxious, so go!"

Xu Yin: "..."

Why are so many people looking for her today?

But her mother, most likely she came to Xingshi to question her.

Sure enough, I guessed right.

As soon as Xu's mother saw her, she yelled and came over.

If Xu Yin hadn't reacted quickly and stepped back to avoid it, there would have been a red slap on her face.

Xu's mother didn't slap anyone, but because of inertia, she staggered two steps forward before she stabilized.

As a result, she became even more angry, and immediately cursed:

"What are you hiding, you bastard? If you did something wrong, you won't be able to slap me even if your mother slaps you?"

Xu Yin sneered: "What did I do wrong?"

"You are so stubborn! You still don't admit to doing something wrong!" Xu's mother pointed at her angrily and complained, "The factory transferred you to the farm because I hope you can focus on your work and don't deal with those things all day long." What a moth! You are good! You have only been here for a few days, and you have messed up the marriage of the little daughter of the Liu family, and cut off the blind date... You! You are really promising, you dead girl, It almost pissed me off!"

(End of this chapter)

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