Chapter 624 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (48)

On the day when the man went to the woman's house to hire her, Xu Yin put on her hand the lady's watch that Sheng Yujin gave her during the National Day last year. The one in his hand was just a pair of couple's watches, and she also wore the watch she made out of her own cloth. new clothes.

Xu Fang was jealous, and ran to complain to Xu's mother: "Mother, look at the fourth child, the watch and new clothes must have been given by the man. Why don't you convert them into cash and give them to our family."

Xu's mother didn't think so, but the factory leaders didn't help her, so there was nothing they could do.

Fortunately, the man also brought a pair of big pork knuckles and two carps, so there are not so many for a banquet.

The second child got married last year, and as the man's family, she saved up some meat tickets and cut three catties of meat, which was enough.

The two pork knuckles together weighed ten catties.Instead of giving it to the guests, it is better to sell one for money, and cut the other half off and rub it with salt to pickle it.

Only one carp was used, and the other was kept in the water tank for eating slowly.

After Xu Yin found out, she didn't puncture it on the spot, and let Xu's mother keep a share of the pork knuckle and carp.

After finishing the wedding and seeing off the guests, she brought up the useless pork knuckles and carp from the banquet, and took Sheng Yujin's arm, and the husband and wife were ready to go back to the farm.

Mother Xu chased after her anxiously: "Fourth brother, these... why are you taking them away? Didn't your in-laws ask us to hold a banquet for you?"

"Mother, don't worry, I didn't mention going to Sheng's house, we just went back to the farm." Xu Yin pretended not to know about Xu's mother's careful thoughts, and said with a smile, "Mother thought well and left a copy for me. The colleagues in the farm can't ask for leave, so they can't come to the house for a wedding, so I plan to go back to the farm and have another two tables. The dishes saved by Youniang for me are enough to treat them to a meal."


Mother Xu was petrified.

The fish and meat left behind by sneaking, is it so cheap for the fourth child?

Xu Yincai didn't care about her ugly face. After the magic defeated the magic, she happily jumped on the man's bicycle, with a pig's knuckle and a carp hanging on the front of the bike, and happily went back to her small home in the farm.

Sheng Yujin rode out for a long time before she couldn't help laughing: "Is this not good for the mother-in-law?"

Xu Yin put her arms around his waist and pinched his lean waist: "What's wrong? Your heart hurts? Then you send her back?"

"How can it be! If my daughter-in-law is happy, I am happy. If the mother-in-law is not happy, then there is no old man."

Xu Yin punched him and laughed.

She has long seen that quarrels and cold wars are of no use when dealing with Xu's mother and those brothers and sisters who are more than a sieve. Instead, it gives them a reason to complain to the leader and sue.Whoever has the thickest skin wins.It's supposed to be like this today, magic beats magic, oh yeah!
After marriage, Xu Yin moved from the single dormitory to the small bungalow with a yard in the southeast corner of the office building, and Sheng Yujin also moved here from the single dormitory of the textile factory.

When a man moves, he has very little outfit.

Seeing him take care of all the luggage with a single bedroll, just like when she first came to the farm, she felt a little distressed for no reason.

He unfolded the quilt he had brought, took it to the yard to bask in the sun, and put it away until it was dry and fluffy.

In the future, the quilt of this single bed will not be used temporarily, unless there is a child, a small bed for the child.


A small cloth bag fell out of the pillow.

Xu Yin picked it up curiously, and jokingly asked Sheng Yujin who had put away her belongings in the house: "Have you saved money for your private house?"

"Private money? Impossible! I'll leave it all to you!"

When Sheng Yujin said this, he suddenly thought of something, and rushed out of the back room with a stride, but unfortunately he was still a step too late.

Xu Yin opened the small cloth bag, and saw the familiar embroidered handkerchief and a pair of gold earrings wrapped in the handkerchief.


She raised her head thoughtfully, meeting his annoyed eyes.

"Well, daughter-in-law, gold was hard to sell at that time. Such a beautiful pair of earrings was left to you by grandma. It's a pity to sell them cheap."

"What about the handkerchief? Didn't you say it was gone?"

"... Cough, it fell, it fell into my nest."


Xu Yin was amused by his thick skin.

Sheng Yujin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't angry.

He walked over, lowered his head and pecked at the corner of her mouth: "Just this time, I won't hide anything from you in the future."

After half a year of tidying up and furnishing, the small bungalow, which looks dilapidated and not as grand as a building, is very comfortable to live in.

A grape trellis was set up in one corner of the yard, a vegetable field was opened in the other corner, and clumps of insect-repelling flowers and plants were planted in the corners.Green onions, shallots and cacti are also potted on the fence.

The long and deep room is divided into three rooms. The entrance is a long and narrow corridor. The corridor wall was designed by her as a photo wall and work column.

There are wedding photos of her and Sheng Yujin on the photo wall, and a group photo of receiving the Model Worker Award on stage;
A small blackboard is hung on the work column, recording the special time for overtime work and days off.

The first room on the left is the bedroom, which is not so dark and humid facing south; the living room and dining room are in the middle, and the kitchen is near the back door.

The kitchen goes out to the backyard connected with the neighbors.

After the biogas digesters were fully ventilated and powered on, toilets were rebuilt in the staff dormitories, but due to limited materials, only a few families could share one.

Compared with the previous open-air toilets, this is also very good, at least clean.

When Xu Yin planted flowers and plants in her small courtyard, she also planted low-key insect repellent spices such as wormwood, calamus, and lemongrass around the public toilet, which can repel insects and deodorize well.

Sheng Yujin fell in love with this small family, and would rather ride a bicycle for an hour or two every day than insist on living at home.

Xu Yin was worried that his body would not be able to bear it.

Summer is fine, but after late autumn, it’s still dark when you go out in the morning.Especially after winter, the cold wind is biting. If things go on like this, his knees will not suffer from rheumatism. Let's see how he can stand it in his old age.

So I communicated with the leader of the main factory, can he be allowed to drive the truck back to the farm when he is off work, and they will bear the fuel costs for this round-trip.

Factory Manager Lin has always admired Xu Yin, seeing that she rarely makes a request and is willing to bear the cost of gas, there is nothing to disagree with.

Therefore, Sheng Yujin drove the truck back to the farm every day, and Xu Yin would help him overhaul the car when he had time to ensure his safety.

So much so that he only goes back to the Department of Transportation once a week, but the car is better maintained than the others who drive back every day.

The director of the transportation department found it strange, and once caught him and asked, "Xiao Sheng, your car is well maintained! Not to mention the exterior is wiped clean, and the interior has no problems after inspection. How do you usually maintain it?"

When Sheng Yujin thought of her daughter-in-law, her eyes became very gentle: "As long as my daughter-in-law is free, she will help me check the condition of the car."


You put your credit on your daughter-in-law, right?
Lesbians don't even know how to drive a car, and how can they overhaul it?What are you showing off!
Sheng Yujin: No one believes the truth?
His wife is indeed so capable!
(End of this chapter)

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