Chapter 631 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (3)


A huge wave as high as three meters hit, and the yacht almost capsized, but fortunately it held on.

But those who didn't have seat belts were miserable. They fell over and over in an instant, and the timid female compatriots were frightened and cried.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Yin grabbed the path huddled beside her.

The other party was still in shock, but he did not forget to thank: "Thank you, thank you sister Yinyin, I was almost thrown out."

"Hold my arm." Xu Yin stretched out her right arm to her, and asked her to hug her arm tightly. In case she was about to fall out, she would have time to hold him.

"No need." Xiaolu was flattered.

That's Xu Yin, the high-ranking vase girl, how dare she hug each other's arms!It's almost the same for a leg.

"You don't want to hug your arms? Why don't we switch seats?"


In the end, Xiaolu hugged Xu Yin's arm tightly both moved and anxious, feeling more at ease than hugging the thigh of Cheng Dao, the parent of food and clothing.

"Can we go back alive? I'm so scared!"

"I'm scared too! How could there be such a big wave!"

Everyone chatted rustlingly.

The deputy captain in the cockpit went up to the second floor with a solemn face, and said to them by the way when he came down:
"If you have a life jacket, put it on and fasten the straps. If you don't have a life jacket, hold a life buoy or something. If the boat capsizes or enters the water, remember to protect yourself!"


When he said that, everyone panicked even more.

The whole floor was in a panic.

"Everyone be quiet! Be quiet!" The waiter in the dining area, wearing a standing seat belt, turned his head and reminded them solemnly.

Xu Yin clutched the armrest of the seat tightly, exhaled slowly, and recited "prosperous luck and disaster" several times in her heart, she will be fine for sure!

After wearing so many small worlds, I have never encountered a time when random skills are not easy to use.

At this time, the wind was even stronger, and such a large yacht was almost pushed away by the wind and waves, like a flat boat, weak and helpless.It is as difficult as climbing the sky to ride the wind and waves.

Everyone was shocked and panicked.

Even Cheng Dao held his head in pain and shook his head, suspecting that this calamity would not pass.

Many people have long been weeping.

Gu Yihang hugged Tang Yitian tightly, and followed her back comfortingly: "Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

Xiao Ke was also close to Fang Jing, saying dejected words: "Are you really going to die here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, no!"


Suddenly, the yacht was thrown high by a huge wave and turned over when it hit it. Fortunately, it was picked up by the next wave again and did not capsize completely.

But the people in the cabin were quite uncomfortable. The staff who didn’t fasten their seat belts fell over and over, with stars in their eyes, dizzy, vomiting, and scared to pee.

Xu Yin stuffed a piece of refreshing candy made with spiritual dew into her mouth, and the strong mint flavor filled her mouth, which could make the Lingtai clear and not so uncomfortable.

"Who? Who's eating mints? Can I have one? I'm so sick I'm going to throw up!"


What a good nose!

After thinking about it, she took out a can of xylitol mints that she had stockpiled before, and distributed them to everyone.

With this jar of mints, everyone will no longer feel so uncomfortable.

But in the closed cabin, the smell is really bad.

Even Xu Yin was a little dizzy.

In this way, the yacht was ups and downs in the sea. Several times, everyone thought it was going to capsize, but it was lifted up again by the waves.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, I felt that the wind had subsided.

Looking forward, the sky is clear; looking back, there are dark clouds.

It seems that they finally drifted out of the typhoon-ravaged area with the tide.

In the cockpit, the captain tried it, and the yacht finally started again.

"Sir, are you down? Do you need a meal?"

At this time, the waiter hurried towards the stairs.

Everyone immediately shut up and turned their heads to look towards the stairs.

I saw a tall, dignified, handsome young man with one hand in his trouser pocket, against the light, without squinting through the function room occupied by the program group, and walking towards the cockpit without haste.

He was guarded by two serious-looking bodyguards.

"He is the owner of the yacht? It looks familiar!" Xiao Ke muttered.

"Ah! I remembered!" She patted her thigh, "Lu, Lu, Lu Chenjin? The prince who is loved by thousands of Lu Group?"

"That said, I also remembered it, it seems to be true! That face is so recognizable, it is even more beautiful than a woman, but it is a pity that I heard that he is well protected, and there are very few photos leaked. There are group photos on some important occasions, which is enough to amaze everyone. Netizens said that if he debuts, there will be no such thing as male and female stars!" Xiaolu hugged Xu Yin's arm and sighed.

Xu Yin: "..."

When she heard Lu Chenjin's name, she knew that it was "he" most likely.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet at the beginning of this life, fate!Really wonderful.

In other words, in this life, he looks too evil!Could it be that he wants to steal her job?Let her have nothing to eat?
Lu Chenjin did not come out after entering the cockpit, but the deputy captain came out helplessly to convey two messages to everyone:
"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"I want to hear good news!
"I think it's better to hear the bad news first!"

"Captain, don't be so secretive, whether it's good or bad, tell me quickly!"

The vice-captain no longer kept it up: "The good news is that we have seen land, and we will be able to dock for supplies soon. The bad news is that there is not enough fuel! We used up a lot of fuel when fighting the typhoon just now. I don't know if the remaining fuel can be used. Support to the shore."

Everyone: "..."

This is really bad news!Where's the good news?

The island is not far from the land, no matter how hard it is, it should be there.

"Let's go! Let's go to the shore! If it doesn't work, we will paddle and swim back to the shore! It feels so unreliable to not touch the ground!"

Seeing what everyone was saying, the captain turned on his horsepower, used the last bit of fuel, and ran towards the land where a silhouette could be vaguely seen ahead.

When the outline of the land gradually became clear in the telescope, the captain's words made everyone's excitement return to disappointment.

"Huh? This is just an island? This is too bad. The remaining oil is close to 2%. We can only go ashore first and wait for rescue on the island."

Disappointment is disappointment, it's better than a yacht running out of fuel and still floating on the sea.

That is the real call for not responding every day and not working for the earth.

Now that I can land at any rate, it feels good to be down-to-earth!

Everyone burst into tears.

What's more, many of the tropical islands in this area have opened tourism projects, and maybe they can use the signal tower here to contact relatives and friends in China, asking for help or something.

So, after docking, everyone spontaneously packed their luggage and landed on the island full of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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