Chapter 608 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (32)

Since he brought red eggs and red peanuts, she accepted them and returned him a basket of potatoes and sweet potatoes that had just been dug from the ground.

"Maybe still a little tender, but tender with a tender taste, you can ask grandma to bake scallion potato pancakes."

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, Sheng Yujin couldn't help but smacked at the corner of her mouth, jumped into the truck and ran away.

Xu Yin looked at his triumphant appearance, annoyed and funny: "I won't come next time, will I?"

"Come on! My partner is here, how could I not come!"


When his car was out of sight, Xu Yin returned to the arena with red eggs and red peanuts. She couldn't finish eating so much by herself, so she shared it with her colleagues.

She didn't say that Sister Chen was pregnant. She remembered that there was a local custom that if the pregnancy was less than three months old, it was best not to tell the truth, only that it was sent by the partner.

"Your partner is so kind to you! The happy eggs and fruit distributed by relatives who gave birth to children are also specially sent to you." Sister Tian and others praised Sheng Yujin in turn.

"Did he also fertilize your vegetable plot several times? The radishes you planted are so crunchy and delicious."

Those who live here, who don't grow vegetables, spend a lot of time in the vegetable field, but compared with the vegetables grown by Xu Yin, they are willing to bow down.

Xu Yinzhi sent a big radish to the office, peeled and sliced ​​it, and asked them to share one piece with each other like a fruit.

I can't bear to give it to her, but I still have to keep it to feed the pigs!
Just this one piece made Sister Tian and the others feel itchy.

Not to mention the taste, the key is that it is so big, especially the white radish, which is really like a mallet.

So they came to Xu Yin together to discuss experience.

Xu Yin just waited for them to ask, and said with a smile: "This is the contribution of the biogas residue! It contains a lot of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, can improve the soil very well, and the effect of top dressing is very good. I mentioned it to the plant manager before. However, biogas dregs are better than any fertilizer. When we plant fruit trees in our field, we will fertilize them every two or three months. The fruits we grow will be big and sweet, and we will definitely sell them. Some of them will be given to us. The workers in the field pay benefits..."

In the era of fixed wages, what do employees like to hear most?That is of course a benefit.

So, everyone went to urge the director:
"Director, there is biogas residue, when will we plant fruit trees?"

"Director, have you seen the radish grown by Xiao Xu? It looks like a big mallet, not to mention how good it looks. In the past, such a big radish must be hollow inside, but the sweet and juicy radish grown by Xiao Xu is stewed. It may not be as good as braised pork, but when there is no meat to eat, eating it is like eating meat."

"Factory manager, what Xiao Xu said is right, early planting and early income, in the future we will also have a sideline business in the field, and we will give out benefits during the holidays, do you still worry about not being able to keep people?"

The head of the field heard everyone say so, and was very curious about the radish planted by Xu Yin: "Is it really big and delicious?"

I thought that this group of people must be greedy and want to eat fruit, so they said that on purpose, right?Tout radishes like watermelons.

The radish is not so good, what is there to eat?The big ones are even more unpalatable, the hollow part is dry, and there is slag when chewed.

"I know you don't believe me!" A worker put two slices of white radish on the cup lid in front of the field manager, "My daughter-in-law exchanged half a winter melon with Xiao Xu for a radish, and I cut two slices for you Try it. Don't tell it, or I will be beaten by my wife when I go back."

Field Chief: "..."

There are so many dramas.

But having said that, this carrot is really big!The diameter exceeds the enamel cup lid.

"Director, this is not the biggest one. Xiao Xu cut it for us to taste yesterday. That is the big one. I guess it must be six inches."

"What? Six inches? You said that the radishes grown by Xiao Xu are six inches thick, and all of them taste so good?"

The head of the field tasted a piece of white radish. It was sweet and crisp, without any spicy taste. It was really good to eat raw, and the more you chewed, the more delicious it was, and the more you chewed, the more you wanted to eat it.

He thought about it in his mind: topdressing with biogas dregs can make radishes as delicious as fruits, so what if topdressing fruit trees?Wouldn't the fruit taste better?

The head of the field patted his palm excitedly. He couldn't wait until the next day, so he went to the city that afternoon to find the general factory for approval.

"Advance so much money? What is it for?"

"Buy saplings and do some side business for the farm."


The leader in charge refused to criticize: "Old Qi! The existence of the farm is to provide some pork for the canteens of each factory. If there are extra pigs at the end of the year, we will exchange some other supplies with other factories. If you have extra energy, why not Put it on raising pigs, raise the pigs big, raise them well, and worry less about other things..."

The head of Qichang said: "My sapling was built together with the biogas pit. At the beginning, the biogas pit was built with the approval of the director of the forest factory. Now that the biogas pit has been built, the saplings should be bought and planted. If you don't give If I approve it, I will go to Director Lin, he must still have an impression of this matter."

When I heard that it was something that Director Lin had promised, I had to go to Director Lin if I didn’t approve it. The leader in charge had nothing to do, so I had to give him approval, but I felt a little bit uncomfortable, and I persuaded him earnestly:

"Old Qi, side business is always side business. Don't forget your main business for the sake of side business. Weighing pigs at the end of the year, if the total weight is less than the same period last year, I will appropriately reduce the allocation for your farm next year."

The head of the whole field rolled his eyes: "Then if it exceeds the same period last year, can it increase?"


After returning from the main factory, the whole field manager came to Xu Yin excitedly: "Little Xu! Whether our field can apply for the over-appropriation next year depends on you!"

Xu Yin: "..."

Director, tell me the truth, have you dug a hole for me again?
Until the field manager said the content of the bet he had made with the leader in charge, Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief: It's okay, it's okay!It's just that she is confident in raising the pigs to make them fatter.

Since Xu Yin sent 100 yuan to her family last time, she really hasn't been home recently.

At first, she felt that it was not very interesting to go back. The brothers and sisters were either eccentric, cynical, or worried that her "professional" physique would affect their work and future.

Xu's mother came to her that day and insisted on her apologizing to the Liu family, wasn't she just worried that the Liu family would have nothing to do with her and turn around to take revenge on the rest of the Xu family?

She had already seen that, except for Xu's father, everyone in this family had [-] minds.

Then why go back?Play scheming with them?

If you have this spare time, why not cut more pigweed and cook some nutritious and delicious pig food.

Raise the pigs to be white and fat, assist the farm to complete the targets assigned by the superiors, and maybe even receive a bonus.

Second, didn't I just fall in love with someone?

Comrade Xiaojin from her family brings her gifts every time she comes back from a business trip, and sacrifices her rest days to help her with work, which is hundreds of times more than her brothers and sisters.

She's not stupid, so she doesn't even have to think about who she chooses to live with on her day off?
(End of this chapter)

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