Chapter 646 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (18)

"Brother Hang, everyone is busy, why don't we sit still?" Tang Yitian pursed her lips, moved her feet, and wanted to stand up.

Gu Yihang pushed her back to the big reef.

"Your foot is injured, please move less."


Tang Yitian is worried that if she doesn't work, she won't have food.

That's it for noon.

Not to mention that there are not many biscuits and snacks in her suitcase to pad her stomach. Even if there are some left, she will not be too hungry to sleep, and she always wants to eat some hot food after two days.

Salty and fresh seafood stew with soup, just smell the saliva and secrete wantonly.

How did Gu Yihang know her true thoughts, he thought that she really wanted to go to help, and felt sorry for not helping, and felt that she was kind and considerate even more, he stroked her hair and said, "Your foot is hurt, they will understand."


Tang Yitian is tired.

"Brother Hang, it's getting late, what shall we have for dinner? How about..."

"I've already prepared it." Gu Yihang took the coconut that the director gave him, "I've borrowed the PD's knife to pry it open, you drink it first."


It's sweet again!

She can't drink it.

"I'll go fishing for you tomorrow."

Gu Yihang saw that Xu Yin got a basket of seafood so easily, and felt that the fish, shrimps and crabs here are too easy to get the bait. He is good at fishing. In the past, when several of his buddies went to fish ponds for fishing competitions, which time did he not return with a full load?

Hearing what he said, Tang Yitian felt better.

"Brother Hang, I will accompany you tomorrow."

"Your feet..."

"It doesn't hurt much anymore to step on it."

It was a bit painful when the sprain was just started, but after spraying medicine and resting for a long time, it was already much better, and she didn't want to be a patient anymore.

When a patient can't eat salty seafood.

She was starving to death.

That night, Xu Yin and his party ate the most sumptuous meal since they were stranded on a deserted island.

Seafood pot, grilled conger eel, and a bowl of coconut milk for each person, after clinking glasses, enjoy it.

Eat while planning the next day's arrangements.

Everyone asked Xu Yin to arrange, and they all listened to her.

Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "Well, let's take out the core tomorrow morning. The trunk of the sago palm after hollowing out is relatively light, and we will use it to build a house. Therefore, we'd better divide into two teams, and the first team will build a house." The house, a team to fetch starch. Try to build the house and dry the starch before it rains.”

"Starch? What starch?" Fang Jing was puzzled.

Except for Xiaolu who knew about it, the others also had a confused expression.

Xu Yin laughed: "I forgot to tell you that the fiber in the sago coconut tree is dug out and washed in water. What comes out of the washing is starch. After drying, it can be used as sago."

"I buy it!"

"Really? Simi actually did this?"

"I thought it was made of sweet potato flour or something."

"Increased knowledge!"

Lu Chenjin sat quietly beside Xu Yin, and she could admire her bright smile with her head tilted. It was like the most shining star in the night sky, guiding travelers like them on their night walks on foot.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful that when he left the island, he took in the program crew out of sympathy.

"What are you thinking? Eat it quickly! I didn't put spicy food in it."

Xu Yin told everyone how to get sago rice and how to make it. She picked up her favorite Pipi shrimp with chopsticks cut from branches. When she found that he seemed to be distracted, she also picked it up in his coconut shell bowl. One, or the largest of all Pipi shrimp.

Lu Chenjin: "..."

Thinking that she had given it to him, he held down Ah Da who was about to speak, and ate without changing his face.

Ah Da: Boss, the price you pay for chasing someone is a bit high.

After dinner, Xu Yin waited for the burnt ashes to cool down, wrapped them in plantain leaves, and scattered them on the ground and surroundings of the shack.

The burnt plant ash has a certain disinfecting effect.

After sprinkling the corners and corners, spread clean dead leaves, spray disinfectant alcohol, and finally put a piece of clothing on each of them as a bed sheet to sleep, which is safe and secure.

Xu Yin was just about to apply a post-sun repairing mask after washing up. By the way, she took a plate of tomorrow's plan to see if there was anything missing, when she heard Ada's voice outside, it seemed that she was looking for Xiao Zhao to ask for antipyretics.

Xu Yin put down the mask and walked out.

"What happened to Lu Chenjin?"

"Miss Xu, sir is allergic and has a low fever."

"Allergy?" Xu Yin immediately thought of the seafood pot tonight, "He can't eat seafood?"

Ada hesitated for a moment, and said: "Mr. Lu is allergic to Pipi shrimp, and he used to..."


Before Ah Da finished speaking, he was stopped by Lu Chenjin who was in the shack next door.

Xu Yin knew the number, and said to Ah Da: "Go back and take care of him. I happen to have anti-allergy medicine in my suitcase, and there is also a plate of anti-fever medicine. I'll get it."

Ah Da breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not from the program group, but Xiao Zhao is the logistics nurse of the program group. Ask him to ask for anti-fever medicine. If other people in the program group have opinions, Xiao Zhao is also very difficult to do.

Miss Xu has antipyretics, that would be great!
This may be a friend in need.

Xu Yin didn't know what Ah Da was thinking about, she unlocked the combination lock of the suitcase, and took advantage of the concealment of the suitcase pocket to dig out a box of special anti-allergic medicine and a board of antipyretic medicine from the system warehouse.

But if the body temperature didn't exceed 39 degrees, she didn't plan to give him antipyretics, and mixed a small bottle of heat-clearing syrup with spiritual dew water, but there was no outer packaging, and it looked like a Sanwu product.

Regardless, Xu Yin hurried to his resting place with medicine and a bottle of water.

While feeding him the medicine, I couldn't help thinking:
"How old are you? You know that you are allergic to Pipi shrimp. When I gave it to you, you should refuse it. Why do you want to eat it? Fortunately, it is only a mild allergy. What if it is more serious... Open your mouth! Take this After taking the medicine, the anti-allergy is still relatively effective, drink saliva and send it away... This is heat-clearing syrup, don't take anti-fever medicine before it is 39 degrees, drink this, and then apply anti-fever stickers, drink more water, it should be able to reduce it... ..."

Lu Chenjin looked down at the movements of her hands, took the temperature of his forehead as soon as he arrived, and then handed him medicine and water paste to reduce fever, a stream of heat flowed from the bottom of his heart, warm and indescribably comfortable.

After taking the medicine and drinking the syrup, he felt that the itching symptoms on his body were relieved a lot, but the fever did not subside after a while, and he fell asleep after listening to her nagging.

When I woke up, the sky was already bright.

Ah Dashou took a nap beside him.

Hearing a slight movement, he opened his eyes vigilantly, and seeing Lu Chenjin sitting up with his body propped up, Ada hurriedly said: "Sir, Miss Xu visited you half an hour ago, and she felt relieved to go to work after seeing that your fever has subsided. , she said you should take a good rest today, don't worry about food..."

Lu Chenjin rubbed his forehead that was sore and swollen after burning, and interrupted him: "I'm fine, you can go to sleep for a while."

Ah Da refused to go, he glanced over and said, "What? My words don't work anymore?"


Ah Da had no choice but to shrink back in the corner and continue to take a nap.

(End of this chapter)

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