Chapter 647 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (19)

Lu Chenjin took a piece of clothing, changed the sweaty shirt on his body when the fever subsided, took it to the domestic water storage tank, scooped up two scoops of water with coconut shells, scrubbed it awkwardly twice, wrung it dry and hung it on the branches superior.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" Xu Yin came back with a newly made basket, and her trouser legs were still stained with morning dew.

Hearing her voice, Lu Chenjin's brows and eyes relaxed, and met her smiling eyes: "It's much better, thank you last night."

"Thank you!"

He has allergies, and it's really her fault.

"Are you allergic to eggs?"

Lu Chenjin shook his head.

Xu Yin showed him the harvest this morning: "I went to pick up some bird eggs and came back, let's steam egg custard to eat."

Xu Yin knocked the bird's eggs into a coconut shell pot, put some water in it, and mixed a little spirit dew, hoping to improve everyone's immunity.

On a deserted island where medical conditions are almost non-existent, a healthy body is more important than anything else.

When putting in the salt, she found that no matter how frugal the seasoning packets for instant noodles were, she would almost finish eating them after a few meals.

Therefore, today's task, in addition to building a house and getting starch, is one more thing - cooking salt.

When Director Cheng learned about it, he clapped his hands excitedly: "Xiao Xu's thinking really coincides with mine! I couldn't sleep last night, so I was thinking about this."

The others didn't have time to listen to his boasting, so they turned to look at Xu Yin and asked her why she boiled salt instead of drying it.The sun on the island is strong, so it is so convenient to sunbathe.

"Didn't all the salt be sun-dried in ancient times?"

"If you want to dry it, you have to build a square salt pit with bricks and stones first." Xu Yin explained, "We are short of bricks, so we can't just dig holes on the beach, no matter how much we fill the sand pit Sea water will also seep in."

The most durable tool in their hands is a fire axe. Xu Yin is confident that she can dig a batch of stones with the fire ax to lay a pit, but she is worried that the fire axe will not be able to bear it. Now there are several curling blades.What's more, everyone is still waiting to use it to cut down trees and build wooden houses.

Everyone suddenly realized: "Yes, it is true that there is no way to dry salt in the bunker."

"Then let's cook it! Can we just scoop up two scoops of seawater and cook it?"

The recommended method in Xu Yin's reference book says: "Prepare a few scoops of sea water. When there is only half of the pot left, add water and continue to cook. Cook several times, so that the boiled salt will be better."

"Why is that?" Everyone asked if they didn't understand.

Xu Yin: "..."

How did my sister know!That's what it says in the book.

Is it possible that next time I dress as a student again, I have to major in marine science?Specialize in seawater research?

Added a salt cooking task, after breakfast, everyone split up and acted.

In the morning, the male compatriots are responsible for extracting the starch from the core of the sago palm tree, and the female compatriots are responsible for collecting firewood and cooking salt;
In the afternoon, the male compatriots are responsible for building the house, and the female compatriots are responsible for washing and drying starch.

Xu Yin was elected by them as the project coordinator.

This project was named "Desert Island Survival" by everyone self-deprecatingly.

Tang Yitian took the initiative to join the team of female compatriots this time, saying that the plaster that Xiao Zhao gave her was very effective, and it didn't hurt much after sticking it on for one night.

"Then cook the salt, you don't need to walk back and forth, just add some seawater to the pot from time to time." For the sake of his former best friend, Xiao Kenian offered to give up the leisure work of cooking salt, and went to collect firewood with Xiaolu and the others.

Tang Yitian: "..."

Seriously, she'd rather gather firewood than sit in front of a fire cooking salt.

It's summer, not winter, it's so hot sitting by the fire, and I started sweating as soon as I sat down.

Can't help but wonder if Xiao Ke did it on purpose?
Gu Yihang fulfilled the promise he made to Tang Yitian last night - early in the morning, he found a branch with the right thickness and good flexibility, tied a vine, attached a homemade fishhook with a paper clip to his head, and went fishing.

He also specially pried an oyster and dug out the oyster meat as bait.

He is full of confidence in this: Xu Yin can catch fish without using bait, and he has such fresh bait as oyster meat, I don't believe that the fish will not take the bait!

Xu Yin also went to put two fish baskets.

One was made up before, and the other was made up after dinner last night.

This time she put in some bait too.

If you can catch fish every time without baiting, everyone will look at her with suspicion instead of admiration.

But the bait she puts includes not only oyster meat, but also small mudfish caught in the crevices of the reef, and a magic weapon for fishing—homemade bait.

The place where Gu Yihang fished was on the big reef closest to the sea on the reef beach, and the place where Xu Yin put the fish basket happened to be near there as well.

The two left the base camp one after the other as if they had made an appointment, and headed for the reef beach.

Ada found his own boss within 1 minute, and looked in the direction of the reef beach several times.


I said boss, if you want to chase someone, go after him bravely!Can you catch up after seeing it?It's so old, even if you look at it as a watchmaker's stone, you can't catch up!

Fortunately, Xu Yin came back after putting down the fish basket.

Not to mention communicating with Gu Yihang, he didn't even give him a look.

Full of thoughts about digging tree cores to get starch, thinking about building a house and cooking sea salt, who has the time to make eye contact with an irrelevant man.

Gu·Irrelevant Man·Yi Hang: "..."

Why is it so rare to be an old man?
He also shook his head, angrily let himself go fishing, and vowed to catch a big fish that could slap Xu Yin in the face!

As soon as Xu Yin returned to the base camp, Lu Chenjin went up to meet her and handed her a glass of water: "Boil it and let it cool."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Lu Chenjin clenched his fists to cover his lips, and coughed lightly, "Ah Da is very strong, I asked him to dig the tree core. There are enough people there now, let's go and see where the house is built? Ah Er found a High ground suitable for building a house."

Ada who was dismissed: Boss, you really don't think about asking me to be your advisor on your love journey?Anyway, I have talked with two girlfriends, and my experience in this area must be better than yours...

Ah Er who was recalled: Boss, that place is a bit out of the way, without my guide, are you sure you can find it?
Fortunately, the two bodyguards only dared to complain in their hearts, otherwise they might be fired in minutes.

Xu Yin and Lu Chenjin followed the path that Ah Er had walked, followed the footprints and the shrubs, branches and leaves, and came to the high ground that Ah Er mentioned - a protruding rock.

About one or two meters above the ground, the rock is very large and flat, as if a piece has been cut off by lightning, leaving a flat and dry platform of [-] to [-] square meters.

This place is perfect for building a house!

Xu Yin fell in love with this place immediately.

As it happens, there are two or three palm trees not far below the rock.

Xu Yin made a plan and said: "One house can be built here. The trunks of the palm trees below are thick enough and the distance is not too large. When the time comes to put the trunks of the sago palms on top, at least two tree houses can be built. Everyone Live closer so we can take care of each other."

Lu Chenjin naturally listened to her.

"Then we will start work in the afternoon! We have to speed up, I'm worried that the weather won't last long."

Xu Yin raised her head and glanced at the east. This morning, she was busy sorting out the work to be done for the day, and forgot to look at the morning glow.

(End of this chapter)

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