Chapter 961 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (57)

Xu's mother was so scared that she didn't dare to eat it when she learned that Lvheng's company sells 108 yuan a piece.

She couldn't pick out the small ones and would rather not eat them, so Xu Yin hurriedly sold them.

Too expensive! ! !
Even if it was grown by her own family, she couldn't stop talking.

Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Mom, the fruits in the yard are planted for us to eat. My income is not low now, so I am not short of this money."

That's what he said, but Xu's mother was still reluctant.

This was the first time she had heard that peaches could be sold by the piece.

Oh, not only peaches, but also ripening apricots, plums, pears... All the fine products cultivated by Lvheng ecological orchard are sold by piece.

Pears are big, and Xu's mother can understand the price by pear, but how big can such small fruits as apricots and plums be?

Until she discovered that her own plums were all bigger than a baby's fist, and the purple-black skin was crisp and sweet. When she took a bite, the flesh burst into juice, which was as sweet as a delicious iced drink in summer.

The sweet and sour plums in my impression are so delicious?
Mother Xu sighed.

Xu Yin also tasted one herself, with a smile on her face: "There is a peach-shaped black diamond plum similar to this one in the experimental garden. The export price has risen to 25 US dollars a piece, and the supply is still in short supply."


Mother Xu clicked her tongue: Obediently!
Is it so profitable to grow fruit trees?

I used to think that mountain farmers had no choice but to plant fruit trees. No matter how hard they were surrounded by mountains, the grain yield was low, so they had to grow fruits. Earning a year’s income is also the reward for hard work from the beginning to the end of the year.It wasn't until these two years that I really tasted the sweetness.

"It seems that cultural people are different." Mother Xu said cheerfully.

Uneducated like them, after planting, it is nothing more than weeding, watering, and fertilizing. Who will study how to graft, how to cultivate, and how to make the grown fruit delicious and beautiful, to compete for the fruit industry? King of Kings.

Unlike a girl, she reads books on fruit tree cultivation in her hands when she is free, and uses them while learning. What is there a word called?Apply what you have learned!
Isn't it because of their culture that Lvheng employs so many researchers and engineers to continuously improve the ecological fertilizer?

Xu's mother was once again thankful that her daughter had to go to Anshi to study a junior college. Many people said that the junior college was useless, just to get a reputation. Now undergraduates can't find a job after graduating, and the college diploma is like a waste of paper.

Fortunately, she and Lao Xu loved their daughter, and didn't listen to those people's words, so they gritted their teeth and survived. Looking back now, the tuition and living expenses of tens of thousands of yuan per year are worth it!So worth it!

Xu Yin didn't know that her mother still had so many thoughts in her mind after eating plums, so she called her aunt and asked her to come home to pick up some fruits when she was free.

Since the family built a house, grafted fruit trees, and planted watermelons, my uncle's father-in-law and mother-in-law would bring Haohao to live for a few days during the busy season, helping with picking and guarding, and the uncle and his wife would also come to help on weekends.

Thanks to their family, Xu Yin was able to go to work in Lvheng Orchard without distraction.

Although she is a shareholder, no one stipulates that she must go to work a few days a month, but Lvheng gives too much, and she can't just care about her family and ignore everyone.

Fortunately, her family's cherries and melons became famous after the Travel Expo, and customers who added her as friends rushed to book them before they were ripe.

Especially the rich and powerful customers in the capital, they don't ask the price, and every time they contact her, they will directly send red envelopes and report the weight.

This year, I probably heard from Zhang Huaijin that she planted an acre of ecological tomatoes that ripened from the branches, and ordered 500 catties as soon as they were fruited.

The purchasing power is amazing.

In this way, her family's melons and fruits will not worry about selling.

In the past, I was looking forward to picking up tourist groups, but now I dare not pick up tourist groups—I am afraid that there will be no fruit for them to pick, and it would be a joke.

Fortunately, there are quite a few orchards in Qianjin Village, cherries, peaches, apricots, plums, citrus, pears... enough for travel agencies to arrange picking projects according to the ripe months.

In the past two years, most of the orchards in the village have been re-grafted with fruit trees under her guidance.Not only cherries, but also other fruits have been grafted one by one.

The taste of the fruit has been improved. Even if new tourists come here because of the signboard of "the designated fruit supplier of the Travel Expo", as long as they come to pick it once, they will become loyal repeat customers of Qianjin Village.

Xu Yin introduced Chen Jiao's relatives and friends who opened fruit shops to the village head's youngest son. After he passed the driver's license test, he also bought a small truck to deliver goods to Anshi regularly.

Xiangcheng fruit has become famous with the Travel Expo, and the fruit merchants in Anshi are very willing to buy from him, and there is no shortage of market for the fruit in Qianjin Village.

The more you worry about sales, the more tourists come here. The picking business is getting better every year. The door-to-door buyers no longer dare to lower the price at will.

Even if the villagers are unwilling to take the trouble to receive tourists and entrust the village chief's youngest son to transport them out for sale, selling directly to buyers will not be as aggrieved and disadvantaged as before.

With money in the village, Xu Yin used [-]% of the barbecue bonus to support the construction of her hometown.

Children's reading rooms, table tennis rooms, and basketball courts have been successively built in the village for the children in the village to read and do activities in their spare time.

And the parents of these children working outside, seeing that the development of the village is getting better and better, they don't plan to leave when they come back during the Chinese New Year.It is one thing to be reluctant to bear children. Since you can find a job at your doorstep, why go all the way to other provinces to live a life of ups and downs?

They don't have an orchard at home, so they go to the town to find work. Now the projects under construction by Lvheng Company are enough for them to work for several years.

If it doesn't work, being a delivery guy and buying roast lamb from Xu's Mutton Restaurant for people in the city is also a way out.

Xu Yin’s five-acre cherry orchard was built with a greenhouse with automatic temperature control and technology management. The annual output is also very stable. A young couple who returned to the village were hired to help take care of it. The family also hired a hard-working woman. Help Xu's mother take care of melon fields and vegetable gardens, and take care of the old man.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for turning the fate of cannon fodder in this world, the extra tasks are still being completed, the host can settle the extra task rewards at any time, click to go to the new world...]

Xu Yin raised her eyebrows, the completion of the basic task means that the fate of the cannon fodder has been rewritten.

As for the extra task, because it is to help the villagers get rich, and everyone has a different understanding of wealth, so there is no end to getting rich, and she can settle it whenever she wants.

But once it is settled, you have to leave this small world to go to the next mission world.

She hasn't hoarded much supplies yet, so of course she's not in a hurry to leave.

Xu Yin didn't touch the button, and chose to stay in this small world for the rest of her life.

She and Comrade Xiaojin broke through the window paper and held hands when they had known each other for two years.

Perhaps in the past two years, Zhang Huaijin often visited her father's mutton restaurant, and would come to her house for dinner on holidays, and often gave her family gifts. When the two made their relationship public, none of the Xu family was surprised. On the contrary, they even teased her why she was so Moji, it took two years to come to fruition.

(End of this chapter)

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