Chapter 625 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (49)

Comrade Xu Yin, who is hardworking and capable, was borrowed by Red Star Farm to exchange experience in retting after spring.

The farm does not have so much livestock manure to build a biogas digester, and still artificially manures to top-dress crops.

Sister Tian’s younger brother and sister-in-law both work at Hongxing Farm. Once, Sister Tian, ​​who came back to her natal home, said that Comrade Xu Yin knew a wonderful method of retting. The retting method is not only ecological and odorless, but also extremely fertile. The farm manager borrowed Xu Yin through the manager Qi.

Xu Yin stayed at Red Star Farm for three days, and not only taught them how to retting ecological fertilizer, but also taught them a few interplanting tips, which are her farming experience summed up in several small worlds.Some of them are still learned from the skill manual exchanged in the system mall.

For example, when garlic is interplanted with corn, the allicin secreted by garlic can dispel corn aphids and reduce the incidence of corn sclerotinia;

For example, when corn and cucumber are interplanted, cucumbers do not need to be erected, and they grow around corn stalks, which saves labor and time, and can also reduce or inhibit cucumber mosaic disease.

Another example is interplanting pumpkin with spring corn and interplanting winter melon with late corn. The corn grows upwards and the pumpkin and winter melon climb seedlings horizontally. They do not affect each other, but the nectar of pumpkin and winter melon can lure the natural enemy of corn borers to parasitize, which can effectively reduce corn pests...

The farm workers were stunned when they heard this.

They know about interplanting—the tall ones and the short ones are planted together, so that the light is more sufficient, but they didn’t expect so much attention?
According to Comrade Xu Yin's intercropping, not only will there be sufficient sunlight and reduce crop diseases, but it will also increase production?

So what are you waiting for!Hurry up and plant it!

The farm manager immediately listened to Xu Yin's suggestion and interplanted garlic, wax gourd and cucumber for the corn.

When it comes to summer harvest, regardless of the reason for topdressing or interplanting, in short, the farm has a bumper harvest of corn, and the yield per mu has increased a lot. Vegetables such as garlic, wax gourd, and cucumber are also growing very well.

When the farm manager was happy, he personally sent Xu Yin a basket of corn and a basket of vegetables as a thank you gift, and jokingly said:

"Xiao Xu, I think it's a bit overkill for you to stay in the farm. Why don't you come and work in our farm? Tell me about the treatment? If I can make the decision, I will definitely satisfy you."

When Director Qi heard that Director Zhou of the farm was here, he thought he was here to borrow Xu Yin again.

Xu Yin has no time recently. The first batch of walnuts are ripe and the ewes are giving milk. She needs her guidance everywhere, but she can't get away.

So, he rushed over to refuse, but he didn't expect his face to turn dark when he heard these words, and he kicked him out angrily:
"Old Zhou, why do you think you are so treacherous! Digging our corner behind my back? What do you mean by staying in our field? Oh, go to your Red Star Farm and you will be able to shine? Go, go! Who will borrow someone from now on?" , I will not borrow any more! God knows if we will poach the backbone of our field by borrowing. Do you think it is easy to cultivate a backbone? Why are you so cunning..."


Xu Yin slipped away quietly when the two directors were bickering.

If she was asked to choose a farm or a breeding farm when she first wore it, she would definitely consider choosing a farm without land.

But after two years of working and living in the farm, she has developed feelings for this place, not to mention that this year the walnut tree bears fruit, and she is still waiting to eat the paper-skinned walnuts she planted herself!

Last year, the walnut trees only bloomed but did not bear fruit, and all the staff in the farm were sweating for Xu Yin - if they did not bear fruit this year, she would have to bear the cost of these [-] walnut trees.

Fortunately, it is expected to bear fruit this year.

When the walnut blossoms withered and produced small fruits, all the employees were happier than Xu Yin herself.

As the walnuts grew up day by day, their hearts swelled day by day:

"This walnut is too good!"

"It's so big and big! Do you think it's tied to last year's share?"

"It's not just walnuts that bear fruit. Have you noticed? The bamboo shoots and wild vegetables in the back mountain are also growing very well. One crop after another, it seems that they can never be cut."

"I think God has opened his eyes! There was a drought a few years ago, and no grass grew. In the past two years, we have returned our capital with interest!"

Hearing the joyful discussions of the employees, Xu Yin put away the spirit dew that she didn't dare to use anymore, and hid her achievements and fame deeply.

Although it was the first year to bear fruit, the walnut production was quite large. The head of the whole field asked Xu Yin to discuss how to sell them.

As mentioned before, is it to find a non-staple food factory to cooperate in the production of walnut powder, walnut cake and other snacks for sale, or to sell them directly after drying?

"I think these walnuts look pretty good. Not only are they big, but the walnuts are also plump, white and tender. The profits of all factories this year are better than last year. I heard that the business of melon seeds and peanuts at the supply and marketing cooperative is very good. , maybe our paper-skinned walnuts will also be very popular. Or should they be placed in the supply and marketing agency and sold directly?"

The head of the field is full of confidence.

Xu Yin was thinking about another possibility: "Director, do you think it is feasible for our factory to produce by itself?"


The head of the field sprayed tea and choked several times before recovering his voice:

"Xiao Xu, what are you talking about? Produce it yourself? How do you produce it? We are a breeding farm!"

He almost shook Xu Yin to wake her up.

Xu Yin felt that the textile factory could open a farm, but why couldn't a food processing workshop be set up under the farm?

"With our own processing workshop, can't we process walnuts, goat's milk, and even inexhaustible fruits and vegetables anytime and anywhere? You don't need to look at the faces and plans of the non-staple food factory. Mid-Autumn Festival can also be done by yourself. Making moon cakes to give benefits to employees saves a lot of money compared to purchasing from outside..."

In fact, she was thinking of the movement that could not be escaped a year later.

If you have to cooperate with a non-staple food factory every time, if something happens to the non-staple food factory at that stage, wouldn't the farm be affected?
Rather than relying on others, it is better to do it yourself.Close the door to engage in your own production, not affected by the ups and downs of the outside world, how long can it be stable for as long as possible.

Field Chief Qi didn't know Xu Yin's true thoughts, but he was miraculously moved by her words as he listened.

But this matter is not a trivial matter, even if it is just a small workshop, there must be funding, what do you do if you don't have money?Besides, he is not qualified to approve the application.

So he went to the main factory to find the leader again.

When he arrived at the main factory, he was still thinking about how to bring this matter up to the leader. This was a big step, and he was afraid of being criticized, but he saw the director Lin put a red-headed document in front of him with emotion.

"Old Qi, you came just in time, I was looking for you."

Field Chief Qi picked up the file and looked at it puzzledly, so he couldn't get his eyes out of his eyes.

what! ! !
Will the farm become an independent textile factory?
The farm is no longer a subsidiary department of the textile factory, but a subsidiary of the Pingcheng Agricultural Bureau, and will it become a major promotional unit in Pingcheng?


The head of the field stared straight.

"Old Qi." Factory Manager Lin stood up with a smile and shook hands with him, "We will be on the same level in the future, and Xiao Xu will be the deputy director in the future. After you retire, she will take over."


(End of this chapter)

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