The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 22 Start desperately!In Xiawangye!

Chapter 22 Start desperately!In Xia Wangye! (Please collect and ask for tickets!)
"What the hell is this?"

"Why did this ghost thing appear out of thin air?"

These heavenly soldiers and generals who were still running around, seeing thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals who wanted to escape from Hua Xiaodie's side collided with this flame barrier and turned into ashes one after another, their eyes were full of shock and fear .

And in the center of the flame barrier, that demon is still harvesting their lives.

They tried to use the number of people to kill the demon, but the number of people was useless to that demon.

Those heavenly soldiers and generals who were beheaded by Hua Xiaodie will grow Bana flowers on their bodies.

Not to mention actively attacking Hua Xiaodie, even if they don't attack her, those Bana flowers growing from the body of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals will sweep towards them.

For all the heavenly soldiers and generals who are involved in the Bianhua, when the Bianhua sea covers their bodies, one after another will fall from the flower sea.

It was precisely because of the weird Bianhua that these heavenly soldiers and generals fled crazily, away from that demon.


After Mu Yanran released the enchantment, Hua Xiaodie, who was constantly hunting down the heavenly soldiers and generals, froze for a moment.

When she felt the enchantment appear, she watched those heavenly soldiers and generals who touched the enchantment were burned to ashes.

Afterwards, those heavenly soldiers and generals who originally wanted to keep running away from her side came to her side one after another.

It turned out that the enchantment released by Mu Yanran was still shrinking slowly after it appeared, shrinking the space gradually.

At this speed, the 5-meter-long spherical barrier will shrink to a size of a hundred meters in less than a stick of incense.

Therefore, these heavenly soldiers and generals who kept fleeing from Hua Xiaodie ran inward frantically.

As for Hua Xiaodie, who saw this scene, she was stunned for a moment, and her scarlet eyes full of killing became extremely excited.

"Fun! Interesting!"

Hua Xiaodie looked at Mu Yanran standing outside the barrier through the barrier, with a sick smile on her face.

After that, he turned into a god of death and kept harvesting the lives of those heavenly soldiers and generals.

And Mu Yanran, who was standing outside the barrier, looked at Hua Xiaodie who was incarnate in the barrier, the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

A trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth, she didn't seem to notice it at all, and ignored it.

On the other side, Chu Hanyan released the Emperor Spear Wushuang Queen at the three thousand generals who appeared following Yang Jian.

The eyes of the three thousand generals facing Chu Hanyan were full of dignity and seriousness, and they released their defenses with all their strength to resist Chu Hanyan's terrifying blow.

Even if these generals knew they were dead, their eyes would not show fear.

They were born to follow Yang Jian, and they were the elites who fought and fought in the battlefields of the heavens and the world.

At this moment, after Chu Hanyan released this gun, the world changed color.

The originally clear sky, without a single cloud, pierced out with Chu Hanyan's spear.

The wind and cloud gathered, and patches of white clouds appeared above the heads of the three thousand generals, enveloping the three thousand generals.

With a "boom", a huge crimson dragon-headed spear shot out through the clouds, slowly pressing down on the three thousand generals.

After the dragon-headed spear appeared, the giant dharma figure that appeared above the heads of the three thousand generals was bent at this moment by the appearance of the dragon-headed spear, and the body in the golden bell was crushed.


Accompanied by the roar of the three thousand generals, the giant dharma figure, who was oppressed by the dragon's head and gun head, and whose waist was crushed, slowly straightened up.

"Give it to my old lady, crush it!"

Chu Hanyan looked at Lian Faxiang who stood up straight again, and pressed down hard on the three thousand generals with his left hand.


A strong sense of oppression struck again, and the crimson dragon head and gun head that broke through the clouds quickly stabbed at the three thousand generals.

At this moment, in front of the spear completely breaking out of the white cloud, it finally revealed its full view.

It was a huge spear with a length of hundreds of thousands of meters. As the body of the gun was completely exposed to everyone's sight, the red dragon-headed spear that appeared turned into a giant red flame dragon.


With the deafening roar of the dragon, the giant dragon rushed towards the giant condensed by the three thousand generals.

And the three thousand generals who were under the giant's dharma, after the giant dragon roared, golden blood flowed from both eyes and ears.

Even so, none of the three thousand generals showed a look of pain on their faces.

There was no fear in their eyes, and they were still neither sad nor happy, and they looked at the giant dragon rushing down towards them calmly.

The speed of the giant dragon rushing down was extremely fast, and in less than a breath, it came to the head of the giant dharma, and grabbed the golden bell condensed by the giant dharma protecting the three thousand generals.

The golden bell, which was as solid as golden soup, was scratched to pieces in front of the giant dragon's claws, as if it was paper.

As the golden bell was caught by the dragon, the three thousand generals controlled the giant's dharma, raised the huge shield in his hand, and went to face the dragon.

With a "boom", the giant dragon collided violently with the golden shield raised by the giant's hands.


After the giant dragon collided with the shield raised by the giant Faxiang, the resulting explosion formed a huge mushroom cloud in the air.

After the dragon and the shield collided, the two sides formed a brief confrontation.

Looking at the golden shield in front of him as solid as a rock without any damage, the giant dragon roared angrily at the three thousand generals in the giant's dharma.

With the roar of the dragon, the second front paw of the dragon was also severely destroyed against the shield.


A second explosion sounded, and another mushroom cloud erupted between the two sides.

This time, with the arrival of the dragon's second claw, cracks appeared on the seemingly rock-solid golden shield.

And the three thousand generals in the giant's dharma, with cracks in the golden shield, spit golden fairy blood one by one.

They looked at the ferocious dragon above their heads and narrowed their eyes slightly.


These three thousand generals are also ruthless people, and they directly blew their condensed giant dharma at the cost of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-inflicted eight hundred.

With a "boom", the giant's dharma exploded, and the three thousand generals in the giant's dharma vomited blood again, and their faces turned pale.

The body standing in the air trembled slightly.

And the giant dragon that was attacked by the explosion was blown up to ashes because of the self-explosion of the giant figure.


The disappearance of the crimson dragon made Chu Hanyan stand in front of Lu Baiyi and Liu Wushang like a goddess of war, with a mouthful of blood protruding from his jade mouth, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Next, leave it to us!"

Liu Wushang and Lu Baiyi looked at the seriously injured Chu Hanyan, and the eyes they looked at the three thousand generals became colder and colder.

After Lu Baiyi and Liu Wushang said these words in unison, they turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the three thousand generals.

"Emperor Sword · Sword Passes Without Wounds!"

Lu Baiyi looked at the three thousand generals who were also seriously injured, and with his desperate mode on, he wiped the three-foot green peak held by his right hand with the sword finger of his left hand, and slashed at the three thousand generals fiercely.

This sword cut out, nothing happened.

It seemed that this sword, like a wave of hand, didn't even slash out a single sword energy.

But it was such an ordinary sword that made the three thousand generals who were standing in the air and their bodies were shaking slightly, at this moment, all of them stood up straight in the air.

The eyes of these 3000 people were wide open, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

With the breeze blowing, the heads of the three thousand generals who had been standing in the air all fell from their necks.

The bodies of the three thousand generals also separated from the heads and fell from the sky.

"Damn it, my uncle is already in desperate mode."

"You didn't leave any of them to me!"

Liu Wushang looked at the three thousand generals who were beheaded by Lu Baiyi in an instant, and after complaining about Lu Baiyi, his whole body turned into a streamer, chasing after Madman Chu and Prince Xiang on the battlefield.

"The situation is not good!"

"Hurry up and get rid of this vicious dog, and help the youngest."

Lu Baiyi, who cut out the sword, glanced at Wang Ye who was fighting Yang Jian, and looked at the roaring dog who was fighting with Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou, his eyes were full of dignity.

After Yang Jian received the knife from Wang Ye, a scar appeared on his chest.

This scar directly exposed Yang Jian's golden bones to the air.

Obviously, he was seriously injured.

However, instead of being angry, Yang Jian laughed and looked at Wang Ye who was standing in the air with a slightly shaking body with great excitement.

"Haha, funny kid."

"How long has no one made me feel hurt again."

"Although I only hurt my avatar, I, Yang Jian, admit that you are my opponent."

"Little devil, what's your name!"

Yang Jian's right arm holding the three-pointed two-edged knife was still trembling slightly, and he could feel the existence of rules and a trace of morality from Wang Ye's knife.

Looking at Wang Ye's Yang Jian, his eyes were full of admiration.

Wang Ye saw that the knife he had slashed with almost all his strength was easily resolved by the opponent at the cost of injury, without any disappointment in his eyes.

After all, he still has his own trump card.

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Wang Ye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Yang Jian, "I'm next to Wang Ye."

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Wang Ye, I, Yang Jian, remember your name!"

"I will give you time to recover, let us, like soldiers, have a hearty battle!"

Yang Jian received Wang Ye's reply, stood on the spot and fixed the three-pointed two-edged knife in the air, and put his hands on his chest to protect the environment.

After Wang Ye received Yang Jian's reply, he didn't have any friendship, and began to sit cross-legged in place and began to recover.

While Wang Ye was recovering, Yang Jian, who had his arms around his shoulders, was also recovering quickly from the scar on his chest that Wang Ye had slashed.

Looking at Wang Ye who was recovering constantly, Yang Jian looked at Wang Ye's eyes showing a trace of expectation, and whispered softly: "Wang Ye, you must be sure, don't let me down."

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(End of this chapter)

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