Chapter 610 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (34)

Hmm... just thinking about it, all the gluttons came out.

Xu Yin remembered that there should be some stockpiled in the system warehouse, so when she got back, she made herself a meal of braised pork with walnut Tibetan fragrant pig.

At present, it is still business matters, Xu Yin said after serious thinking: "Director, since it is difficult to buy fruit tree seedlings next spring, why not plant walnut trees instead. Director Hu, do you think you can give us a cheaper price?"

"Ok, Ok."

Director Hu was worried that these batches of walnut seedlings could not be sold to take up space, and it was rare that someone wanted them, so he immediately expressed his opinion:
"If they are all shipped away, I will give you a preferential price!"

After speaking, he went to the office to get the seedling purchase slip.


Field Chief Qi wanted to stop him but did not stop him.

She turned her head anxiously and said to Xu Yin: "Xiao Xu, why do you want walnut seedlings? It might take ten years to produce those things, and no one wants them after they are finished. What's the use! No matter how cheap it is! Isn't it nonsense?"

Xu Yin reassured him: "It's useful! I promise it will be useful! Don't worry, I'll issue a military order for you. After the walnut tree is transplanted, if there is no fruit within two years, I will bear the cost of these saplings!"


Director Qi said helplessly: "Xiao Xu, this is not a small amount. The purpose of our sideline business is to give more benefits to the employees in the factory, but there is no need to put our own wealth into it. Why are you doing this!"

But Xu Yin said: "Director, we have to take a long-term view. In the short term, it is true that apples and oranges are the most popular fruits, but you think, all the fruit seedlings cultivated by the nursery farm have been booked, and next year's ones are all in." What does this mean? It means that there are many companies growing apples, oranges, and pears. Everyone has seen the popularity of these fruits and wants to start a side business and earn extra money. So what will happen in two or three years?"

"What phenomenon?"

The head of the field was taken aback for a moment, thought carefully, and came to his senses:
"You mean, after two or three years, no one will want these fruits? Can't they be sold?"

"Selling can definitely be sold, but the price can't be sold high because the market is saturated."

Of course, this refers to the local market, and there may still be many residents in other cities who cannot afford fruit.

But in the era of underdeveloped transportation, it is not easy to sell fruits to other places.

First, it is not easy to store, and second, the road conditions are very poor.

She took a car from the freight dispatching station to the farm for such a short distance. Without the [Xiaoyao Cushion], she wanted to doubt her life, let alone the fruit, how could it be intact after a long journey?

Once the local market is saturated, can fruit prices remain high?Definitely gotta come down.

"Walnuts are different. You see, everyone hates walnuts because it bears fruit late and no one grows it. Will there be no competition at that time? If there is no competition for the same product, who will compete in the market?"

The head of the field was beaten to death by Xu Yin's words.

But after calming down and thinking about it, I still feel wrong:

"But this stuff doesn't taste very good. Even if someone buys it, they will weigh it a little during the New Years and holidays. Sprinkle a little as a condiment when making rice crispy candies. Who would buy it and eat it directly?"

"If you are worried that you can't sell it directly, we can cooperate with the non-staple food factory to launch several nutritious foods with walnuts. Walnuts are nutritious, ground into powder, and packaged like malted milk. Very suitable?"

Xu Yin even thought up the advertisement for walnut powder——

The shell is thin, the kernels are white and big, and the effect of diet and health care is good!
Choose it as a souvenir during the New Year and festivals, and to honor the elders!

"In addition to walnut powder, it can also be made into walnut crisps, walnut cakes, and walnut candies... As long as they are stored properly, walnuts can be stored for a long time and can be produced throughout the year. Is it more durable than seasonal apples, oranges, and pears?"

Hearing Xu Yin talk about walnut powder, walnut cake, and walnut candy, the eyes of the field chief lit up.


He clapped his hands violently.

Walnuts are sold directly, and it is indeed not worth the price, but they can be made into cakes, snacks and nutritional products!
"Success! I'll listen to you! Plant walnuts!"

As a leader, who hasn't had the idea of ​​being passionate and wanting to make some achievements?
If he can make a lucrative sideline business for the farm before retirement, then he can boast in front of the juniors for a lifetime.

Director Hu came back with the purchase order stamped with a red stamp. Seeing all the managers smiling, he couldn't help but wonder: Didn't you still have a sad face just now?Why did you smile when you took a purchase order?
But if he could sell the walnut saplings that no one wanted and took up space, he wished that all the field leaders would be happy and save money before paying for it.

The two directors were happy on the face and happy in the heart, signed the order and paid the money.

Walnut trees were originally cheaper than popular fruit trees such as apples and oranges. In addition, Director Hu gave them a discounted price. For the same purchase price, they purchased [-] more trees than originally planned, and purchased a total of [-]. Grafted three-year-old walnut saplings.

Hu Changchang had a problem on his mind, and he was in a good mood. With a wave of his hand, Asha said vigorously: "The farm can't move the truck?"it's okay no problem!I'll send a car to deliver to your door!

In this way, [-] walnut trees were brought back to the farm that day.

When all the workers saw three hundred walnut trees, they were overjoyed.

Not happy, but incomprehensible.

They had the same idea as the head of the whole field at the beginning, thinking that there is something good about planting walnuts. If they don’t bear fruit for several years, no one will harvest them.
"Director, why did you bring back a cart full of walnut saplings? What's so good about these things?"

"Director, are there no apple seedlings? I heard that many units are robbing fruit seedlings, but even if they are gone, let's not bring back a cart of useless walnut seedlings. Save them for next year and buy other fruit tree seedlings." Can't you?"

Everyone wished to go back in time and ask the field manager to send a cart of walnut saplings back to the seedling field.

The head of the whole field laughed with his hands behind his back: "You guys! None of you have Xiao Xu's foresight! Let's go! It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. I'll hold a meeting for you now, and talk about it at the meeting!"

After the staff meeting, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that this was a grafted walnut sapling, which would bear fruit within two years;
It turns out that walnuts can make so many foods?Give walnut powder to elders, walnut cake to coax children, amber walnuts have good meanings, weddings and funerals are indispensable!
Whoa!Thinking about it this way, spending the same money and buying a hundred more walnut trees back, it's a dead end!
"Comrades, this is a sideline business that we have managed to win. Whether we will earn or lose in the future is deeply related to the interests of each of our comrades. You are not allowed to talk about it." Before the meeting was over, the director of the field told them.

All the workers at the venue said in unison: "I won't say anything even if I beat you to death!"

What a joke!
This is an important matter related to the year-end welfare of their factory, how can they tell the people in other factories?
Having said that those units are also planting walnut trees, won't the local walnut production be saturated in the future?Can farms still make money?
(End of this chapter)

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