Chapter 648 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (20)

In the summer of tropical islands, there is plenty of rain. It is good luck that they have not seen rain in the two days since they came here, but good luck cannot last forever.

On the way back, Xu Yin picked up a few branches of relatively uniform length and thickness, and a bundle of vines. After clearing the road leading to the base camp, a simple fence was built around it.

There are not many branches around, so let's do this for now, and when the house is built and there is time, I will come back with more branches and make the fence look decent.

Back at the base camp, the male compatriots almost dug out all the fibers in the tree core.

Except for Xiao Ke and Fan Jie, the female compatriots who were in charge of collecting firewood went to have a pee, and everyone else came back one after another. Only Tang Yitian, who was in charge of Haiyan, hadn't cooked the results yet.

Xu Yin knew at a glance that the fire was too small.

She stepped forward to add some firewood, blew up the fire again, and said casually: "Small fire cooks too slowly."

Tang Yitian: "..."

Don't I know that it cooks slowly over low heat?Don't even look at what season it is, midsummer!It's still broad daylight!Burning a fire under the scorching sun, the fire is so hot that the small coconut shells are filled with water and dry in a short time. If you want to add water from time to time, people have to wait by the side. Who can bear it!you can you come?

Before I finished yelling in my heart, I heard Xu Yin say: "I'll come!"


Xu Yin took a sip of water, and first taught Xiaolu how to soak the fiber dug out of the tree core in water to wash out the starch.

What if there are no buckets or basins?
Temporarily used the hollowed out tree trunk, cut it into several sections, made a few bottomless wooden barrels, and put them on Xiao Ke’s contribution—the disposable plastic bathtub cover she used when taking bubble bath in the hotel bathtub, which is quite practical .

Then come over and exchange with Tang Yitian.

Seeing her in a daze, Xu Yinxiu raised her eyebrows lightly: "What? You like this job? Then you continue?"


Who likes it!Who continues!
Tang Yitian stood up quickly: "Then I'll leave it to you, I'll go and help Xiaolu and the others."


Xu Yin added water to the coconut shell, and added firewood to the fire.

The bonfire rekindled into the fire she had left.

The seawater in the coconut shell is half full, boiling and sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She was not in a hurry, and slowly added water, adding firewood after adding water, and adding water after adding firewood...

Tang Yitian walked a few steps and turned around to see this scene.


Isn't this woman hot?

Xu Yin: Learn more about the interstellar brand automatic temperature regulator!

"Ahh! Help!!! There are snakes!!!"

Xiao Ke's scream came from the inner side of the island.

Xu Yin quickly shouted: "Xiaolu, help me watch the fire!"

After speaking, the person rushed out.

Seeing this, Lu Chenjin got up suddenly, and wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ah Da: "Sir, Ah Er and I will go and see."

Lu Chenjin waved his hand away: "You look at yours, I look at mine."


On the other side, Xu Yin inadvertently displayed all kinds of supernatural powers and rushed to the scene following the cries for help.

Seeing her, Xiao Ke seemed to see a savior, and said in a crying voice, "Xu Yin..."

"Where's the snake?"

"Over there." Xiao Ke shook her hand and pointed to the place where Sister Fan was squatting.

Miss Fan was just about to get up after she had finished explaining, but was stared at by a two-meter-long snake. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to move at all, for fear that if she moved, the snake would fly over.

Seeing the snake's head clearly, Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was non-toxic.

But without wasting time, he picked up a big stone picked up on the road, aimed at the direction and threw it at the snake's head.

"Ah!" Xiao Ke was dumbfounded.

Wouldn't this scare the snake away?
What if the snake is not hit and the snake is angered instead?
But before she could recover, the snake snapped, was hit by a stone, and fell limply to the ground.

Xiao Ke: "..."

Sister Fan let out a long breath, and looked at Xu Yin with gratitude and emotion: "Thank you...thank you...thank you Yinyin."

Lu Chenjin rushed to the scene out of breath, saw the big snake whose head had been smashed into a big hole, and looked at Xu Yin who was hugged by Sister Fan and Xiao Ke crying and laughing, and then slowly returned to the original place. place.

After all, why is she so fast?
He has used the full speed of sprinting the [-]-meter race in his student days, and even Ah Da and Ah Er are left behind by him, let alone other people.However, he did not catch up with her...

Fortunately people are fine.

Lu Chenjin shook his head, walked to Xu Yin's side, and picked up the snake with a branch before her.

"Don't throw it away!" Xu Yin held him back, "It's not poisonous, you can eat it."




Everyone realized that this was a desert island.

Such things as snake meat were naturally unthinkable to be used when the supplies were not worrying in the past, but at this moment, it was an excellent protein.

Lu Chenjin was silent for a while, and let Adana handle it.

Ah Er was in charge of beating the surrounding grass with a branch to see if there were any of its kind.

Xu Yin was thinking about the necessity of building a public toilet.

On the way back, I discussed with Lu Chenjin.

She didn't even realize that every time she had an idea or idea, as long as Lu Chenjin was by her side, she would be the first to tell him.

Lu Chenjin lowered her eyes and listened carefully, the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc.

Ah Da, who came back after dealing with the snake meat: Boss, is this embarrassing?Haven't caught up yet!
Cheng Dao and other male compatriots breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xiao Ke and Lao Fan came back safe and sound:

"It's good that people are fine. It's normal for insects and snakes to appear in tropical islands. In the future, you must be careful when you go to places with dense bushes. This time, you chased away the snakes. If you don't make sure, you will encounter them next time..."

"Director Cheng, the snake didn't chase away." Xiao Ke interrupted him.

"Huh? Didn't run away, are you still there?"

Xiao Ke completely calmed down now, and pointed to the snake in Ah Da's hand with a smile, "It's here!"


Who is so fierce?Not only did he save the man, he also took the snake away!

Knowing that it was Xu Yin, everyone felt that it seemed to be a normal operation.

"By the way, Xiao Xu, have you ever touched a snake before? How do you know where the seven inches are? I always hear people say that when you hit a snake, you hit the seven inches, but I don't even know where the seven inches are."

Xu Yin was still thinking about how to build a public toilet, and when asked about the size of a snake, she was also confused.

Asked where the seven inches of the snake was, she didn't know either.

"Anyway, just look at it and smash its head. If the head falls off, can it still survive? What if it attacks before finishing counting seven inches?"


What you said is so reasonable, I am speechless.

In any case, the threat was lifted, and a high-protein meal was harvested.

This is good news for everyone who is worried about what to eat every day and has no next meal after eating.

"I heard that snake meat is very nourishing."

"It's also very fragrant, right? Shouldn't it be baked and eaten?"

"I heard that there is a famous dish in Guangcheng called Taishi Five Snake Soup. Does it mean that it is more delicious when stewed into soup?"

"It needs broth to enhance the taste, abalone, shiitake mushrooms, and chicken. It doesn't matter what we want now, as long as we can eat enough, don't think about such a difficult dish."

"It's true, let's bake it."


(End of this chapter)

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