Chapter 643 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (15)

"Huh? Fang PD?"

Fang Jing, who was running at the front, saw Fang PD running down the mountain, his body was dirty, but his expression was relaxed.

"Ah, it's you guys!" Fang PD was busy dredging the bottom section of sand, and when he saw them, he said happily, "How is it? Are we good? We found the water source and got it down?"

"What did you find?"

"What else? I came in and searched for a long time yesterday, but there was nothing? If it weren't for us...cough, it was actually Xu Yin who moved the big rock that was pressing down on the water source thanks to her great strength, otherwise you thought Can there be this water?"


Although Fang Jing was surprised, he had no other thoughts. When he saw the water, he couldn't wait to pounce on it. He washed his face first, and then asked Fang PD if the water was safe to drink.
"Yes! It came up from the ground. We've already drank it up there. If you're not afraid of getting dirty, just drink it."

When Fang Jing heard that it was ground water, it didn't matter if it was dirty or not, the most important thing was to quench his thirst first.

Ji Xiuming watched him gulp down the water, gulped, stepped forward, and took a few sips.

Gu Yihang's face was a little ugly.

He thought they discovered the water first, but he didn't expect it to be Xu Yin again...

Tang Yitian tugged at the hem of his clothes: "Brother Hang, let's drink some too. Although PD Fang and the others discovered it first, water in nature does not belong to individuals, and everyone can use it."

Hearing what she said, Gu Yihang felt a lot more comfortable. He let out a "huh" and led her to the side of the ditch, and took a big gulp of water.

Fang PD sighed in his heart: drink as much as you want, who can stop you?But don't be cheap and be good!The water in the natural world is indeed unowned and everyone can drink it, but at least they dig a canal and lead it down from the top of the mountain after all the hard work.Otherwise, if you want to drink water, you have to go to the top of the mountain to drink it, or you will lie on the ground and compete with the plants for the surface water seeping from the mountain.Can it be so convenient?
"Old Fang! Old Fang! What are you doing there? Didn't you rush down the mountain to dig a bigger reservoir? Have you dug it?"

"It's almost there!" Fang PD responded upwards, and greeted Fang Jing and the others, "Come on, let's dig together!"

"Dig what?" Fang Jing drank enough water and belched contentedly.

"Dig a larger reservoir, and then wash and drink from here, isn't it much more convenient? Otherwise, you have to climb the top of the mountain to get water."

When Fang Jing heard this, Xue Fang PD found a strong wooden stick and used it as a shovel to dig up.

Ji Xiuming followed the same pattern and found a hard branch, and stepped forward to help.

Only Gu Yihang stood still.

Tang Yitian pulled him to help, and jokingly said: "Since it's collective labor, let's participate together, otherwise we won't be given water later."

In the end, she only took two steps when she slanted and sprained her ankle.

"Hiss! Brother Hang, my feet hurt so much!"

"Don't move." Gu Yihang frowned, carefully helped her stand firmly, and squatted down by himself, "Come up, I'll carry you to Xiao Zhao's to get the medicine."

"Xiao Zhao is working on it." Fang PD pointed to the mountain, "Why don't you sit here for a while, Tangtang, he should be coming down soon."

Gu Yihang's handsome face immediately sank down: "Xiao Zhao is in charge of logistics and medical care, so he should stay in the base camp."

"Oh, special treatment in special times." Fang PD explained for Xiao Zhao, "It's not that there are not enough people, he just contributed together. Do you think he doesn't want to sit comfortably in the base camp and wait for food and drink?"

"But what if someone is sick and injured at this time? He is dereliction of duty!"

"..." Fang PD couldn't find any words to refute for a while.

Xin said that he is also the heir of a large enterprise, and Mr. Lu is much more reasonable. Not only did the two bodyguards participate, but no one was left around, and he rolled up his trouser legs to help.Speaking of which, he is still the prince of the group company, and he is not as hypocritical as you.

"Forget it." Tang Yitian tugged on Gu Yihang's clothes, "Xiao Zhao is also kind, I can bear it, just wait here for him."

"I'm worried about your injury..." Gu Yihang squatted down beside her distressedly, "Be careful, why don't you put your foot on my lap? Don't get hurt again."

"it is good."

The two sat on the rock sweetly, with only each other in their eyes.

Fang PD couldn't get enough of it, and regretted that he didn't take off Lao Chen's camera. This scene was in stark contrast to Xu Yin who was struggling to open the canal!

Fang Jing was not surprised, the two of them probably had a love brain, and they wanted to emit hormones anytime and anywhere.

The saddest one was Ji Xiuming.

Before yesterday, he had repeatedly convinced himself that he was already satisfied to be able to film "Love, Guest Officer" with Tangtang, even if she chose Gu Yihang in the end, he would have no regrets.

But when he really saw the two of them holding hands, hugging, and loving each other, he realized that he had underestimated his own endurance—it turns out that his heart still hurts.

At this moment, his state of mind is like that sung in a song——

"...the love for you has been quiet, I made up my mind from the beginning
I thought what I want is the past, but I found that love must have a response

The love for you has always been quiet, in exchange for the care you occasionally give

It's clearly a movie of three people, but I still can't have a name..."

When Xu Yin and his party came down, they always felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

But before they could ask, Gu Yihang yelled at Xiao Zhao: "Hurry up, Tiantian sprained her ankle."


Little Zhao mused, and walked over to check on Tang Yitian: "The bones are fine."

"But she said it hurts."

"It's probably a soft tissue strain. It will be fine after two days of rest."

Gu Yihang glanced at Xiao Zhao suspiciously: "Just by taking a look like this, you can be sure that her bones are fine? What if..."

Xiao Zhao resisted and didn't roll his eyes: "If there is something wrong with the bones, a big swollen lump will bulge up, not to mention that it will hurt my heart when I press it down, and I can't stand up."

Tang Yitian hurriedly smoothed things over: "It's great to be fine! I don't want to waste everyone's time because of me. Xiao Zhao, thank you! Brother Hang is straightforward, because he is worried that my tone will be a little aggressive, so don't take it to heart .”

Xiao Zhao nodded, stood up and said, "I have a plaster over there. If you feel pain when walking, I'll get you a plaster when you go back. Put it on for two days and you'll be fine."

"Thank you."

Tang Yitian watched Xiao Zhao leave, and glanced at the people who were discussing around the reservoir, feeling very uncomfortable, she was hurt, but these people didn't even have a word of concern.

"Brother Hang, I feel bad."

She lowered her eyelids and leaned on Gu Yihang's shoulder.

"Where is it uncomfortable? Is your foot hurt?" Gu Yihang asked with concern.

He lowered his head and wanted to give her a comforting kiss, but he smelled the smell of sweat from her hair, which made him raise his head involuntarily.

"I miss home and my parents." Tang Yitian didn't know anything about it, she snuggled into Gu Yihang's arms and murmured, "I only know now that only the closest relatives really care about me unconditionally."

After a pause, she quickly added: "Brother Hang is also a close relative in my heart, and he treats me well, second only to my parents."

Gu Yihang pinched her nose dotingly: "It's good to know."

(End of this chapter)

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