Chapter [-] Borrowing Flowers to Offer Buddha

Have a hard time!Looking at Cui Zhang affectionately, he lifted the jug with a smile and filled it up. It's time for favors to be exchanged.The Cui family's financial industry set up a big banner, and the money bank flourished in a short time.To say it's an international business is just deception.What they are robbing is the business of the inner government bank, but they are not so blatant, they reach out their hands secretly, and count the money in private.The bank supervisor couldn't hold him by the tail because it was in the way of my face.But the hand is stretched too far, and you have to beat and beat after all.Otherwise, the bastards in the inner mansion will make trouble, and Li Yi's mansion will be unreliable.I want to fall with the wind, it is not good on both sides.

Cui Zhang understood what I said.He is tepid.It's not that you don't give me face, it's that you don't need to give the inner government face at all.The financial industry has just started, and there is no clear division of who should not do business.It is also a bank, and it is also registered with the Ministry of Households. From the perspective of the court, as long as the taxes are fully paid, there is no difference.The country is happy.Firstly, the bills are gone, and the large business does not need to pay money at both ends, which saves the country a lot of copper; secondly, each account has formalities, which adds a large amount of tax to the country; thirdly, the money is used less, The goods are moving frequently, and the business exchanges are so frequent, it is too late for the local government to applaud, and it is not necessary to rely on a few words from the inner government to bring a lawsuit to the Banking Regulatory Commission.

On this point, I am also clear.Asking Cui Zhang to come over is just a favor and a reminder among friends.Whether he is willing or not is his business, and I remind him that it is my duty, as long as I do my best.Cui Zhang is willing to accept this favor.When it comes to business, I am an expert, and he is even an expert now.The two felt a tacit understanding like harmony.Although the description is a bit disgusting, it is true to this extent.

"Now the organization still needs to be consolidated. It seems that your Cui family has gained a lot of money. If the inner palace is broken up in the future, I will not be calm." Peeled a broad bean, put it on the table and placed a long snake. "Chaos, it's the Cui family's business that will suffer in the future."

"Not necessarily." Cui Zhang smiled confidently, and threw his glances around.become a habit. "It all depends on Brother Zihao's tricks. Whether there is a rule or not, it can be delayed for a day. Let me see, three to five years is not a long-term, the longer the better."

Speculators generally take advantage of the chaotic legislation to fish in troubled waters.Cui Zhang's mentality is obviously unhealthy. "I'm afraid it won't be chaotic for a few days. Yesterday, the elder brother of Li Yifu invited the younger brother to chat for a while. He has the idea of ​​establishing rules and regulations. Once the division between Chu, He and Han is clear, it will be like stretching out hands and feet."

This is the truth, not to scare anyone.The inner government bank has long been annoyed by the Cui family.In the past, the inner government didn't mention regulations and systems because the business it should be able to carry out has not yet been perfected.Do whatever you can now.Let go of what can be let go, and when you are settled, you must live.The inner government is supported by the Ministry of Household Affairs and wears the royal hat. It has to occupy a lot of land, and if it occupies a lot of land, it has to erect boundary markers, and its eyesight cannot tolerate sand.I persuaded Cui Zhang to occupy one more place when the boundary is not yet determined, and to have a long-term vision, and not to always have to take advantage of petty gains.Missed the opportunity.

Cui Zhang giggled, got up and bowed to me, "Brother Lao Zihao is worried. Now that brother Zihao said, I can really make a plan. With you supporting me in the bank prison, this is the opportunity for the Cui family. Really, the inner government should have made the first mention of regulations. That’s me, Cui Zhang, who is incompetent and has nothing to do with Brother Zihao.” As he spoke, he took out a thick stack of files from his arms, and held them over with both hands. "This is the regulation proposed by my Cui family. Several old hands have not rested for half a year. It should be good or bad. Brother Zihao is an expert. Let's take a look first and give some suggestions."

He took it with one hand, threw it on the empty chair next to him, and shook his head with an expression of resentment, "Brother Shiren, that was Brother Meng just now. Since I have prepared for a long time, why bother to pretend to be a fool and spend half a pot of wine with me?"

Cui Zhang apologized, and smiled coyly, "Isn't this waiting for brother Zihao's instruction. This is full of Tang Dynasty, and when it comes to the bank, no one dares to show off in front of you except pretending to be stupid." , softly picking the ends of her hair.Pointing to the scroll, he said: "This is not just a matter of the bank. Now we are going to muddy the water. Everything the Cui family can intervene in. No matter whether the court establishes regulations or not, we must first bring it up. Make it clear."

"Oh?" Seeing what Cui Zhang meant, he had other plans.That's fine.In Cui Zhang's presence, he opened the file, put it on the lamp, and flipped through it page by page.Efforts, watching and admiring.About banks, about cotton weaving industry, about trivial commodities, big and small, from manufacturing, wholesale, retail to regional differences, specifications and quality, and local purchasing power, all kinds of market and industry regulations are covered one by one.Holding it in your hands, it is as comprehensive as the industrial and commercial system.It's not about muddying the waters.The Cui family wants to establish a new set of market rules.

I don't like to read or read, but I can't let go of this system.After turning over a hundred and ten sheets, in the middle of the night, the chickens were all crowing.She doesn't look sleepy at all.This is really to say that Cui Zhang is a good self-cultivation, and he stayed with me all night without saying a word.He was still full of energy, and the smile on his face seemed to never fade.More than half of it has not been turned over here, and I was reluctant to let it go. I didn't lazily yawn until the sky turned white.Smiling apologetically at Cui Zhang, "If you don't pay attention, the night will be over. It's the first time for Shiren to spend the night at the younger brother's house, so don't let others gossip when you go out."

Cui Zhang stretched his waist and stood up, "Little brother, go through the back door. My sister-in-law has caught it, so it's not shameful." As he said, he helped me sort out the files, pushed the door open to show his head, looked around, and Turning around and confessing: "This is not only from the Cui family, but all these years, I have heard, learned, and taken away the insights from Brother Zihao. You are the gatekeeper, if you add less, delete more, if it is still okay In a blink of an eye, it's better to push all of them to Mr. Li Yi's house, it's only Mr. Li's suggestion, and it has nothing to do with you and my brother." As he spoke, he gave me a few smirks, bowed his hands to me, and left without saying a word.

It is still Cui Zhang who is generous and does not leave his name when doing good deeds.To serve the country and the people, one has to be like Cui Zhang, who does not harm others but only benefits himself. When everyone is happy, I am happy.Not leaving the study for a day, Ying leaned on the door frame to look a few times, knowing that her husband is working hard, so she didn't dare to disturb him, and served him with delicious food and drinks, with a virtuous face.When the fourth child and the second daughter came back, each of them sent a few copies, and told them to start a lecture. "Look carefully. Take a closer look. I've been with me for so many years, but no one is as meticulous as Cui Zhang. Are you ashamed?"

The fourth child was not convinced.He murmured shyly, "How big is his Cui family. The old people on the cabinets are more than the number of female workers in our manufacturing workshop. They were raised by several generations. My brother-in-law knows a lot, but after all, I have lost hundreds of years of experience. What's more, the second daughter is a generation of women."

"Don't talk about the second daughter. Bring me all the things I asked you two to get last time. If you can add as much as you want, it will only take three days. If there is more, I won't give it."

is talking.Ying hurriedly approached her, "Add the matter of our family's toilet water. How about adding the Biandan? And that lotus root powder." Speaking of lotus root powder, Ying herself blushed. It was courageous to speak out.

"Do you want to add maggots too?" Glancing at Ying contemptuously, she pointed at the fourth child's nose, "Listen to your sister. Add them all."

The fourth brother's eyes lit up, and he replied with a smile, "I've prepared for it a long time ago. Just what my brother-in-law said about patent protection two days ago."

Did I say that?Forget it all.It's nothing to do, it's not popular these days.It is still the industry standard.But since the fourth brother mentioned it, it doesn't matter whether you add it or not, just throw it to Li Yifu.Find someone to copy a copy and give it to Lan Ling, so that she can see it... How good am I?Anyway, Cui Zhang said this anonymously.

"If I don't hurry up, I'll get sleepy." I'm not as self-cultivated as Cui Zhang, and Li Yifu propped his forehead for more than an hour before he knew it.I don't know if I saw the doorway.Still pretending to be asleep.I shrank back into the chair, took out a bottle of toilet water, and touched the bottom of my nose to refresh myself.Li Yifu stretched out his hand, picked up the bottle, and wiped it all over his face.The two sneezed, winked and said a few words "good".

"I don't know if Mr. Li thinks this regulation is good, or this toilet water is more effective?" If I don't speak again, I will suffocate to death.Get up and walk around a few times.Swinging arms and kicking legs is lively. "Brother Li, please give me a word. The banquets in Xingyifang are all set up, just waiting for the two of us to pass. It's been a busy time in half a year, so don't spoil everyone's happiness."

"It's okay for those people to wait." He said, following my example, pacing in front of the hall holding the file. "Master Wang has seen it all?"

Nodded, "Don't wait for Brother Li to say something. There are many inappropriate things to say, and I have little knowledge. Yuanzong didn't dare to move, so he handed it over." The sons and daughters of Li Yifu and I are both arrogant ; After getting along for a long time, there is not much etiquette. Adults and brothers, call and answer randomly, very harmonious.

Li Yifu smiled and pointed at me, "Zihao didn't dare to move, and there is no one in the bank supervisor who dares to move. Speaking of which, do some provisions exceed the authority of the bank supervisor?"

"That's why I asked Brother Li to have a look. Why don't we just keep the terms of the land we own and keep the others under control?" As he spoke, he turned over the tea bowl.After playing a few times, the jingling disrupted the atmosphere.He said impatiently: "It's all boring things. You are shrewd in doing business, and you only care about profit when you talk about the corners. After doing things, I lost half of my sympathy, and the rules set people to death! If you want me to tell you, it’s a favourite, and it’s quite boring.”

"So, the Cui family and the inner government have communicated with each other?" Li Yifu is very talented, I read things all day and night, and he usually has a photographic memory for money counters. "That's what Zihao said, and the corners and corners can be clearly distinguished. If you can really submit the whole copy and get an approval, this is something that has never happened in the past. You and I are gentlemen. Live a simple life, regardless of fame and fortune, and live a happy life. It’s a calm one. But there will always be fame and fortune in this world, which has nothing to do with morality. After all, businessmen’s affairs, profit comes first. With these regulations, the country can be managed easily, and the people can also be restrained. On the contrary, it is a good thing.”

The smile blossomed in my heart, and my mouth was still rascal: "Don't care about his fame and fortune, we two brothers go to the banquet first, and a gentleman has to eat, right? Since this matter is thrown into the hands of the old man, I will just take it easy, little brother, and don't care about it anymore!"

Li Yifu laughed heartily, cupped his hands towards me and said, "Zihao is a real celebrity, I admire him!"

"I'm starving, don't come here. You have to admire, we two brothers will see each other at the wine table!" He waved his hands indiscriminately, grabbed the file from Li Yifu's hand and threw it aside, and went out to get in the car even after tugging.

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