Chapter 614 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (38)

But I didn't expect that before she came home, Xu's mother would make a show first.

On the day of her second son's wedding, she waited and waited for her younger daughter to arrive, and she was very angry.

After lunch, the guests were sent away. Under Xu Fang's instigation, her brain became hot, and she ran to the main factory without telling Xu's father to ask the leader to report the young daughter's various unfilial behaviors.

The leaders of the main factory held meetings in the factory in the morning, and after lunch, they organized a group to go to the grassroots inspection and report to the blackboard for evaluation.Most of the employees are on vacation, and there are only a few on duty in individual departments.

When I heard that the family members of the employees in the branch factory came to report, everyone was very curious and gathered around to eat melons.

Xu's mother didn't care whether the other party was the leader or not, she just wanted to find an outlet to criticize her unfilial little daughter severely.I hope that the leader will come forward and deduct half of the fourth child's salary and give it to her mother.

At the beginning, the family of the fourth family borrowed 100 yuan, and she was really touched, but after a long time and the money was spent, the enthusiasm faded away.

Thinking that every month in the future, she would not be able to get the salary handed in by the fourth child.

Although the salary was reduced after being transferred to the farm, it was only 22 yuan a month.It was only 11 yuan to hand over half of it, but with such a small amount, I could earn almost 100 yuan back in nine months.

Thinking about it this way, Mother Xu regretted it, she shouldn't have agreed so quickly in the first place!

Now not only half of the salary is not handed in, but also the family will not be able to decide on the wedding gift in the future. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels that she is at a disadvantage, so she wants to take this opportunity to make a fuss and let the leader decide to change back to the original rules.

At worst, if you don't hand in the first nine months, you will get the 100 yuan.

Nine months later, it has to be handed in as before.

You have to follow the arrangement of your family when you get married, and you are not allowed to marry yourself casually.

The family has worked so hard to raise her, how can she let her decide who to marry or not to marry?The key is how much the bride price is, and the family cannot decide.

Xu's mother wiped her tears and confided, but she only chose what was beneficial to her. She said that since her daughter was transferred to the farm, she no longer had this family in her heart. She could not see her salary or her people. My brother doesn't show his face when he gets married today, and he doesn't help with anything at home... blabla...

As for the 100 yuan borrowed by the family of the fourth gang, they didn't mention a word, for fear of losing face.

The staff on the scene didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they gave Xu's mother a trick:
"That's really too much! The family brought her up, and the situation was so bad a few years ago, how hard life is. Now that I have a job, I don't care about my family? How can I be so heartless! Big sister, don't cry, today's leaders They have all gone to the grassroots level, and the farm will also go, why don't you go directly to the farm and settle this matter in front of the leaders?"

"Big sister, have you been there last time? Didn't you find the head of the field? How could you not find the head of the field! It's very easy for the leader to come forward to solve this matter."

"Children nowadays want to fly and run away from home before their wings are hardened. They really have no conscience! You have to use hard methods when necessary!"

Mother Xu became more confident when she heard what they said, and felt that she was right and that the fourth child was wrong.

Another employee asked her if she wanted to take a tractor: "Sister, my son is a tractor driver of Hongxing Farm. He came to the city today to do business and is going back soon. He passed by the farm when returning to Hongxing Farm. Would you like to take his tractor?" Are you going to find your daughter?"

Xu's mother suddenly felt that even God was on her side, otherwise she would have such good luck?Want to go to the farm and happen to have a tractor?
So, she got on the Shunfeng tractor and went straight to the farm.

Xu Yin's room is receiving unanimous praise from the leaders:
"The design of this blackboard newspaper is really unique! Did the little comrade come up with it himself? It's not bad! Lao Qi, I didn't expect you to have such a talent with a publicity mind hidden here! Cultivate it well!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The field chief laughed from ear to ear.

I am even more determined to train Comrade Xiao Xu as his successor.

"The little comrade's name is Xu Yin?" One of the leaders couldn't remember where he had heard this name before, so he thought it sounded familiar.

The secretary next to him reminded in a low voice: "Secretary, at the meeting in the morning, you just praised that the biogas digester in the farm was designed and built by Comrade Xu Yin. The number of technicians sent by the capital is limited, and the queue at the textile factory will be next year. Comrade Xiao Xu said that she knew some principles in this area, and it took half a month to build it. After the report was submitted, the design institute said that she designed it very well, and some details were more thoughtful than the technicians thought. comprehensive."

"Oh——I mean, the name sounds familiar. It turns out that you are also the builder of the biogas digester? Hahaha! Good! Good! Good! Young and promising, really good! Old Lin, Comrade Xu Yin must be well rewarded. This year's Shouldn't she be given an advanced quota? How about this, the farm will give one more quota this year, and the extra quota will go to Xiao Xu, what do you think, Lao Lin?"

Of course Director Lin is willing!

Speaking of which, it was thanks to the farm and Xu Yin that he was able to become a regular manager from the deputy factory manager.

Seeing that the farm has easily won two advanced places, and seeing the trend, most of this year's advanced collectives have also gone to the farm, and the other leaders are all envious.

But if you have an idea, you can only swallow it, and agree with your mouth unanimously: "I agree!"

It's okay to disagree.

The first and second leaders of the main factory all nodded, so what's the use of their opposition?

What's more, they are really outstanding, not to mention the novelty and excellent painting skills to welcome the National Day blackboard propaganda, just because they built the biogas digester without the guidance of technicians on site and were affirmed by the design institute, they are qualified to take the lead quota.

The director of the second factory was also present, and he seemed to have overturned the five-flavored bottle in his heart, which was very complicated.

He was the one who approved Xu Yin's transfer notice back then.

At that time, his feeling was: he finally got rid of this hot potato and troublemaker.

Unexpectedly, when she came to the breeding farm, not only did she not get up after a setback, but she rose up like a big roc with wings spread!

If he showed her skills when the factory was running, why would he transfer her to the farm?It's too late to reuse her!
The more the manager of the second factory thought about it, the more he regretted it, and he was afraid that Xu Yin would jump out at this time and sue in front of the leader, saying that she was run on by all the employees of the second factory, and that he, the leader of the second factory, was transferred to breed like a trash In the field, the leaders of the main factory don't know what they will think...

He shrank his neck, tried his best to hide himself in the crowd, and at the same time secretly prayed that Xu Yin would not jump out and complain.

Those unhappy things in the past, just let it go...

"Leader! Leader, I want to sue! Sue my unfilial daughter!"


Xu's mother's appearance surprised everyone.

"Comrade, speak slowly."

Because Secretary Xiang was not sure about the situation, he said gently to Mother Xu.

Xu's mother thought that the leaders were on her side, and she became even more excited.

Like Mrs. Xianglin, she kept the fourth child's unfilial and unfraternal attitudes under wraps, embellishing them.

(End of this chapter)

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