Tang Dynasty good man

Chapter 491 Confusion

Chapter [-] confusion

On the second daughter's side, the biggest conclusion that can be drawn is: there is suspicion of being made by the Wang family, but it is no longer a product of the Wang family.Fragrance is very mysterious. In the eyes of experts, fragrance can be stripped away.Two different groups of spices can form two compound fragrances with roughly similar tastes.And through some professional means, after peeling off the layers, there is a corresponding comparison of the composition of the individual fragrances.

What puzzles the experts is that after steaming the toilet water sent by Lanling, it has the shadow of Wang's products, but it seems to have different fragrances mixed in it.After listening to the second daughter's report, I made a special trip to the toilet water workshop to consult several experts and authorities. After repeated arguments, an older fragrance master gave me a vague statement: the composition of fragrances has its own unique rules.For example, when you are matching a sachet, jasmine is missing, and you don’t have a ready-made flower source at hand. At this time, you can use several different spices to match the fragrance of jasmine.It's easy to say, but if you really want to achieve a godlike effect, then you must belong to the top masters in the fragrance world.Without 30 to [-] years of skill, it is impossible.

For example, this product looks like Wangjia toilet water.The Wang family has no way to clear up this suspicion, because it is fundamentally a product of the Wang family.It uses relatively low-grade toilet water, but after reconstitution and fumigation, it turns into the taste of Jiuhua Yulu.In fact, toilet water is the simplified version of Jiuhua Yulu.It finds the difference in fragrance but not the actual formula.Therefore, using the attainments in blending spices, the taste of the missing spices is virtualized.

For connoisseurs who devote themselves to infusing spices, after repeated blending and fumigation, they can achieve the effect of Wang's products even without the secret recipe of Wang's family.And upgrading Jiuhua Yulu with toilet water is the most cost-effective and convenient way.In the process of re-fumigation, it re-adjusted the proportion of ingredients.In this way, the effect of secondary dilution can also be obtained, thereby further reducing the cost of the product.

I understand the principle of secondary dilution, which is the method of blending Moutai with dichlorvos.It shows that the counterfeiters in ancient times still had a bit of conscience. He at least used the products of the Wang family as raw materials, and upgraded them on this basis.

The master shook his head and denied my statement.It's just a gradual process. At the beginning, I wanted to take a shortcut.He may use a catty of toilet water as raw material to forge only a catty and a half of Jiuhua Yulu.In the process of counterfeiting, he gradually mastered more processes, and with the huge profits he obtained, he was able to crack more fragrance types when he had ample funds. A catty of toilet water was not enough to forge a catty and a half of Jiuhua Yulu.The more he mastered, the less dependent he would be on the Wang family toilet water.The lower the cost.

Nodding, this explains the reason why the Wang family's orders are getting more and more pressured, while the sales of the inner palace in the west are getting less and less.It seems that the source cannot be found.Just like what the master said, many of the top products of my Wang family have been cracked.And there is a tendency to gradually get rid of the original ingredients of the Wang family, and now this discovery must be reported to the inner government.The two work together to find the culprit.

"No." The second girl pulled me back and found a corner where no one was around. "Temporarily unable to communicate with the inner government, the Wang family will search alone first."

"Why?" The power of the Wang family can't go that far, and it's quite difficult to find it alone without the help of the inner palace.This depends on the eyeliner of the Neifu... Or, after looking at the second daughter, he didn't think about it.

"The current Inner Palace is unreliable. It's really easy for them to find it. I'm afraid that if they find it out, it will be difficult to handle the matter if they leave the Wang family aside." The second daughter thought about it for a while, then raised her face and said: "Let's not think about it for now. What is the idea of ​​Princess Lanling, business is not based on favors."

"Speak clearly." Frowning, she vaguely knew what the second daughter wanted to express.

The Inner Palace has the most powerful commercial structure in the world, and now it has formed a very complete operating system.Also an oligarch, the only product of the Wang family brought both opportunities and pressure to the inner government.If in Datang territory.There is really a manufacturer that rivals the products of Wangjia toilet water workshop.It is undoubtedly a good thing for the inner government.Whether it's the product or the price.The inner government will have more room for choice.If we make effective use of this opportunity and support a supplier with both strength and ability, the era of the Wang family's dominance will become a thing of the past, and the inner government will be able to use both sides to gain more profits. .

The second daughter concluded correctly that trusting Lanling does not mean trusting the entire Inner Palace.For the Wang family, this is a scourge. While eradicating it fundamentally, it is also necessary to prevent such things from happening again.Now, firstly, there should be no rumors; secondly, it should not be settled on the table.This is not good for the Wang family.The first thing to appease is the Inner Palace, make timely concessions to stabilize the Inner Palace, and then the Wang family will free up their hands to uproot this fake den in private.

Nodding, "The family has to figure it out." Although he didn't immediately agree with the second daughter's opinion, he still felt that the second daughter was right.These days, in a semi-legal society, once many problems are resolved on the spot, it will cause too much trouble, especially this kind of commercial disputes.On the surface, it is the Chen family who is in the lead, but secretly it has to rely on the power of the Wang family to solve the problem, and it must not go through the legal process.Once it is put on the table, whether it is reasonable or not, let's make a bullying statement first.In particular, the high profit of toilet water will become the focus of attention of all parties.In the period when productivity was underdeveloped, luxury goods were regulated by the state, and toilet water was not included in the list of luxury goods because it was covered with a mosquito-repellent hat.To put it bluntly, it was supported by the face of the Wang family.

I'm afraid that the inner government will intervene and destroy the Wang family's good monopoly situation.After all, there are too many products in the toilet water workshop that are "selling dog meat".For example, the various perfumes in the past two years have nothing to do with the toilet water in the early years. They are expensive and pay less taxes.Once you are paid attention by the government, even if someone is willing to cover up for you, you can't hide it anymore.

Ying's idea is for the Chen family to come forward and offer a reasonable price without disturbing the local area, and sell the black den with people and prescriptions in one go.Of course, if the other party is reasonable, we will use reasonable methods; if he is not reasonable, we will also use unreasonable methods.

"What method?" Everyone in Chang'an City was arrogant.Since it is not his own one-acre three-point land, it is impossible to do things absolutely. "Think it over and talk."

Ying disapproved, "After Jiannan to the west is Tubo, isn't it just for hiding? If there is a background, go into the mountain? After all, we are not afraid if there is a background. There are dozens of big families in the front and back. , all for the favor of the royal family. If we do this, we won’t be afraid of making trouble, but he doesn’t have the confidence. Husband, tell me, is this the reason?”

The fourth child continued, "He doesn't care what the trouble is, because he is afraid that the inner government will interfere with it. Brother-in-law is worried that first, the inner government should not interfere, and second, the government should not hear about it. In private, he is a tyrant, and he has to deal with it. Think long term."

The second girl was happy, and glanced at the fourth child with disdain, peeled a handful of pomegranates, and handed them to my hand with a sweet face, occasionally squeezed one or two pomegranates to pass the pomegranate, without saying a word from front to back.This reminded Ying, she pointed at the second girl's forehead and poked her. "Don't we still have this stinky girl? I just forgot that she holds a large share of Nan Jinchang. Nan Jinchang only established a foothold in Lingnan Road a few years ago, and all the management is based on the affection of the second daughter." Speaking of which, she is the only one in our family who can talk to the west.

Ying didn't need to remind me, the second daughter and the first said to solve it in private, and I could understand what it meant.It's not that far yet, the second girl can't use it easily.I know her methods best. How did Nan Jinchang get up in the past two years?I dare not turn over a bloody account.

Pointing at the fourth child, "Go tomorrow and invite the two stewards of the inner mansion to our family, so as to entertain them. If they want to lower the price, let them do so. With your ability, we can't change our position on the price. Not to give up. But in private, the goods are replenished for others. What should be mentioned, even...even if [-]% of the goods are given over!"

With a ruthless heart, this matter can't be kept hidden for long, and if you want to settle it before the inner government is alerted, you have to use a two-pronged approach.Find the place first, find the people first, how to talk, let's be courteous first and then fight.It really doesn't work, I looked at the second daughter beside me.This girl, after many years of experience, started to do things, not to mention cutting grass and roots, and now she has the habit of digging three points.Confess to the second daughter in a low voice, "Let Nan Jinchang follow the source of the goods and find the right owner for me. Just find it out, it's not a big deal."

Lan Ling looked at my face with a smile, looked left and right, looked up and squinted for a while, making people feel uncomfortable.Pump her if you want, the sugar cane is outside the house.It's as if I was born to do all the wrong things.There is no measure.

"So, our oligarch Lord Hou also knows the discount?" Lan Ling raised his chin and almost poked me in the face, "Have you found out the root cause of my bad conscience? Is it the second daughter or the fourth child? I can wait for the Lord to take it." people come over."

"Go ahead, Shanyuan. If you don't have it, it's cheap and good-looking." Lan Ling was pushed aside in displeasure, "It's about friendship, don't make arrangements."

"This is strange. We have been friends for so many years, what did you do long ago? You are so confident in being soft. Don't talk about my internal government's bloody mouth, right? It's about taking advantage of it. I don't know who really fell for it. .” Lan Ling parted her hair into strands, making strange hairstyles.While mockingly said: "You just get used to it, counting from now on, this Wang family is all honest people."

"Okay, I'm honest, and my whole family is honest!"

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