Chapter 649 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (21)

Xu Yin tilted her head and asked Lu Chenjin: "How do you like to eat?"

Lu Chenjin hesitated for a moment and said, "I've never eaten snake meat."

"Then try them all, how about eating two snakes?"

Everyone: "..."

What kind of wolf word is this?
and many more!When did Xu Yin become so familiar with the Lu family's prince?
Did they know each other?
Everyone looked at each other and exchanged meaningful glances.

Xu Yin was thinking about what ingredients to mix with the snake soup, but she didn't notice the winking looks of everyone.

Lu Chenjin glanced at everyone, but said nothing, and followed Xu Yin to pull her fish basket.

Everyone: This is to give them a look so that they can experience it for themselves?

After the two parties left, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, this is the feeling of romance! This is the feel!" Director Cheng snapped his fingers excitedly, and asked a few follow-up PDs, "Whose turn is it to shoot today? The sweet interaction between the two of them just now, Did you take a picture of it?"

Fang PD said awkwardly: "Director, Mr. Lu is not a guest on our show."

You won't be accused of copyright infringement if you shoot it?

Director Cheng patted his forehead and forgot about it.

By the way, there are also Lu Chenjin's bodyguards present.

Guiltyly, Cheng Dao turned his head and glanced at Ah Da, thinking that this brother bodyguard would not turn around and complain, would he?
Ah Da looked up at the sky, thinking that I didn't see anything, so just take pictures.With my boss's IQ and skills, if he minded, he should have warned you just now. He didn't warn you that he was very happy.You are not happy if you don’t shoot him!
Lu Chenjin, who was slandered by her own bodyguard, came to the place where she put the fish basket together with Xu Yin.

Gu Yihang was still sitting on the reef fishing, seeing his dejected and decadent face, it seemed that the harvest was not very optimistic.

In fact, far from being optimistic, there is no gain at all!
Gu Yihang sat under the scorching sun for a long time, not to mention big fish, not even a small fish with the size of a thumb was caught.

Every time I felt that the fishing rod was shaking a bit, I lifted the rod quickly and found that the bait was gone and the fish was not hooked.

A fishhook made of a paper clip was left empty, shining in the sun, as if mocking his innocence.

Seeing Xu Yin and the two of them, Gu Yihang's face, which was almost peeling from the scorching sun, turned a little darker.

However, seeing the two of them pulling the fish reel one by one, the corner of their mouth snorted contemptuously. The hook he fed the bait didn't catch any fish, but the fish reel with a hole could catch fish?Innocent!Yesterday was entirely her luck, okay, today...


Suddenly, Gu Yihang's eyes widened, and he stared in disbelief at the fish basket that Xu Yin and the others pulled up.

Xu Yin deliberately dumped it on the ground on the beach very close to him with evil intentions. A basket full of fish, shrimps and crabs fell on the beach, and was scalded by the sand and jumped up, the whole scene was alive and kicking.

A smile flashed across Lu Chenjin's eyes, but he handed her the fish basket in his hand cooperatively: "This one is also full, do you want to take it out and have a look?"

Xu Yin frowned slightly, feeling jio of being caught doing something bad.

"...Forget it, we have to pick it up after pouring it out, let's hurry up and go back and cook!"

"it is good."

The two quickly picked up the fish, shrimp and crabs that were trying to escape from the prison, and returned to the base camp with a fruitful harvest.

Gu Yihang was left alone sitting on the reef, with the scorching sun shining brightly above his head, and the fishhook that was eaten up in his hand.

Fishing all morning, fishing for a lonely...

Until he couldn't see the backs of Xu Yin and the two, he still couldn't believe that she was able to catch so much seafood.

If it is due to the bait, he also has it.The oyster meat I dug early in the morning made my fingernails still hurt.

But if it is not the credit of the bait, then what is the reason?Or is it that the fish and shrimp here are stupid and sweet, and they just like to get into people's baskets?
He threw the fishing rod angrily and returned to the base camp with nothing.

Tang Yitian and Xiaolu, while scrubbing the core fiber, listened to Xiao Ke's horrific experience of encountering a snake. They were hearing the exciting part, but they didn't notice that he was back.

This made him even more depressed.

He basked in the scorching sun for a long time for her, his lips were dry and peeling. Although there was no gain, the original intention was for her; while she was sitting in the shade of the tree with the sea breeze blowing, chatting with her companions, thirsty. He can drink water at any time, and he has completely forgotten whether he has water to drink when he is thirsty...

After that day, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Gu Yihang and Tang Yitian seemed to be at odds.

I don't know if it was a conflict or a quarrel, but the male guests ignored the female guests, and the female guests also ignored the male guests in a fit of anger.

Director Cheng regretted this very much: It would be great if this was recording a program. The CP of the group is awkward, what a topic of discussion, push it a little bit, and it will be hot searched every minute.

"Then director, do you want to shoot?" Fang PD came over to ask for his opinion.

"Forget it, it's a pity, but it's a pity to save electricity now, and several of you work in turns, and you won't be able to record for a few days, so it's meaningful to shoot some."

Fang PD: As the co-author, you also know that Lian Zong does not make much sense?

"Eh wait."

Director Cheng called to him, beckoned him to come closer, and said in a low voice, "Have you noticed that Xu Yin and Lu's..."

Fang PD returned him a meaningful look: "You also found out?"


So those two are real?

Director Cheng rubbed his hands excitedly: "Oh, why don't you record such an exciting thing... You remember to inform the others, no matter who it is their turn to shoot, give them more shots..."

"...Didn't you just say that it is meaningful to save some telegrams?"

"Isn't that meaningful? You've all witnessed history, okay?"

Fang PD: "..."

You are right about everything!
Cheng Dao said with emotion: "The prince of the Lu Group, let alone anyone in our circle, even in their own circle, it has never been rumored to have had an affair with anyone. It is said that those who work around him are basically It's a man, and if it's a woman, it's a relative, such as Sister Fang."

Sister Fang is the waiter on the yacht, and Lu Chenjin has been transferred to take care of the two captains these two days.

Her grandfather and Lu Chenjin's grandfather are cousins, but Sister Fang's grandfather left home when he was young and went to Nanyang to make a living. He had a good life, but in his later years, he heard that the interest rate of fundraising was high, and he borrowed money to follow the trend of investment, and was eventually cheated out of a sum of money. Huge sum of money, not to mention heavy debts at an age that should have been a blessing, and he was also mad. Before he died, he contacted his relatives and friends in China, hoping that they would help his granddaughter.

His son and daughter-in-law encountered shipwreck when they went to sea in the early years, and Sister Fang was a granddaughter under their knees. Because of debts, Sister Fang's husband filed for divorce. After thinking about it, the sister decided to go back, but she didn't want to be an idler, so she took the job of the yacht's waiter.

"...So, such a clean-spirited man, who can be called a representative of the ascetic department, actually came together with our female guest. If there is an Internet on the island, I bet that he will definitely be popular on the trending list based on his strength... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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