Chapter 944 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (40)

Every time a guest comes, Xu Yin's family goes to the new house to start a fire.

It’s good to warm up the pot and warm the house in advance, and clean up after eating, which can add some popularity to the new home.

But let's stay for a long time, worrying that the smell hasn't dissipated, it doesn't matter to have a meal once in a while.

The windows on all sides are open, and potted plants such as spider plants, pothos, and sansevieria can be seen everywhere in the living room, corridors, stairs, and rooms.

It is said that this kind of green plants are super effective in removing formaldehyde.

Xu Yin brought out a few pots, and if not enough, she went to the flower and bird market to pull a cart.

It can be said that her house looks like a mini forest when you walk in now.

There are spider plants and ivy hanging on the high places, and green radish and sansevieria are placed on the lower places. There are two half-person-high rubber trees at the stairway.

Throwing a cloud of spiritual mist to them the next day, not only did they not become wilted by the smell of the new furniture, but they were lush and green.

Jiang Yanqun said enviously: "Yinyin, I heard from my sister-in-law that you raise all the flowers and plants in the house? You are so amazing! I can't do it anymore. Everything I raise dies quickly, even the cactus. Your uncle said I'm a plant killer."

"If my aunt likes it, pick a few pots. These are easy to raise, and you don't need to take care of them at ordinary times. If you are worried, I will prepare a pot of nutrient solution for you, and spray it every other day to keep it growing strong."

"Nutrient solution? I bought it before, but I didn't buy it again after I used it up. The flowers and plants died within a few days. Is it okay to keep using it?"

"It's okay, I made it myself." Xu Yin said, "A bottle can last for about half a month. When you're done, bring the empty bottle back and I'll make it for you."

In fact, it is the mountain stream water with some flower and plant nutrient solution, and soaked in a bit of spiritual mist.

But for ordinary potted plants, such a small amount of spiritual mist is enough for them to absorb, and the concentration is too high, but it is too heaven-defying.

Hearing what she said, Jiang Yanqun happily went to pick potted plants.

She ordered a pot of Chlorophytum, and planned to put it on the vertical air conditioner like Xu Yin's house; she also picked a pot of Sansevieria, and put it on the bay window of the living room.

Mother Xu was drugged by her daughter and hurried to the kitchen to cook.After Jiang Yanqun picked out the green plants, he followed them.

Father Xu still had some work to do, so he went to the backyard once he got home.

Xu Mingrui followed to see if there was anything he could do to help.

It turned out that there was no way to help even if I wanted to help, so I just squatted beside me as a chatterbox.

"Brother, I heard from Yan Qun that Yinyin has covered up the open space in the back, but what can be grown in such a barren land?"

"She said to grow watermelons, and mountain watermelons are said to be suitable for such soil. Anyway, the contract fee is not expensive, so let her try it."

The area of ​​this piece of land is not bad, it is long, not smaller than his cherry orchard.If watermelons can really be grown, the 70-year contract fee can be earned back in one year.

"Yinyin is so capable now." Xu Mingrui said with emotion, "It's different after studying in a big city."

"That's not true!" Xu's father said cheerfully, "Even if you don't learn the major well, it is always true to broaden your horizons. Otherwise, why would rich people send their children to study abroad? It's the same reason."

Xu Mingrui laughed: "Brother still has a vision. At the beginning, I didn't really agree with her going to Anshi to study in a junior college. The main reason was that the reputation of the junior college was mediocre. I'm afraid I won't learn much. With the current development, it's really me Unexpected."

Xu Yin came to the utility room in the backyard to look for tools, and when she heard what my uncle said, she couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth: Don't doubt, you are right!
Xu Mingrui's family had a sumptuous lunch and prepared to go home with the big bags that Xu's father and Xu's mother had packed.

"Brother and sister-in-law, since the physical examination is tomorrow, why don't you go with us today, the house is crowded and you can live there, saving you from going to the city early tomorrow, too long an empty stomach is not good for your health."

"Yeah, it's always closer from my house to the Third Hospital than from here."

My uncle and aunt sincerely invited her, but Xu Yin felt that it was more convenient to live at her own house. Anyway, she had a car, and there were no people on the road in the morning. Once she stepped on the accelerator, she arrived in half an hour.

Xu's father and Xu's mother will definitely follow their daughter, Xu Yin is not willing to go, and they are happy to be at ease.

After sending off the younger brother's family, the couple threw themselves into the backyard again.

Xu Yin took a kettle and went to the mountain to continue grafting the cherry trees.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Jiang Yanqun looked back at her son who was snoring contentedly in the child safety seat in the back seat, who was sleeping in the dark, arched her eyebrows, and sighed in a low voice:

"Yinyin gave Haohao all the eggs saved at home. She also said that she would raise more chickens next year and planned to raise a few geese. She wrapped the eggs and goose eggs that Haohao ate."

"She is indeed a lot more sensible." Xu Mingrui said while steering the steering wheel and paying attention to the road conditions, "We are a big family, and there are only two of them. The relationship between cousins ​​and brothers has been cultivated since childhood, and it will be no different from real siblings in the future."

"In the past, I was not very happy for Haohao to get close to Yinyin, but Yinyin and Haohao were not very close before. How nice it is now."

Jiang Yanqun leaned on the back of the chair, squinted and recalled the decisive moment when her niece broke up with Wang Cuihua at the gate of the village committee in the morning, smiled and continued: "Yinyin is actually quite smart. By the way, do you know how she learned how to graft?" It turned out to be self-taught by reading books, and then followed the online videos to practice. I think she is very confident, if she succeeds, we will have cherries next June."

When he got home, his son was still awake, so Xu Mingrui had to let his son lie on his shoulders. He held the baby with one hand and freed up the other hand to carry eggs. His wife also had to carry several large bags of vegetables and fruits.

"Oh, why did you bring so many things?"

Mrs. Jiang was sitting on a wooden bench in the small square downstairs, chatting with the old ladies with their children. When she saw her daughter's family coming back, she hurried to help.

He took a big bag, looked down, and saw that it was fresh vegetables with muddy roots, his smile deepened a few degrees, and he said politely:
"It was given by your elder brother and sister-in-law again? After they built a new house, didn't the original vegetable field be cleaned up? The newly planted vegetables should not be ready to eat yet, right?"

Jiang Yanqun explained with a smile: "My sister-in-law said that we need to buy food in the city, and it's not necessarily fresh, so she took me to the neighbor's house to pick it. Their neighbors are also very polite, saying that these vegetables are cooked together, and they will always be old if they don't eat them." In the field, let me just pick it."

"Then these eggs..."

"It was born by my sister-in-law's own chicken. Yinyin asked me to bring it over since the day she was on the beam. She also said that she would pick it up when it was gone. Starting next year, my sister-in-law's family will raise more chickens. Let us If you want to eat chicken, go to her house to catch it."

Mrs. Jiang smiled from ear to ear: "It's fine to catch them, but the money has to be paid according to the market price. If you can buy authentic home-raised chickens, you are already taking advantage."

"I know this."

While talking, the whole family entered the unit building with big bags and small bags.

A group of old ladies with children left behind sighed enviously: How come they don't have such polite relatives in the country.

(End of this chapter)

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