Chapter 642 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (14)

Tang Yitian cleared her throat and said: "If Xu Yin and the others go inside to find a place to build a house, they will definitely move out after they build it. Aren't these two rooms empty? If we are afraid of rain, let's cover the roof tightly. That’s enough? Let’s find some more branches to block the surroundings, so that it barely looks like a house, not a shack.”

It's easier than rebuilding a room.

Gu Yihang looked at her approvingly: "What Tiantian said is a good idea."

Fang Jing: Just now, I dismissed it as "the food that comes with nothing", but now it's a good idea to pick up what others don't want.Young Master Gu, where's your backbone?
Ji Xiuming watched the eye contact between the person he likes and Gu Yihang, and looked away sadly, looking at the waves crashing on the shore, wondering what he was thinking.

Fang Jing regretted forming a team with the three of them even more.

Two flirtatiously fall in love, one is deeply in unrequited love, and he is the only one of the four who is sober, what the hell is going on?Is it still too late to turn around and join the director team + Xu Yin team?

Fang Jing raised his head melancholy, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and simply looked at it as a stone sculpture, so he didn't need to worry too much.

On that side, Xu Yin and his party had already passed through the not-so-dense forest, and arrived at the hill that the staff who scouted the road had climbed yesterday.

This deserted island is not big, covering three to four square kilometers.

It takes less than a day to walk around the island.

The small hill in the center of the island is not high, only 80 meters in height by visual inspection, and the mountain road is quite flat and easy to climb.

Chen PD is carrying a video camera, and today it is his turn to shoot the real daily life of survival on a deserted island.

Everyone discussed in one go:

"Why don't you build the house on the mountain? It's easy to find a suitable big tree."

"There is no shelter on the mountain, what if a typhoon comes? Will it be blown directly into the sea?"


"I am in favor of building a tree house. The tree house is safe, but I am afraid that it will not be built properly."

"This island is so desolate, there are no other animals except seabirds, so what are you afraid of?"

"There will definitely be snakes, aren't you afraid?"


After discussing for a while, I finally decided to build a tree house.

The mountain is flat, but not as flat as the ground.

What's more, building a house requires wood, and carrying the wood from the mountain to the mountain is also a big project.

"Then build a tree house." Xu Yin made a decision, not wanting to waste any more time, "As for Fang PD's mention of building a house on the top of a mountain so that passing planes and ships can spot us, it's easy to handle. Let's find a longer one. It is also a way to call for help by hanging a more eye-catching piece of clothing on a tree branch.”

"I have a red T-shirt that I can contribute to," Chen PD said.

Xiao Zhao said weakly: "I have a pair of red underwear, if you need..."

Everyone: "... Get out!"

When going down the mountain, Lu Chenjin called Xu Yin to stop: "Did you see anything?"


She looked down the mountain in the direction of his finger.

Lu Chenjin pointed to the place where they were standing: "From here to the mountain, it is almost bare, and there are only a few weeds here and there. But from here down, is the vegetation more and more lush? There are more people at the foot of the mountain." Tall bushes, trees."

"Is it because the top of the mountain is too sunny and bald?" Xiao Zhao hurriedly guessed.

Xu Yin raised her head and looked at the big rock that passed by just now, her eyes were thoughtful.

After thinking about it, she turned around and walked towards the big rock that they might not even be able to embrace with so many of them.

Lu Chenjin followed: "Do you also suspect that there may be groundwater here?"

The seeped groundwater flows down the slope of the hill, which leads to the lush greenery below and the bare top of the hill.

Hearing the word "water", everyone followed.

"Is there water here?"


"It would be great if there were!"

Xu Yin took a look at the big rock and told everyone to step back: "I'll try to move it away."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Chenjin turned around and shouted: "Ah Er!"

Ah Er took a step forward, just as he was about to help, his eyes widened suddenly, and his mouth opened subconsciously, so big that he could stuff a duck egg into it.

Lu Chenjin realized something was wrong, and turned her head quickly.

I saw Xu Yin raised her foot and lightly kicked the big rock. The big rock, which needed several people to hug, was as fragile as tofu, and it was vulnerable to falling away from the mountain, falling backwards, and walking along the back of the mountain. The slope of the mountain rolled down.

As it tumbled, a fountain-like water column burst out from the ground, splashing everywhere.

Seeing the water, seeing the endless spring-like groundwater, everyone recovered from the shock of "Xu Yin has such great strength", and danced with ecstasy:

"Is it fresh water? Is it? Is it?"

"Yes yes! It's fresh water! My God, so much fresh water!"

"Hahahaha! There is water! Don't be afraid to die of thirst!"

"Suddenly I feel so happy! Happier than throwing millions of soft sister coins in front of me!"

While talking, everyone opened their mouths wide against the water column, swallowed, and drank happily.

Xu Yin also folded her palms together, took a handful of water, and took a few sips.

Although the groundwater on the island is indeed fresh water, if you taste it carefully, you can still taste a little bit of saltiness and astringency.

But after experiencing 24 hours of water shortage, it is a gift from God to have spring-like groundwater.

"Does the water just let it flow like this? Will it run out?"

After everyone was full, they began to feel sorry for the water that was lost. It would be great if there was a big bucket. The wasted water is enough for them to take a bath.

After checking the terrain, Xu Yin said, "It's better to dig a canal along this place so that the water can flow directly to the foot of the mountain, so that we can get water more conveniently."

"But we don't have any tools other than the fire axe!"

"The stone here is not very hard, let me try."

Xu Yin took the fire ax from A's second hand, and controlled the strength to chop down not far from the Yongquan, creating a deep pit, and the sprayed water really flowed into the pit along the slope.

There is a play!

Xu Yin wielded a fire ax and concentrated on chiseling, hoping to dig a canal from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Everyone: "..."

who am I?Where am i?

Lu Chenjin kicked Ah Er: "What are you doing in a daze! Go help!"

"oh oh!"

Ah Er hurried forward to help.

Xu Yin used a fire ax to dig, and he used a sharp stone to chisel.

Lu Chenjin found a strong branch, and pushed the stone they dug out to the side.

Others also found some strong branches and tied vines into a broom to clean up the debris in the ditch as much as possible.

Even Chen PD put down his camera to help.

After the gushing underground spring water fell to the ground, it flowed down happily along the ditches they dug, like a playful child.

"Water! There is water! I hear the sound of water!"

Tang Yitian raised her head in surprise.

Sure enough, there was the sound of a gurgling stream ahead.

"Great! I knew that we would definitely find the source of water!" Gu Yihang hugged her happily.

Fang Jing and Ji Xiuming also brightened their eyes with joy, and walked quickly towards the direction of the sound of water.

It sounds like a gurgling stream, so it should be drinkable fresh water, right?
Even buy Karma!Finally able to drink water happily!

(End of this chapter)

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