Chapter 611 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (35)

"What do you mean by saturation?"

"I don't understand either. According to the field chief, it was Xiao Xu who came up with it."

"I see! Xiao Xu told me that saturation is similar to fullness."

"Comrade Xiao Xu is really smart!"

"She's really extraordinary! I've seen it for a long time!"

"You hindsight!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, in their hearts, Xu Yin seemed to be the role of Wu Yong, a wise man.

Since coming to Xu Yin, their jobs have become easier, their lives have become more convenient, and their environment has improved. In the near future, they will even have the extra benefits of a side job!
Life is really exciting!

The people in the second factory are so stupid that they kicked such a good comrade out of the second factory.

Thanks to their ignorance of treasures, it made the farm cheaper.

"Xiao Xu, come here and try the sesame glutinous rice balls made by my mother-in-law. This year's freshly crushed sesame seeds and freshly milled rice are fragrant and sweet, and will definitely suit your little girls' appetite."

"Xiao Xu, bring some vegetables back! I don't think you grow peanuts, try mine."

"Xiao Xu, eat an orange! I planted it in the yard of my natal family. During the famine years, I thought it was dead, but I didn't expect it to sprout again last spring, and it came back to life! It makes our family happy, and the dead wood is in spring." The moral! So my mother decided not to sell the oranges from this tree in the future, but to keep them for myself! Try it? Isn’t it very sweet?”

The colleagues seemed to have made an appointment, and when they saw Xu Yin, they gave her something to eat to express their affection.

It's not something very valuable, it's either grown or made by myself; the quantity is not too much, it's enough for her to taste it alone.

Xu Yin declined politely, and they stared at each other: "What's wrong? Too little?"


Isn't this a "little trick" she has tried and tested throughout several small worlds?Why was everyone so precise and precise?

After all the walnut trees were planted, Xu Yin watered them thoroughly and mixed a drop of spirit dew into the water.

The soil is not mixed with Taoyuanxing brand breath loam. After all, it grows fast and tastes good. Everyone will only be happy, but it will grow into a towering tree overnight, and in the future, it will turn into a paper-skinned walnut that was originally the size of a ping-pong ball, a ball, or even a basketball. It's scary.

However, the follow-up top dressing is made of biogas residue fertilizer, and the water mixed with spirit dew is bound to show the effect of 1+1>2, which will not disappoint everyone.

But here comes the problem, the nutrition is so good, the weeds under the walnut tree are also flourishing.

There is a question that Xu Yin wanted to ask a long time ago: "Master, why don't we raise some chickens in our farm?"

There are so many farms that can be raised, how can we only raise pigs and nothing else?
Cattle and sheep are not as easy to raise as pigs. Isn't it easy to raise chickens?
Alfalfa grass chickens also like to eat, and you can sprinkle some chicken grass seeds. As long as it does not rain, you will let them out, pecking here and there, walking around walnut trees, weeding, catching insects, and loosening the soil. I can share it for you.

But the head of the farm was aroused with pain in his heart: "Xiao Xu, you just came here this year. I don't know how miserable our farm was last year. Most of the [-] chickens were infected with chicken plague. I have been busy all year long. Not to mention the money. It was a waste of time. So this year I didn’t go to catch chickens, and I just focused on raising the pigs.”

Xu Yin thought for a while and asked: "We used to raise chickens in the farm, are they locked in the farm like pigs and not released?"

"That's for sure, what should I do if I let it out and run away? There is no fence."

Having said that, Xu Yin has a good idea: Poor ventilation, dense flocks of chickens, and inadequate disinfecting caused chicken plague.

She has seen every room in the farm, and now the largest one is occupied by pigs, and it can't raise many chickens.

Three hundred, at least ten such large rooms will do.

However, there are less than ten large rooms in the entire breeding area, and a few of them have to be vacated to raise pigs, which shows that the density of chicken flocks is not small.

"Director, let's try stocking this time. The walnut tree is equal to half a wall, and a fence is built between the trees. They are released during the day and closed back to the chicken farm at night. The chickens mostly run around in the sun. Their Immunity will be improved, and it is not easy to get sick. And they are active outside, which is also convenient for us to clean the chicken farm. The chicken coop is the same as the pig pen, disinfection and sterilization must be in place, otherwise no matter what you raise, you will easily get sick..."

After she said this, the farm manager suddenly realized: "So, last year's chicken plague was caused by too many chickens and not cleaning it up? Now that I said it, I remembered that because of the small scale of our farm in the past two years, There are not many chickens and pigs, but both chickens and pigs are in good condition, and they have not had much disease. Last spring, the leader said that we should overcome difficulties and raise more, and solve the problem of meat-eating of factory workers. Only then can we expand The scale of the breeding has increased... Lao Liu couldn't explain what caused the chicken plague, and thought there were sick chickens among them, but it turned out to be caused by raising too many..."

For this reason, the farm director no longer objected to Xu Yin's proposal of "raising chickens".

"However, even if you raise chickens, you will have to start spring next year. It's the end of September. How can you start raising chickens at this time?"

And one of the most important reasons -

"There is no money in the account, and now there is really no money!"


It's really hard to solve the problem without money.

Let's ask the main factory to advance the payment, the payment for the saplings has just been advanced.

If you go to advance payment again, the leader will definitely ask what it is for.

Said it was raising chickens?

Will the leaders believe it?
Two-thirds of a year has passed, and now you want to raise chickens?Are you sure you're not joking?

Xu Yin thought of a way: the workers raised money and went to other chicken farms to buy chickens in the name of the farm. The bought chickens belonged to the workers, but they were kept in the walnut forest and brought home after the Chinese New Year.

The head of the field seems to be not good for the farm after hearing this idea?
"Why is it not good? Chickens peck insects and eat grass in the walnut forest. Digging the soil with their paws is equivalent to loosening the soil for walnut trees, which is convenient for topdressing and watering. Chicken droppings can also fertilize the land. When the land is fertile, chicken grass and pigs will be sprinkled in next spring. The grass seeds of the grass can save a lot of chicken feed by raising a group of chickens."

Eh?That being said, it seems reasonable.

The head of the farm decided to agree to this proposal, and called a meeting with all the workers the next day, and those who were willing to pay for chickens would register with Sister Tian after the meeting.

Everyone was confused at first:
Chickens at this time?What do you think?Oh, it’s for weeding, insect removal, and soil loosening for the walnut forest, and by the way, there will be chicken to eat during the Chinese New Year... Can it still be done like this?
But seeing Xu Yin subscribed for five chickens as soon as she exported, everyone couldn't help thinking: I heard that this idea was proposed by Xiao Xu, and she took the lead in subscribing for five chickens...

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, let's talk about following the trend and subscribing!
Who made Xiao Xu the "wisdom star Wu Yong" in their field!People are so smart, can they make mistakes?

"Sister Tian, ​​I have one."

"I have one too."

"I have two."

"Old Tian, ​​there are three in our family."


(End of this chapter)

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