Chapter 615 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (39)

Except for Xu Yin and the director of the second factory, no one knew Xu's mother. They didn't know that the "unfilial daughter who didn't respect her parents and respected her elder brother" in her mouth was the protagonist they just praised. They couldn't help being angry. Filled with righteous indignation:
"There are such employees in our factory? Sister, tell me slowly, which department and which position is it?"

"Yes! The secretary and other leaders of our main factory are here today. Sister, you can relax and say boldly, the leaders will definitely make decisions for you."

Xu Yin laughed at herself, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, she slowly walked up to Xu's mother and said word by word:
"Mother, at the beginning the second brother had no money to marry a wife, and you wanted to marry me and use my dowry to marry the second brother. I didn't want to, so I said that I would find a way to raise money, and then I asked my colleagues to borrow it and asked for an advance payment Salary, tried every means to help the family borrow 100 yuan, and solved this difficulty. Mother, why don't you mention it?"

Everyone's eyes widened in unison, their jaws almost dropped in shock: What?Comrade Xiao Xu is the unfilial daughter in this woman's mouth?

When Mother Xu saw that the fourth child opened her mouth and exposed the fact that the family had lent money to the second child to get married, she felt ashamed and panicked for a moment: "Fourth child, you..."

"The debt of 100 yuan is being repaid by me. So I told my family that no matter what kind of partner I find or how much gift the other party gives in the future, the family can no longer ask about it. You and your father agreed to this matter at the beginning. Now why do you say that I am not filial to my parents and my elder brother? I am not filial and I will try my best to help the family borrow money to pay off the debt? I am disrespectful to my elder brother, but I will talk to him? Whether he can come up with a set of 36-legged furniture, marry or not daughter in law?"

Xu's mother was aroused by the fourth child's faint tone, and she became angry from embarrassment: "You still say! Yes, yes! You took 100 yuan from home to solve our family's urgent need, but for that 100 yuan, your Wages are not handed in, you say you have to make up your own mind about the marriage, and you can’t manage it at home. Even your brother is getting married on National Day and doesn’t come home to help. Your sister and sister have been busy at home for half a month, but you just let it go and hide ..."

"Lazy? What kind of words are these!"

At first, Field Chief Qi felt that this was a housework matter, so it was inconvenient to intervene, but after listening to Xu's mother, he couldn't take it anymore, so he corrected with a straight face:
"Xiao Xu is recognized as the most diligent and capable comrade in our field. Wherever there is a need, there is her. I will still believe you when you say that others are lazy, but no one in our field will believe that Xiao Xu is lazy. In the past half a month , Let me tell you what she has done: planted [-] walnut trees, raised [-] chickens, rescued [-] pigs, built fences, built chicken sheds, planned vineyards... Finally, It was the task I gave her two days ago - these two blackboards. She seemed to want to say something to me at the time, and I hurried away without finishing listening to something urgent. Maybe she just wanted to ask me for leave. This child is really sincere. If there is something at home, just tell your colleagues and go back. Put aside the blackboard report. Our field has never won an award in the past. With her here this year, it is rare to win an award, but it is a sacrifice. At the expense of her rest time, my heart really feels bad..."


Mother Xu was dumbfounded.

Fourth brother is diligent?Did you make a mistake?The fourth child is the least diligent one in the family.

She is the mother of the fourth child, and the fourth child came out of her stomach. Wouldn't she know the virtues of the fourth child?
If the word "diligence" refers to the mouth of the fourth child, it is possible that she is so picky and picky, she is very good at things, but she is diligent... Xu's mother would not believe it.

"Then what, leader, did you make a mistake..."

"Wrong? Am I blind? Am I blind? Or are all the employees in our field blind?"

The head of the whole field looked unhappy:

"Hey, let me tell you, how did you become a mother? Don't you know how hardworking and capable my daughter is? It's better not to see her, and deliberately destroy her reputation? How funny! Oh, speaking of the 100 yuan thing, I know a little Comrade Xiao Xu has just been here for half a month. She said that she needed money urgently for something at home, and asked her colleagues if she didn’t have enough money, so she came to me to approve a note to advance a salary. In the past few months, her salary was only fifteen She used seven yuan to repay the advance payment. She borrowed money and repaid the debts for the family. You are a good mother, but you want to deduct her salary for the family to spend. Do you want to be so ruthless? Catch her as a girl to pluck the wool! What? Don't look for other sons and daughters! Seeing her honesty and duty, she is easy to bully, right?"


Xu's mother opened her mouth, but was completely speechless by the head of the field.

After listening to Director Qi's explanation, the leaders present all looked at Xu's mother with contempt.

Patriarchal patriarchy is normal in this age, and those who have sons and daughters among them will tend to favor their sons a little.But it's the first time I've seen the man who favors sons over daughters, uses the daughter's bride price to supplement his son, and beats him up when it's over.

Even the director of the second factory is confused at the moment: Xu Yin is so willing to work hard?In order to raise money for her brother's marriage, she did not hesitate to ask her colleagues to borrow money in her own name, and her employer to advance her salary. After that, she was active in her work, hardworking, and popular... Why is she not at all like Xu Yin before?

Could it be that her bad reputation in the second factory in the past was all just like today, deliberately held by her mother, her brothers and sisters, and the colleagues who run on her in the factory?
The more the director of the second factory thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible. Xiao Liu, Xiao Zhu, and Xiao Hu in the factory run together when eating and going to the toilet. It is entirely possible for the three of them to jointly run on Xiao Xu...

Thinking about it this way, the director of the second factory felt extremely guilty. He forced such a good comrade to drive away, what a crime!
After that, the director of the second factory secretly observed the lesbians who started the factory.

No matter what they do, he has to analyze their intentions, so as to avoid the "tragedy" that outstanding comrades are "runned together" by them and forced to leave the second factory.

As a result, Liu Xinxin and Zhu Shufen were crossed in their hearts by the factory manager for the slightest mistake in their work, and they have not been rated as advanced for several years.

That's another story.

At this moment, out of guilt, the director of the second factory forgot that he wanted to hide himself earlier, so he stood up and said a few fair words for Xu Yin:

"I don't think Xiao Xu did anything wrong. First of all, her family wanted to marry her for her second brother's marriage, and took her dowry to give her second brother a wife. She took the initiative to bear a debt of 100 yuan and settled it for the family. If this is an urgent matter, then the family really shouldn't ask her about her future marriage. After taking the money and thinking about her marriage, isn't that the same as marrying her once, and wanting to marry her a second time and get two dowry gifts? That's brazen!

Secondly, she didn't go back when her second brother got married, not because she didn't want to go back, but because she couldn't spare the time assigned by the leader.This task has just won an honor for the farm.In my opinion, Xiao Xu not only did nothing wrong, but also did it very correctly.If everyone in our unit is like her, giving up the family to take care of everyone, and keeping the collective honor and the interests of the unit in mind and in front of our eyes in everything, I believe our factory will develop better than it is now! "

"Well said!" Secretary Xiang and Director Lin applauded the director of the second factory.

Mother Xu: "..."

No, Liu Chang, why did you speak up for this dead girl?Did you forget that she did so many outrageous things and messed up the second factory?
Xu's mother favors sons over daughters, so that her son can step on her daughter in the dust as a stepping stone, but at the same time she has a soft temper and will only wipe tears when she encounters anything.

Seeing that the leaders were all facing the fourth child, and the eyes and nose started to turn sore and red again, she said to Xu Yin full of grievances: "No matter what, your second brother's marriage is a big event in the family, no matter how busy you are, you should find time to come back."

Xu Yin said lightly: "I originally planned to go back tomorrow."

Xu's mother choked, and cursed in her heart: It's useless to go back tomorrow!The marriage is all over, and the stalls that should be collected have also been cleaned up.

But in front of so many leaders, how dare she criticize her.

The head of the whole field smoothed things over: "Xiao Xu, it's still early, why don't you go home with your mother, and I'll ask Master Li to run and take you to the dispatching station. I'll give you a vacation tomorrow. You've worked hard, go back and have a good rest."

"Yes! Go home and rest at ease, the advanced places will be reserved for you." Secretary Xiang followed with a humorous sentence.

Regardless of what's going on in their hearts, the other leaders cheered with laughter on their faces: "That's right, our secretary has already spoken, saying that I will keep it for you, and I will never run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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