Chapter 617 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (41)

"Steal someone else's blind date, right? You really have the face to say it." Xu Fang snorted.

"Third!" Xu Aiguo snorted, "Don't talk if you can't speak, go to the kitchen to cook for your mother! What time is it! Do you still have dinner?"

Xu Fang curled her lips, she didn't dare to talk back to her father, and went to the kitchen to complain to her mother.

Xu Rong took two bags of food, one bag of fruit, and one bag of pastries brought by Sheng Yujin, and happily carried them into the kitchen: "Mother! Mother, look, the fourth brother-in-law even bought things for our family! He is better than the eldest brother-in-law." !"


Hearing his youngest son's bluffing, Xu Aiguo touched the pockets of his jacket in embarrassment, but unfortunately they were all empty.

Seeing this, Sheng Yujin took out a pack of cigarettes from his butt pocket, handed one to his future father-in-law, and graciously took out a matchbox to light a fire for Father Xu.

Xu Aiguo took two deep puffs of cigarettes, and glanced at the young couple through the lingering mist: "Since you have identified each other, I have nothing to say. In the days to come, good or bad, we must go on together Just don't regret it halfway. As for the family..."

Xu Aiguo paused, got up and went back to the room, took out a small brown wooden box the size of a palm, and handed it to Xu Yin:

"This is something left by your grandma. Your second brother was short of money when he got married. I originally planned to sell it. There is not much, and it can barely make do if you sell it for twenty or thirty. Later, you borrowed 100 yuan for the family. This thing is left untouched, anyway, it was left by your grandma, now... I will give it to you, your mother probably won't do it for you, so this should be your dowry. That's it One thing, you put it away and don't say anything."

At this moment, Sheng Yujin finally understood why the object only had warmth in her eyes when she mentioned her father. In her eyes, other people were like grasshoppers in autumn.

Because in this family, it seems that only the future husband-in-law really treats her well.

Impulsively, he held Xu Yin's hand and solemnly assured Xu Aiguo:

"Father, don't worry, Yinyin will be my responsibility in the future, as long as I have a bite to eat, I will never starve her."

Xu Aiguo was stunned: "..."

Dad what dad!Not married yet!Just take advantage of my daughter.

Xu Yin turned her face away, and couldn't bear to look directly at her target's stupidity.

That night, Sheng Yujin and Xu Rong slept in the same room, and Xu Yin still slept on her top bunk.

She took out the small wooden box that Father Xu gave her, opened it and took a look. It was a jade gourd the size of a little finger. Gadgets are far less valuable than real money.

She received the system warehouse together with the wooden box.

Fortunately, it was collected in time, Xu Fang stood on tiptoe and scratched at the head of her bed to look: "What are you doing rustling? Did dad give you money?"

"No." Xu Yin closed her eyes, ready to sleep.

"Not the best! Since your marriage is up to you, you shouldn't ask your family to pay for the dowry."

"I know, you don't need to repeat it."

"..." Xu Fang sat back on her bed angrily, muttering a few words.

My heart is really sour.

During dinner, she could tell that the condition of the fourth child's partner's house was very good, the clothes on his body, the shoes on his feet, and even a watch on his wrist...

Much better than her ideal's family.

The key person is still the driver of the main factory, but the person she likes is just an apprentice who has not yet become a regular worker.

It would be great if the family conditions of the two were changed.

She really, really likes Yue Mingsheng, he is thin and gentle, and there is a dimple on the corner of his mouth when he smiles. If only his family conditions were better, then her mother would definitely agree to it without waiting for him to become a regular... …

"Yue Mingsheng..."

Xu Fang unconsciously called out the name of her sweetheart.

If Xu Yin was awake, she would be startled, Yue Mingsheng?Isn't that the original hero?

She fell asleep quickly, however, and had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, she cooked a meal of hand-rolled noodles with tomatoes and eggs as toppings. Under Xu's mother's eyes accusing her of being wasteful, she calmly accompanied her father after breakfast, and quietly stuffed five yuan into her father's jacket pocket. Money and a few tickets for tobacco, alcohol and sugar, and left with Sheng Yujin.

Today is her turn to meet her parents.

It's impossible to say you're not nervous at all.

"Would your grandparents like me?"

"That's needless to say! A smart, beautiful and capable granddaughter-in-law like mine is hard to find with a lantern. They don't even have time to like them. Maybe we will get married tomorrow."


Xu Yin was amused by her boyfriend's sweet words.

Unexpectedly, the second elder of the Sheng family really had this idea.

Especially when they saw that Xu Yin swiftly equipped the water well at home with a pedal-pressed well with clear water coming out of the well with a few steps, and prepared a table of sumptuous dishes with simple ingredients, the idea It's even stronger.

It's hard to find such a capable girl even with a lantern, so when I'm not sure what to do now?

Grandma Sheng held Xu Yin's hand, looked at her with a smile and asked: "Xiao Xu, Xiao Jin, this child lived with us even when his parents were not around. Maybe we spoiled him too much, and his temper became so stubborn. Very, you have to be more tolerant, if he does something that makes you unhappy in the future, you can't quarrel with him, then come to me and his father, we will make decisions for you, and we will never let you suffer half a grievance!"

Xu Yin responded with a smile, "Okay."

Sheng Yujin looked at her warm eyes with a smile.

Grandma Sheng narrowed her brows and eyes happily: "Okay, okay, have you two discussed it? When will I go to your house to hire? How much is the bride price? You don't need to worry about Xiaojin's parents. They have special jobs and they won't be able to make it in a while. Don't worry, his grandfather and I have already prepared the bride price."


Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Grandma, isn't it too early to get married?"

She's not yet old enough to get a license.

"Grandma is sorry."

Coming out of Sheng's house, Sheng Yujin stroked her somewhat messy hair, and asked gently: "I really don't think about getting married early? I think there are many newcomers in the factory who have not received their certificates."

Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "It's not just about obtaining the certificate. We don't work together. The breeding farm is half a city away from the transportation department of the main factory. How to live after marriage is a problem. You can't get married and live apart, right?"

"Certainly not."

Regarding this issue, Sheng Yujin had already thought about it:
"My job is very flexible. When the time comes, I will apply for a set of welfare housing in the farm and put my home in the farm. If you agree, I will apply for it now. There are many people in the main factory, and it is not easy to apply for a house. There are only so few people, are you afraid that you won’t be able to apply for a house? Wait! I’ll go to apply for work tomorrow!”


"I almost forgot, a gift for you."

Sheng Yujin solemnly put the lady's watch she had prepared on Xu Yin's wrist.

Xu Yin met his serious gaze, and felt warm in her heart: "Thank you, I like it very much."

He lowered his head, pressed against her forehead, and said in a rough tone: "Put on my watch, and you will be mine!"


It was you who was talking about it in less than three seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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