Chapter 607 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (31)

Seeing him come in with a bag full of white radish, carrot, eggplant, bitter gourd, and lentils, and a bucket with two fresh eels in his other hand, Mr. Sheng was very surprised:

"Where do you get so many vegetables? You ran out of town to deliver the goods, and exchanged them with local old farmers?"

Sheng Yujin said, "Where! My wife grew the vegetables herself. Look! Only my wife can grow such a big white radish and such tender and plump lentils. You can't buy them with money! She went to the field to catch the rice field eels, and she only caught twelve of them. Today, I made eight for me, two for you and grandma, and she only kept two for herself..."

Old Sheng's face darkened the more he listened: "Don't you know how to refuse? Your partner is willing to make it for you, it's good for you, and you really eat it cheekily? Eat eight sticks a day? If you don't eat enough, you take it back? Ouch! Wife! Wife! Come out and see, this kid is so heartless!"


The old lady came out and saw the vegetables all over the ground, and she was happy: "This is all grown by your partner? She is a capable child! But doesn't she work in a farm?"

"That's right, there is a piece of land in front of the door of the dormitory where she lives, and she opened it up to grow vegetables, grandma, your future granddaughter-in-law can do it." Sheng Yujin avoided the arrow shot by her grandfather and came to the old lady, Tell her one by one.

The old lady nodded happily.

She doesn't know how to grow vegetables. Usually, the vegetables eaten by the two elders are either given by in-laws or neighbors, or bought with money. If there is no food, they will go to the canteen of the steel factory to solve it.

Therefore, she is particularly fond of older girls and younger daughters-in-law who can grow vegetables. At first, she fell in love with the grand-daughter-in-law because her natal yard is full of seasonal vegetables, which made the old lady envious.

Unexpectedly, the partner of the little grandson is also so capable, which is rare in the city.

The old lady smiled from ear to ear: "It just so happens that there is no food at home, and your grandfather and I are going to the cafeteria to make up for a meal. Your food was delivered in time, so I will make it right away, mix a double shredded radish, beat two eggs and scramble How about a bitter gourd and fried lentils? Go and call your brother and sister-in-law to eat together."

Sheng Yujin got on her bicycle and went to call her sister-in-law.

Sheng Yuxi was about to go out to eat in the canteen of the steel factory, when he heard that he would eat at his grandma's house in the evening, and there were rice field eels.

"Yo! Where did you get it? Or did you catch it in the country?"

"I was caught."


Damn!It's amazing to have an object!

He also has a wife!

"Daughter-in-law! Daughter-in-law!"

Sheng Yuxi opened her voice and shouted into the room: "Don't lie down, Xiao Jin is here to tell us to go to grandma's house for dinner, there are rice field eels!"

Sheng Yujin gave the vegetables he brought to his brother: "My partner grows them himself, and I send them to my sister-in-law."


Sheng Yuxi glanced at her younger brother with a complicated expression: "You kid has a girlfriend, why do you seem to be a different person? Can't you just call her name without leaving the girlfriend in three sentences? It makes me feel awkward and flustered."

Sheng Yujin glanced at him: "I'm happy."

"...All right, all right, shout whatever you like."

Chen Wenlan came out of the house and heard that these vegetables were grown by Xu Yin. Thinking of the carrots she ate for herself back then, her saliva suddenly salivated a lot.

Immediately went to wash a big white and fat radish, cut a few slices, squeezed it in his hands and ate it, and walked to the second hometown together while eating.

"This radish is really delicious! It's not spicy at all, but very refreshing."

She doesn't have a good appetite recently, and she is always sleepy. It has been a long time since she has eaten so deliciously.

"Isn't it just radish, it's really so delicious?" Sheng Yuxi asked for a piece, took a bite, and opened her eyes wide in surprise: "Well, it's not bad! Xiaojin, you have a good match! It's even better than my mother-in-law. eat!"

Chen Wenlan glanced at him: "I've said it long ago, Xiao Xu is very capable, and all the single guys in the farm want to have sex with her, Xiao Jin, you should cherish it!"

"Well, I will."

Sheng Yujin touched his ears, feeling that the object was missing him, otherwise why would his ears be so hot.

When the three of them arrived, Grandma Sheng had already fried rice eels, scrambled an egg with bitter gourd, and made several vegetarian dishes. A small round table was fully packed.

"It's all thanks to Xiao Jin."

He said to himself, and then greeted his grandchildren: "Sit down and eat while it's hot! This eel is good, the meat is very firm, and it smells delicious when fried."

"It's also very fragrant now!"

Sheng Yuxi put a piece of it for the second elder into the bowl, and another piece for the daughter-in-law before eating.

"It's delicious, daughter-in-law, eat quickly."

Chen Wenlan raised her chopsticks and was about to eat when she suddenly felt nauseated and retched.

Grandma Sheng thought of something, and asked joyfully, "Lan Lan, do you have it?"


Chen Wenlan was taken aback, it seemed that the time had indeed passed.

She put her hands on her lower abdomen, could it be true?

Sheng Yuxi urged her: "Eat quickly, I will send you to the health center after eating."

Chen Wenlan is really pregnant!

On the way back from the hospital, she felt very unreal, her feet seemed to be stepping on clouds, why was it so dreamy?

She had been looking forward to this child for two years. Fortunately, her father-in-law and mother-in-law worked in the capital, and the two elders of the Sheng family were separated by a generation, so they didn't rush her much.

But her natal family saw her urging her again and again.

Since the beginning of this year, her mother has intensified her efforts to find earthworks everywhere, worrying that she will not give birth, and then she will be divorced by her husband's family.

Although she said it hard, her husband's family dared to divorce her because she had no children, so she divorced Sheng Yuxi first, but why didn't she feel anxious?Not being able to conceive a child was like a fuse, a fuse was buried deep in her heart, which could be ignited at any time, and would crackle and explode as soon as it ignited.

Until the half month when she went to the farm to check the accounts, no one was nagging her from time to time. She worked during the day and watched Xu Yin make delicious food with existing ingredients at night. She felt happy and relaxed. After I came back, I drank the jasmine tea that Xu Yin gave me. I was in good spirits during the day and slept well at night. My nerves were not as tense as before, and my migraine hadn’t happened for a long time.

Recently, I always feel that I don't get enough sleep, and I feel sleepy when I am free. I didn't expect it to be pregnant.

"Sheng Yuxi, am I really pregnant? Let me pinch it." She reached out and twisted the man's waist.

Sheng Yuxi grinned in pain: "Daughter-in-law, you are really pregnant, you are not dreaming."

"You must have heard right, right?"

"Do you doubt my hearing or IQ?"


The next day, Sheng Yujin passed by the farm on the way to deliver goods, and brought Xu Yin a basket of red eggs and red peanuts.

"My sister-in-law is pregnant. Grandpa and grandma said it was a blessing brought by you. Let me bring you a basket of red eggs and peanuts."

Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "I dare not take credit for this."


It is said that happy eggs and happy fruits are distributed as soon as you are pregnant?

She always thought it was only after giving birth.

"It's only after giving birth. Isn't that a thank you? My grandma is happy, and I just want to make you happy too." Sheng Yujin looked at her with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "My partner is really capable, not only can deliver pigs , can also give birth to women."


I really want to kick him!
(End of this chapter)

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