Chapter 632 Vase Girl Supporting Deserted Island Farming (4)

"Everyone take a rest here first, and the staff will go to the front to have a look. If there is a hotel, we will book a few days for you to make a transition here, and the program team will bear all the expenses." The director said.

The expenses including the yacht owner are also paid by the program group.

Taking their entire group to escape from the island that was visited by strong typhoon and tsunami, this is a great favor.

Everyone has no opinion.

It's okay to have an opinion.

I lost my way and ran out of gas, where else could I go?
It would be nice to have an island for you to settle down on.

In addition to the leading staff, directors, guests, photographers and other people immediately went to the island and carried out small-scale activities on the spot.

Xiao Ke poured out the water in the thermos for everyone to drink: "Tiantian, Brother Hang, moisten your throats too!"

"Give me a drink too. I came out in such a hurry this morning that I forgot to bring water." Fang Jing stepped forward with a smile and took a drink.

Xiao Ke gave Ji Xiuming the remaining water.

Everyone found a place to rest in twos and threes.

It's already past noon, and I haven't eaten most of the breakfast. I'm hungry now, but I don't have any appetite. I'm tired and hot. I just want to go to the hotel room to rest.

Xu Yin found a palm tree with lush branches and squatted in the shade to drink water.

She poured some cold ice water from Lingtan through the water glass. The ice water in Lingtan was mixed with ordinary mineral water. It was so comfortable in the scorching summer!

She drank a glass in one gulp, took another piece of chocolate and put it in her mouth, quietly admiring the waves crashing on the shore and the seabirds flying low from time to time.

Nature is amazing. At the same point in time, some places are calm and peaceful, while others are suffering from natural disasters.

At this time, she saw Lu Chenjin also got off the yacht.

I don't know if it was the indirect impact of the tsunami, but the wind and waves got bigger again.

The yacht shook violently and hit the rocks several times.

Moreover, after running out of fuel, many functions on the yacht had to be turned off, the air conditioner was unusable, and people stayed in the cabin, either suffocating or overheating.

The two bodyguards, one behind the other, followed Lu Chenjin off the yacht with two light suitcases.

The waiter in charge of catering had already stepped off the yacht and trotted to the front, probably as the program crew thought - to find a hotel to stay.

Xu Yin tilted her head and looked at "he" in this world.

No wonder netizens label her as "beautiful and evil". Beauty is so beautiful, not to mention women's clothing, even if it's just a neutral dress, it's easy to be suspected of gender when walking on the street.

I don't know if he noticed her gaze, but Lu Chenjin raised his eyes and looked at her.

Xu Yin was slightly taken aback.

"Ah! This look killed me!"

Xiaolu sneaked in to see this scene, covered his mouth and almost jumped up.

Cheng Dao said speechlessly: "Aren't you busy? Still have time to see the handsome guy?"

"Hey, who doesn't like to look at handsome guys! Sister Yin is so beautiful, don't you also look at him?"

Director Cheng: "..."

"not good!"

Suddenly, Xu Yin's pupils shrank, and she ran towards the yacht.

"Dangerous! Get down!"

She shouted at Lu Chenjin.

Lu Chenjin's two bodyguards also noticed something unusual, and the bodyguard walking in front of him quickly pulled the boss off the deck.

The bodyguard, who was one step behind, jumped off the deck, and at the same time, he did not forget to give the captain and the deputy captain a hand.

As soon as the group of people landed, the yacht behind them exploded with a "boom".

Debris flew out and hit the beach far away, startling the program crew.

"My God! The yacht exploded!"

"It's dangerous! If we take a step slower, wouldn't it be..."

"It's over, it's over, I still have luggage on it, it's too heavy, I think it won't be too late to go up to get it after I book the hotel..."

"Ah! When you say that, I also have something on it..."

"Is this the time to discuss things? Didn't you see someone was injured?" The director yelled at the bottom, looking for the accompanying doctors and nurses, "Where is Xiao Zhao? Where is Xiao Zhao going? Take the medical kit to see Look, hope it's all right."

"Here we come!" Dr. Zhao, the accompanying doctor and nurse, hurried over with the guy who was eating.

The other staff members were silenced by the director's yelling, and they rushed to save people and put out fires.

Xu Yin helped Lu Chenjin up and looked him up and down: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, thank you!"

Lu Chenjin brushed the sand from the trouser legs, looked up at her, and felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart, but now is not the time to analyze these.

He turned to look at the bodyguard: "Ah Er, how are you doing? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." The bodyguard Ah Er quickly answered, but there was a little scratch, but this was nothing to him.

He checked the injuries for the captain and the deputy captain: "Sir, the captain's back was burned by a stream of fire; the deputy's lower leg may have been fractured in addition to abrasions."

Seeing that there is no serious problem, Ah Da took the lead to fight the fire.

In addition to living supplies and luggage on the yacht, the medical box is also on it.

However, the explosion caused by the oil spill had such a strong impact that people couldn't get up, and they couldn't get a fire extinguisher. They could only watch the yacht being engulfed by the fire and finally sank to the bottom of the sea.


Everyone present was silent.

I originally thought that if the yacht ran out of fuel, as long as it docked, there would be a supply station on the shore.

I even thought it would be nice to rest and rest for two days on an exotic island.

Unexpectedly, the yacht was blown up directly, and even the supplies on the yacht and their luggage, except for their carry-on luggage, nothing was left for them.

"Now I can only find a hotel to stay for a few more days. I don't know if the hotel can contact the ship or something."

"Why do I think this island is so deserted that there is no pier."

"Many tourist islands are like this. It is impossible to build piers along the coastline. This should be the back side. Usually, few people come."

"It's true, maybe only the first half of the island has been developed."

However, everyone's self-comfort did not work.

After more than an hour, the staff who went to clear the road returned without success: "Director, let alone hotels on this island, you can't even find any residential buildings. I climbed to the top of a hill and looked at it, and it looked like a deserted island." .”

The waiter on Lu Chenjin's side also came back listlessly: "Sorry, sir! This is a deserted island, and we can't find a place for us to settle down."

"What? A desert island?"

"I buy it! How could it be a desert island? Then what to do! The yacht is gone, what should we do!"

"Director! You have to think of a way! I have other work next week!"

"Director, I have an announcement in two days..."

"What's the notice, my life is almost gone! Think about where this is, a deserted island, comrades!"

"Then what to do! The director——"

Pushed by a typhoon to an unknown deserted island, the yacht not only ran out of fuel but also exploded. Is there anything more unlucky than this?
"I've seen a horror movie with the same opening. A group of people were stranded on a deserted island..." Xiao Ke crossed his arms, frightened himself so that his face turned pale.

When the others heard what she said, they also became inexplicably terrified.

Xu Yin picked up a bunch of "garbage" and came back, all of which were washed onto the beach by the airflow during the explosion, and some of them were not damaged, such as the fire axe, which was still intact.

Hearing everyone say that there are no hotels on the island, not only hotels, but no people at all, the whole person is dumbfounded.

What?desert island?No trace of human life?
how so!
Didn't she use the last [Prosperous Luck Disaster] skill?

Is it extremely lucky?this one?

and many more!

She suddenly remembered the wish she prayed for when she was drifting with the tide on the yacht: as long as she can land on the shore, she can do whatever she wants to farm!

So, she landed?

Time to farm next?
By the way, bring her unparalleled handsome baby Xiaojin?
He looked down at the fire ax in his hand, could it be for her to cut wood and build a house?

There are ten thousand words of MMP in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not!

Did she mean to be on a deserted island that was deserted by people?
What she wants to rely on is the mainland, returning home, going home!Ahhh!

Crazy! ! !

 I owe more to make up~Thanks to the "I deceive myself" children's shoes, (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

  PS: It’s the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass~(#^.^#)
(End of this chapter)

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