Chapter [-] Foresight

To be honest, to be honest, if you want to get this thing done, you must first have an outline.Lao Wangcai has a close relationship with me.It is also a dog, but it is much wiser and has seen the world.The wise eyes exuded a stiff, dull light, and I looked at each other, maybe I felt tired when I raised my head, and slowly lay down on the edge of the kang, and after a while, I started snoring.

Wangcai is getting old, he has lost interest in jumping up and down, and the amount of exercise is getting less and less.Now, I just stroll around the flower bed in the back house a few times every day, even if I have passed the activity.My eyes are dazzled, my ears are deaf, and my appetite has gradually decreased.The coat color is not bright, and the places where the moulting in spring is more or less not completed, there are bumps and bumps, and the appearance is not as welcoming as when I was young.In my eyes, there is no difference between the owner and the pet at all, old friends for many years.

There is no taboo about what people cannot say.In fact, Wangcai knows everything in his heart.This living person, the older he gets, the lonelier he becomes.Those who like to be lively, after all, are just lively.Gathering and scattering, staying in my mind is just a cutscene.As the years go by, so many shadows will fade, disperse, and get used to it. Only when I am with Wangcai can I be real.

Speaking of which, Wangcai followed my temperament.Don't fight, don't grab, don't protect food, easy-going without airs.This is different from the needle nose, except for the old and strong money steward, who can take up the air in the palace, it belongs to our needle nose.Last time, a new servant didn't know what to do, and hit the needle nose.At that time, our needle-nosed master was basking in the sun, so he never thought that anyone would dare to touch it.Anger started from the bottom of his heart, this one, his calf-like physique almost killed that guy.The flesh and skin of the leg was torn off to the size of a palm.Just like that, he was kicked by the steward Qian who was passing by; at the end, steward Qian hugged the needle nose and asked some questions, like two brothers.The poor servant couldn't even walk properly for half a month.From now on, let's bask in the sun with needle noses, that's better than the emperor going out on tour.In the courtyard of the big hall, use it as a dot, within a radius of 20 meters, regardless of human beings or beasts, whoever violates our territory will be punished no matter how far away.

Wangcai is so close, the adults and children in the house can touch and pinch it any way they want.Putting his hands on Wangcai's belly and whirling a few times, Lao Wangcai turned his belly upwards with great effort, and separated his legs.While snoring and enjoying the caress.You have to pat its stomach, hard and loud, the more comfortable it will be.Whenever you don't exert any effort, it will struggle to open its eyes, stare at you a few times, and then complain a few times, Yiyi, ah, like chanting a mantra.

It is learning how to speak from you.An old dog becomes a master.Had something to say about it before.It squats there and listens, sticking out its tongue to be happy; at some point, it learns to talk, and when you say a few words, it will cuddle a few times to respond to you.From now on, you will have more energy to talk.It also clings more smoothly.After going back and forth, how many years have passed.Now he mutters prosperously, but he is well-known far and wide.It's uncomfortable, it grumbles at you; it's not happy.It also mumbles at you; it mumbles when it wants to eat and drink.If you don't listen to Wangcai muttering a few times in front of you every day, you will feel weak all over your body.

Sighing, the rhythm of belly patting gradually accelerated, Wangcai stretched his limbs and hummed comfortably. "I won't be muttering for a few days." Looking at this spirited head, I can't help but calculate in my heart.Speaking of which, Wangcai is a long-lived person.Can live longer.They all have heads.Thinking of lifting Wangcai's head and putting it on his feet, Wangcai was amused, he raised his ears on my calf a few times, and opened his eyes to look at me.I kept watching until I patted its nose a few times before curling up in satisfaction.

"Master Hou," Steward Qian came behind me at some point and probably looked at it for a while.don't bother.See Wangcai is asleep.Only then did I strike up a conversation. "Don't bother you?"

Get up quickly and let the old housekeeper in.He took a chair and asked the old man to sit down.The maid served tea, and the old man liked to show off, so he would enjoy it every now and then. "Master Hou is bothering you. I want to discuss something with you today. I wonder if I have time?"

"Oh?" That's strange. It's rare to come to me without discussing something with Ying.Looking at the old butler, he looks good, and I'm afraid it won't be anything bothering. "Is Madam not there?"

Steward Qian got up and cupped his hands at me, "The old man mentioned it to his wife, she said that she can't decide, so she has to run to you."

Laughed, Ying couldn't be the master, so she just ran to the Yamen.It's useless to find me.I bent down and Wangcai pulled the bottom of my feet, and put my belly on my feet evenly, and rubbed Wangcai's stomach up and down. "Uncle Qian, talk when you sit down and talk when you stand up. My family members speak their own language, why are you being polite?" Looking at Lao Qian's posture, he laughed with a guilty conscience. Make a small report, the appearance of blackmail.He took the tea bowl and took two sips, "Who offended Comrade Qian again?"

"Master Hou, where do you want to go?" Lao Qian hurriedly cupped his hands and shook his hands a few times. With such a squeeze on his chubby face, a kind and kind smile appeared. Cai, with a couple of strengths, gave the massage comfortably.Wangcai opened his eyes, returned the gift wagging his tail, muttered a few words of praise, and hummed ecstatically. "Speaking of which, Wangcai has been with Lord Hou for a long time. If it were an individual, he would have a head and face in the capital by now, but after all, he can't stand the age. I'm counting on the old man. When we arrive, we will be with Wangcai. There is no difference. But our family's business is getting better and better, our legs are short and our hands are short, and we can't take care of it. When we get old, our energy will be lost. Don't say that the old man doesn't work hard, it's because he has enough energy. Don't delay our family's prospects It is."

"Oh?" This old man came to fight in the ring again.What was said ten years ago will be the same thing ten years later, but he can't stop him from saying it four or five hundred times a year.With Lao Qian's temper, you might as well bury him alive if you let him retire.He belonged to the type who would poke through the eye of a needle once he had seized power, and he was used to relying on the old to sell the old. The most enjoyable thing in the whole day was when the masters of the family called him Uncle Qian in front of the servants.Then he really became an "uncle".It's a matter of qualifications, and the cost of going out to sell your mouth is only for everyone in the capital to shout: I am that so-and-so Hou Ye and his uncle.This is all very good, but he has a petty temper. He wants to straighten his boss all day long, and An Ansheng will take over from him.Don't you just want to be the Supreme Emperor? "I promised a long time ago, when everything is ready in the south... You are always alive and well."

Steward Qian blushed, and coughed dryly twice, "Two days ago, I got angry, and I'm not strong enough, coughing like I've fallen apart. I'm afraid it will delay the future of our Wang family."

"It's good to drink two packs of fried noodles. The future of our Wang family will not be hung on the one or two catties of butter." It's not that he didn't agree, he put the tea bowl, stood up and patted Lao Qian on the shoulder, "Don't worry, you are always a hero. The Wang family has With you, there will be a good prospect. Don’t talk about being tired or sick. After two years, the south will be resettled, and your sons will naturally take your place. Don’t expect your children to take over, and you will be able to relax. Go Afterwards, I have more room for you. Seeing that Jiujin has grown up, the second girl and the third and fourth brothers have to be taken care of by you." The old man is the same as the child, you have to get used to it and lie , Make him happy, can't reason.He understands the truth better than you.Once the high hat is put on, let's send it away first.

Lao Qian was excited every time he heard this, with an expression of living another 500 years.While bowing, he sighed, "The city of Chang'an is full. The old man has never seen a patriarch like Lord Hou in all these years. He said from the bottom of his heart, if it's not the old man, I want to let go. If I live for a day, if I can move for a day, I have to serve our family." One day's life. A few boys are ignorant, so I have to look after them, the old man, and I have to beat and scold them, and I have to be called by you, Lord Marquis. Throwing them far away, they have no intention of living, and they come back to be waste. I am not ashamed of my ancestors , are you ashamed of the Wang family's love all these years?"

While sending the old man out, he nodded his head to express his understanding, and he had to comfort him, "No one is ashamed, if you really say that you are ashamed, I will drink two packs of fried noodles in the future, and I have to make up for my body. Busy is busy, the body It's capital, don't let it break. Don't say you are old and have a high seniority, I, the head of the family, will have to criticize you, and I will not allow you to suffer in the future, and if you don't rest well, I will be really angry."

The old man's face was flushed, and he promised loudly with confidence, rubbed his hands and went out, bouncing around, which was completely opposite to Wangcai's calm demeanor.

Steward Qian went out, and Ying appeared out of nowhere.He stood behind his back and covered his mouth with a smile, "I still have to be dismissed by my husband. The old man is good. It's too long-winded. Talking all day long, calluses grew in my ears."

"It's human nature. Few people should worry about it. You don't have back pain when you stand and talk. When we reach Laoqian's age, I'm afraid it will be a lot more verbose."

Ying smiled and waved her hands, "Don't talk about old money, there is still no news from this black workshop in the west?"

"Not so fast. It will take two months to come and go without delay. There is nothing to worry about. Sometimes I think about it. It is not necessarily a bad thing for us to leave such a family. Should we stay or not? , I'm afraid there is no conclusion." This matter has been in my mind for a few days, weighing the good and the bad over and over again.In the long run, that black den can really grow steadily and become famous.It wouldn't be too bad if the Wang family's monopoly of the market was broken.I'm afraid that he didn't have long-term thoughts, and the signboards passing by were blown by the autumn wind, and he turned around and retreated after collecting money.If the Wang family cleans up the remaining mess, there will be a big change.It doesn't matter if it is counterfeit or imitated, it is afraid that it will become a trend. There are many capable people and strangers in the world, and they all follow their routines. This will not destroy the reputation of one or two places, but the foundation of the entire industry.

In the early years, I had greeted Lanling, and the vaccination was not enough for one or two doses.She talked about morality to me, and she told me about traditions. They were all unrestrained words, and no conclusion could be drawn.What is a businessman, profit-oriented.With moral constraints?It's not that I'm laughing at her, it's that the 500 years of knowledge in my mind is despising her.Restriction is the key, and legislation is fundamental. In a few years, it will not be a matter of sloppiness. What will be corrupted is the atmosphere!

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