Chapter 943 Selfish and old-fashioned vanity female supporting role (39)

At this time, Xu's father also arrived sweating profusely, listened to his ears from a distance, and looked at his cousin with a livid face: "Cousin, you think the same way? You think that the money for my house is Yin Yincong Borrowed from outside? Do you think my family is swollen to pretend to be fat?"


Xu Mingfu didn't think so, but he couldn't help his mother-in-law muttering so much, she thought it was true after hearing too much.

"Actually, even if you borrow it, it's good to be able to build the house. You can pay back the debt slowly later."

He really thinks so, and he can borrow 10,000+ interest-free money to build a big villa for his family, which is also a skill.

Father Xu was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him anymore: "Anyway, Yinyin wouldn't do such a thing."

Xu Yin: "..."

Her father trusted her so much.

"Of course I can't do this kind of thing. But it's true to ask my classmates to borrow money, but I paid it off before I went home. The money for building the house was earned by me and my friend doing business together."


Wang Cuihua jumped up from the ground.

"You are a poor student who graduated from a third-rate college. How could you earn so much money in two years?"

Xu Yin glanced at her indifferently: "A diploma does not represent strength."


Apart from liking to buy famous brands, what strength does this damn girl have?Stop laughing!
Wang Cuihua couldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death: "What kind of business do you do?"

"What do you care about my business?" Xu Yin gave her a strange look, "You are neither my father nor my mother, why should I tell you? Anyway, I neither break the law nor violate the rules. Auntie, you can fabricate things without proof, which is enough to constitute a crime of defamation. By the way, if you are arrested and sent to jail, I don’t know if Sister Shanshan’s work will be affected. "

"You fart!"

Wang Cuihua's mouth was tough, but her heart couldn't stop beating.

Xu Mingfu also lowered his face now, and shouted: "Why don't you hurry up and apologize to your siblings and Yinyin! I really want them to call the police and arrest you?"

Wang Cuihua: "I don't!"

It was worse than killing her.

"Mom, please apologize!" Xu Tianli persuaded with a headache, "There is a crime of defamation in the law. I just heard a case from my classmate a few days ago. It was a young daughter-in-law from his village who married to another town. Made up bad things about my sister-in-law, and after the rumors spread, her sister-in-law almost committed suicide by throwing herself into a well, and now she has been detained by the police, and she seems to be going to jail."


Wang Cuihua panicked.

She never thought that saying a few specious words would break the law.

If this is really going to jail, what will the family do?Her son's life-long event has not yet been done. An old woman who is in prison can still marry a satisfactory daughter-in-law?And her niece, who finally won the iron job, won't she lose it?

It's over! It's over!

If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have said it, anyway, it wasn't her who borrowed the money, and if someone came to collect the debt, it was none of her family's business.

"Oh, it's all my fault!"

Wang Cuihua was able to bend and stretch, and slapped her own mouth twice, begging Xu's mother to forgive her.

Xu's mother winked at her daughter, meaning to let her decide whether or not this matter should become a big deal.

Xu Yin knew in her heart that even if she reported to the police, it would be dealt with according to the minor circumstances, and it was unlikely that she would be sentenced. At most, Wang Cuihua would make an apology and compensate for the loss.

After thinking about it, Xu Yin slowly opened her mouth: "Auntie Tang, since our two families worship the same ancestor, I don't need to call the police today. But you must first broadcast through the village committee and read sincerely for three days. A letter of apology to restore my reputation; secondly, my parents were trembling with anger because of this incident, which seriously affected their health. I will take them to the hospital for a check-up in the afternoon, and you will have to pay for the medical expenses; thirdly..."

"Why is there more?" Wang Cuihua couldn't help interrupting when she heard that she was going to lose money, "Is there any end?"

"Then I'd better hand it over to the police." Xu Yin took out her phone unhurriedly.

"No, no! Medical expenses, right? No problem!" Xu Tianli agreed on behalf of his mother.

Wang Cuihua curled her lips, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

In my heart, I scolded Xu Mingkang and his wife bloody. I don't know how to stop my daughter and let her talk like a lion.

Xu Yin slowly said the last request: "Don't move around after the two families. Anyway, my grandpa and grandma are gone. My grandpa is the only elder of the two families. I don't care if you don't visit him. Anyway, in the past years I haven’t seen you visiting his old man with gifts.”

In connection with the original plot, Xu Mingfu's family should be the ones who bought the original house when the debt collection company came to the door.Not to mention lowering the price, such a large homestead actually asks for half-buy, half-free, what is it?
For this kind of relative who likes to stab a knife in the back, it is better to keep a respectful distance.

I don't want to bring them when I get rich in the future.

Xu Mingfu's family: "..."

You've said all the good and bad things!

But what can be done?
What happened today was indeed Wang Cuihua's fault.

If there is a big trouble, only Xu Mingfu's family will be ashamed.

Facing the eyes of the melon-eating crowd watching the show, the father and son swallowed and urged Wang Cuihua to apologize, and promised to reimburse Xu Mingkang and his wife for the hospital examination expenses.

With the village head and other villagers as witnesses, Xu Yin is not afraid of them reneging on their debts.

"Dad, Mom, uncle is here, let's go back and cook!"

Uncle Xu came here by taxi, and his car was driven by his wife. At noon on the weekend, the road out of the city was a bit congested. When we arrived at the village, the bustle had already ended.

"Mingrui is here? Yan Qun said that you accompanied Dad to the reexamination. What did the doctor say?" Seeing his younger brother, Xu's father thought of his father. If he knew that his family and Mingfu's family had fallen out, would it be possible? I was so angry that my hair was blocked.

Xu Mingrui took the tissue from his daughter-in-law and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Dad is much better. He drank the medicinal wine from Yin Yin and hasn't had any seizures recently. The doctor even asked us if we were taking imported medicine."

"That's good." Xu's father was relieved, "The medicinal wine bought by Yin Yintuo's friend is very effective, and I am also drinking it. Don't look at the busy season and now I don't have a rest, but drink a small cup before going to bed, and then soak it. With hot water feet, I slept until dawn, and when I woke up in the morning, my waist didn’t hurt, my legs didn’t hurt, and I was very energetic. Your sister-in-law said that I was several years younger.”

The two brothers talked and walked to the new house.

Xu Yin and the others walked behind.

"Yinyin, do you really want to go to the hospital? Do you want to register first?" Jiang Yanqun asked while walking beside Xu Yin, leading her son.

Xu Yin curled her lips: "I want to go, but I don't need to register. Last month, I wanted to take my parents for a medical examination. The medical examination center of the Third County Hospital said that it would introduce a newest heart ultrasound machine this month. The appointment is for this month, and I plan to go in these two days."

Originally, I was going to take my parents for a full set of medical examinations, but now someone paid for it, and it was automatically delivered to my door.

 Happy Friday everyone! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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