Chapter 616 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (40)

Xu's mother was also unhappy.

She was puzzled in every possible way: how did the fourth child with his mouth, which often caused trouble, gain so much love after he came to the farm?
According to the leaders, it seems that the fourth child should be awarded an advanced award?Isn't that what the second child has always wanted to fight for?It seems that it has been rated as advanced, and it will be given priority to choose welfare housing or something in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu's mother, who followed Xu Yin back to the dormitory to get things, couldn't help asking: "Fourth, what's the matter with this advanced? Can you let me?"


Xu Yin gave her a strange look: "This is an advanced individual, and only those who perform well are eligible for the selection. Who do you want me to give it to? Second brother? He is lazy like he is late for work and leaves early, even if I am willing Let, do you think the leader will agree? Even if the leader agrees, what do you think the employees of the whole factory will think of the second brother? Lazy people can be elected advanced, is there any gold in this advanced? According to me, wait a little longer, someday the factory The laziest employee selected here, I will definitely recommend him!"

Mother Xu: "..."

Confirmed: the mouth has not changed!Still so sharp-tongued, but only with the family.

Suddenly, it felt like a ball of cotton wool was stuck in my heart, I couldn't swallow it, and I couldn't vent it.

After Xu Yin finished speaking, she ignored Xu's mother. She had already seen Comrade Xiao Jin, who was diligent in her family—with her trouser legs rolled up and sleeves raised, she was stepping on a wooden bench and cleaning the glass of the skylight of her dormitory.

"Didn't you wipe it last week? Why did you wipe it again?"

Sheng Yujin heard the object's smiling voice, and turned her head: "It's been judged so quickly? The leaders are all gone? I thought it would take a lot of time, so I'll find something to do when I'm free. Ah! "

He recognized Mother Xu and almost fell off the stool.

"Uncle, aunt is here? I'll get you a glass of water."

"No need, let's go now." Xu Yin stepped forward to put away the bucket and rags, and urged him to wash his face, "Master Li will take us to the dispatching station, and he will wait for us at the door. In the truck compartment, let’s take Master Li’s car together.”

Sheng Yujin reacted: "Are you going home today?"

Feeling a little lost suddenly, I made an appointment to go to the city with him, and then go to his grandma's house for dinner and accommodation.

Xu Yin looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "Why don't you go together?"

Sheng Yujin's gloomy eyes suddenly shone with brilliance: "Is it okay?"

Xu Yin: "..."

This guy is really anxious to see his parents!
Smiling and sighing: "You can do it if you want."

"Yes! Yes! Of course I would!"

Sheng Yujin, the hairy son-in-law, followed Xu Yin to meet his parents.

Along the way, Mother Xu couldn't tell what it was like.

Today was a trip in vain, and the leaders didn't let her make the decision, but valued the fourth child very much.

This made Mother Xu's depressed mood a little bit more comfortable.

Although she valued her two sons more, her daughter came out of her womb no matter what. She was praised by the leaders, and her face as a mother was also bright.

It's a pity that advanced individuals can't let it go?It would be great if it could be given to the second child.

Also, it would be great if she could decide on the marriage of the fourth child. At this time, she can tentatively ask how much the man's family will give as a bride price. Next, it is time to save some money for the fifth child...

Xu Yin whispered to her boyfriend along the way: "Except for my father, don't answer anything to you. If you answer, your wallet will bleed."

Sheng Yujin held her hand and scratched her palm with her fingertips to comfort her: "Don't worry, I'm not a fool."

"It's better not to draw this conclusion too early."



When we arrived at Xu's house, it was already dark.

Xu Aiguo looked at the cold pot and stove at home, and asked Xu Fang with a dark face: "What are you talking about, third? Your mother went to the head of the main factory to report the problem of the fourth? What's the problem with the fourth? What the hell is she going to respond to?" Why is this person so stupid! I have told her hundreds of times, the fourth child has done enough for the family, what else does she want?"

Xu Fang curled her lips: "What is enough? Dad, why do you always help the fourth child? Apart from giving out 100 yuan, what else does she help the family?"

"100 yuan is a big help to the family!"

"100 yuan, 100 yuan!" Xu Fang stood up vigorously, "Isn't it just 100 yuan? It's worth saying it over and over again? She took out 100 yuan, and she didn't pay her salary, and she didn't let her get married. The family is begging for a bride price, so how can she lose money! I think she has made a lot of money!"

"If you think you can make money like this, then you can get 100 yuan back." Xu's father was also annoyed, "I promise not to care about your marriage. If you move out, you won't be required to pay your salary at home."


Xu Fang suddenly lost her voice.

If she had a place to live, she would have moved out long ago.

However, the workers in the second factory are very short of housing, and priority is allocated to couples as wedding housing. Single workers only have a Datong shop for 40 people, and the bunks are already full.

According to her, the best thing is to get married early, so that you don't have to pay your salary.

But she can't come up with 100 yuan, the marriage is not up to her to decide, and the person she likes is only an apprentice, and her parents will definitely not agree.

"Father, I'm so hungry." Xu Rong came out of the room, rubbed his stomach and shouted that he was hungry.

At this time, the door creaked open.

Mother Xu came back in a hurry.

The three people in the room and the three people at the door looked at each other.

"Fourth brother? You finally want to go home?" Xu Fang was the first to attack, and she exploded when she saw Xu Yin, "You don't know how to go home when the second brother gets married? Are you still the daughter of the Xu family?"

Thinking of the past half a month, she was ordered by her mother and elder sister to make a fire, cook, wash dishes, or go to Xu Yao's wedding room to help make paste and post newspapers... She was so busy that she didn't even have any free time, so she just endured it. I couldn't help being furious.

Xu's mother wanted to save face, and when she saw this, she gave Xu Fang a look and asked her to say a few words.

It's the first time the son-in-law comes to the door, so don't let people spread bad words, Xiaowu hasn't married a wife yet.

"Okay! I didn't know until I went to the farm. The fourth child has been very busy with work recently, and she is still receiving the leader today. The leader even said that she will be rated as an advanced individual! Our family will also have an advanced individual in the future."

"Advanced? Just her?" Xu Fang pointed to Xu Yin, sneering again and again, "Mom, you are probably being deceived by her. If she can be rated as advanced, I can be rated as a model worker."

"Then let's make a bet." Xu Yin smiled and pulled the partner to the table, pulled a chair for him to sit down, turned to Xu Fang and said, "If I bring home the advanced award, you Wash clothes for the whole family for a month."

"Hey! What if you can't bring it back? You come to wash clothes for the family for a month?"

"Okay." Xu Yin nodded, "If I don't rank as an advanced individual, I'll come back to wash your clothes and clean up for you as soon as you rest."

That's more or less.

Xu Fang accepted the bet.

Xu Aiguo focused on Sheng Yujin: "Fourth brother, this is..."

"Father, he is my partner. We have been dating for three months."


(End of this chapter)

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