Chapter 962 The Selfish Vanity Female Supporting Girl (End of this article)

After marriage, the couple settled down in a single-family building at the foot of the ecological orchard.

The right hand is the staff canteen, and the left hand is the mutton restaurant opened by her father. Both of them are too busy to cook by themselves. They either go to the canteen or go to Xu's father for a meal.

Xu's mother still maintains the habit of making soup for her daughter when she has time, but now that she has a son-in-law, the chicken soup is no longer divided into half chickens, but the whole chicken is served directly.In winter, the son-in-law is also stewed with medicinal mutton soup to nourish alone, which is too good for the son-in-law.

Of course, the son-in-law is also kind to them. Before the engagement, he took time to accompany his father-in-law to take the driver's license test. As soon as he got the driver's license, he bought a hatchback car for more than 30 yuan with a particularly spacious trunk; Houses, shops on the first floor, and residences on the second, third, and fourth floors. If you like living in Qianjin Village but not in the town, you can rent them out. The rent alone is enough for the couple to retire comfortably.

During holidays, Xu Yin would accompany him back to the capital to spend the holidays with his in-laws.

She didn't know that his family turned out to be a military family until after the two officially fell in love. From the retired grandparents, grandparents, and cousins ​​studying in the military academy, they were all soldiers.

He was the only exception. He liked to spend time in the laboratory doing research since he was a child, and he was doing research on bio-organic fertilizers. During college, he developed an organic fertilizer that can promote the rapid growth of plants. Later, with this patent, he was established Lvheng company.

The whole family was dumbfounded at the time, a biological madman came out of a military family?How will you find someone after this?

The people they know are almost all in the same circle. They all say that looking for a partner is to find like-minded people, and they are not in the same line. How to introduce them to him?
Unexpectedly, this strange boy went south for two or three years, and brought back a beautiful girl with red lips, white teeth, and crooked eyebrows when she smiled. He said that she was his girlfriend and was rushing to get married.

The Zhang family couldn't close their jaws in astonishment.

After closing their jaws, they gave Xu Yin red envelopes and gifts, as if they were afraid that she would run away.

Probably, in the eyes of the Zhang family, there are few people in the world who can share common topics with Zhang Xiaojin, who has been dealing with soil, fruit trees, and fertilizers all day.If this is not true love, what is true love?
Under the urging of Zhang's family to get married, Xu Yin and Comrade Xiaojin were sent to the wedding hall after dating for half a year.

The dowry gift was one million and one million, meaning one in a million.

In addition, she has two more houses, a car, and several sets of expensive jewelry under her name, all of which were wedding gifts from the elders of the Zhang family.

All the elders gave red envelopes.

It's just that the gift money from the capital is frighteningly high, starting with four figures, and those who are close to him all gave five figures.

When Xu's mother saw the statistics, she could walk with the same hands and feet.

I thought her natal family had made a lot of money by selling kebabs in the mountain scenic spots in the past few years. This time, the girl got married and became an uncle, and the 1 yuan red envelope was considered the most polite of relatives. Unexpectedly, the relatives of the son-in-law , My peers are so generous.

After regaining consciousness, I told my daughter not to spend money recklessly if she had money on hand, so as not to be embarrassing in the future.

Xu Yin smiled and showed her mother her small coffers, and Xu's mother immediately shut up and stopped talking.

Such a long string of numbers, let alone a five-figure gift, can buy several houses for a seven-figure house.

But why does Xu Yin need so many houses?It is better to stock up on supplies than to have money!
Therefore, after marriage, whenever the orchard enters the idle season of the year, she takes Comrade Xiaojin to collect high-quality seeds and fruit seedlings from all over the country in the name of observing and studying ecological orchards all over the country, and brings them back to Lvheng Orchard for cultivation. Store some in the system warehouse.

Real ecological orchards are generally built in rural mountains with a suitable climate and abundant negative oxygen ions. Naturally, some good-quality mountain products will be brought along.Backhandedly sell a handful of Lvheng's ecological fertilizer, spending money and earning money.

The couple went out to play every year, and traveled all over the mountainous areas of the country. They visited all orchards of a certain size, and then started to go abroad.

It's a pity that fresh fruits and vegetables can't be shipped back to the country. Apart from observing and studying, I can only eat more locally, and store some in the system warehouse when people are not prepared.

Seafood such as oysters and scallops that were consumed before have been replenished in recent years.

She traveled east and west to stock up on food, and Comrade Xiaojin won several long-term customers of Lvheng Ecological Fertilizer, which increased foreign exchange income for the country.

For five consecutive years, every year.

Grandpa Xu couldn't stand it anymore, and when he caught her, he persuaded her earnestly: "Yinyin, it's time to calm down, and Xiaozhang is going to have a baby, you are already thirty, if you don't give birth again, you will become an advanced mother. Look at Xu Shan, she gave birth to her second child last year, and the older ones will be able to use soy sauce."

"Grandpa, 30 years old is not considered old now, only 50 to [-] years old."

Grandpa Xu stared in shock: "What's wrong? You still plan to play until you're 50 or [-] years old?"


Xu Yin is really not in a hurry, and Zhang Huaijin is not in a hurry either, the two of them haven't run enough yet, but the two elders are in a hurry.

In the sixth year after marriage, it was rare for the two of them to go out to play. They also stayed at home during the off-season, spending time with their elders, visiting the orchard, preparing for pregnancy by the way, and gave birth to twins in the summer of the following year.

The Zhang family has the genes of twins, and Zhang Huaijin's father and aunt are siblings.

When the child was full moon, apart from relatives and friends at home, Chen Jiao, Shang Lili, Lu Wenxin and other good friends and old classmates who got along well with Xu Yin were all there.

Shang Lili looked at Xu Yin and the delicate and plain face that hadn't changed from eight or nine years ago, and then looked at Zhang Huaijin's doting eyes and considerate care, and couldn't help but slap herself in the face:

"You don't know, I sympathized with Xu Yin's other partner and the child reincarnated in her womb."

"Why are you sympathetic?" Lu Wenxin asked.

She is now the distributor of Xu Yin's orchard, Xu Yin eats meat, and she drinks soup.

Not only her, the group of old classmates who borrowed money from Xu Yin in the past have more or less been helped by Xu Yin in recent years:
Some, like her, have become distributors of orchards in Qianjin Village;
Some wanted to change jobs and apply for jobs at Lvheng Company. Xu Yin gave them a stack of study materials to facilitate their review of the written test.However, they still need to prepare for the interview and other levels.That's not bad, if you can't pass the written test, you won't have a chance no matter how good you are in the next few tests.

Others got married early and wanted to buy a house in the school district for their children to study. They were in short supply for a while. After hearing about it, Xu Yin took the initiative to lend them money for emergencies without interest. But compared to what they borrowed from Xu Yin in the past, this is the real urgent person Urgent.

Lu Wenxin sighed in his heart: At that time, due to the affection of his classmates, he was embarrassed not to borrow, but he did not expect that it was themselves who made it up in the end.

"You don't know how unrestrained she was living back then." Shang Lili twitched her lips slightly, "Looking at it now, people's fortunes are predestined, and seeing how happy she is living now, I'm really an emperor." Urgent eunuch urgent."


Everyone laughed.

Before the twins were three years old, Xu Yin stopped thinking about going out to play every year, but Zhang Huaijin couldn't stay idle. Since he didn't go out, he contracted the entire mountain top connecting Qianjin Village and Wangjing Village. It took three years to build a comprehensive cherry sightseeing garden for twins to have fun.

The entire park covers an area of ​​[-] acres, with dense forests in the mountains, gurgling streams, and slate-paved walking paths, and you can see a mushroom-shaped rest chair after a certain distance.

The trees in the garden are cherry trees of various varieties. When the cherry blossoms are in bloom, it is like a snow-white fairy tale world.

In the center of the park is a transplanted ancient cherry tree, which is 80 years old. A bird house is placed on the branch of the tree, where a few pigeons live, and a flock of black silkies are scattered under the tree.

There is a pavilion next to the tree to enjoy the cool and rest, and there are some swings, slides, climbing frames and other children's equipment for children to climb and play on the lawn.

Tourists buy tickets all year round to visit.Especially during the cherry picking season every year, the passenger flow here is comparable to the famous 5A-level scenic spot in the country.

Who made Lvheng ecological orchard not open to the outside world? The only option is to go to the cherry children's paradise created by the owner of Lvheng for the children of dragons and phoenixes.

Of course, there is another saying that this romantic, beautiful and childlike cherry sightseeing garden is used by Boss Zhang to commemorate his acquaintance with his wife.It is said that the two met through a certain travel fair, and all the encounters stemmed from a cherry love...

{end of this article}
(End of this chapter)

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