The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 23 Fuck!This dog thing actually talked about it!

Chapter 23 Fuck!This dog thing actually talked! (Please collect and ask for a monthly ticket!)
"You son of a bitch, I won't let you become a hot pot of dog meat, my surname is not Chu!"

Madman Chu and Prince Xiang came to the harmless little black dog, and looked at the cute and honest little black dog roaring Tiangou, their eyes were full of anger.

"It's a waste to make dog meat hot pot, half of it is reserved for shredded dog meat!"

Xiang Wanghou looked at Xiao Tiangou, his eyes were also full of anger.

It was such a harmless little black dog who devoured more than 2 of their companions in one bite.

Thinking of this, the two couldn't bear the anger in their hearts anymore, and directly attacked Xiaotiangou.


Sitting on the golden auspicious cloud, Xiaotiangou heard Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou's words, tilted his head and yelled at them, his eyes full of jokes.

Seeing the menacing Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou rushing towards it, the roaring dog who was sitting on the golden auspicious cloud disappeared in front of them.

After reappearing, Xiaotiangou appeared hundreds of meters behind Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou.


The roaring dog roared out, and its body became a thousand meters in size. On its ferocious face, a pair of scarlet eyes full of playfulness looked at Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou.

"This beast has become active, and the brothers are going to work hard."

"Okay, brother-in-law!"

When King Xiang heard what the madman of Chu said, he danced the Overlord's Halberd in front of him.

"You bastard, let me divide you into eight sections!"

As King Xiang said, an extremely domineering aura erupted from his body.

As this domineering momentum erupted in Xiang Wanghou's body, an illusory figure appeared above Xiang Wanghou's head.

The figure was wearing a battle robe, riding a black horse, holding the Overlord Halberd in his hand.


After the figure appeared above Xiang Wanghou's head, Xiao Tiangou, who had turned back into his original form, showed seriousness in his playful eyes that were originally looking at Xiang Wanghou and Chu Madman.

He roared again at Xiang Wanghou and Chu Madman, opened his mouth wide, and tried to swallow the two of them directly into his stomach with the previous move.

After facing the figure that appeared on Xiang Wanghou in front of him, Xiao Tiangou felt a clear sense of crisis on Xiang Wanghou.

And Xiang Wanghou, looking at the roaring dog who opened his mouth wide and roared at them, his eyes were full of disgust.

"Sure enough, dogs can't change eating shit, your mouth is so ugly!"

Feeling the terrifying suction force from Xiaotiangou's mouth, the figure emerging from Xiang Wanghou's body rushed towards Xiaotiangou together with Xiang Wanghou.

"Proud World Zhenshanhe!"

Xiang Wanghou raised the Overlord's Halberd in his hands and waved it above his head.

As the Overlord's Halberd turned faster and faster above Xiang Wanghou's head, he was swung with both hands and firmly fixed in front of him.

Accompanied by Xiang Wanghou's affirmation, a huge pale black beam of light descended from the sky, directly bombarding Xiaotiangou's body fiercely.


Xiaotiangou let out a cry of pain when it was pressed by the pale black light beam with a length of more than 5 meters and a diameter of more than 5000 meters.

The big mouth that was originally opened was also bombarded by this pale black beam of light on the body, and it shut up instantly.

After the beam of light shone on Xiaotiangou's body, a huge three-legged tripod slowly appeared from the air.

With a sound of "Boom", after the tens of thousands of meters big cauldron appeared on the top of Xiaotiangou's head, in the blink of an eye, the three-legged bronze tripod that appeared on the top of Xiaotianquan's head turned into a stream of light and smashed hard. On the body of the Xiaotian dog.


Xiao Tiangou was directly smashed into the ground from the air by this big cauldron, smoothing out a mountain thousands of meters high.

And the Chu madman standing beside Xiang Wanghou saw this blow, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"Look at me, I'm going to skin him now, let's eat dog meat hot pot!"

After Madman Chu finished speaking, the muscles on his body swelled up one by one, and those bulging muscles seemed to be filled with explosive power.

"Blood Rage!"

Accompanied by Chu Kuangren's roar, he looked at the roaring dog who was smashed into the ground by Xiang Wanghou's blow, and punched him from the air.

With one punch, the world changed.

With Chu Kuangren himself as the center, the sky within a radius of [-] meters turned blood red.

With a "boom", a column of blood formed by Chu Kuangren punched out.


This tens of thousands of meters long blood column hit Xiao Tiangou directly.


Xiao Tiangou, who was hit by Chu Kuangren's blow, was still under the pressure of the cauldron, roaring angrily.

This punch directly punched a big hole in Xiaotiangou's body.

"My lord, get rid of this bastard!"

Madman Chu looked at the severely wounded Xiaotiangou, and rushed directly.

"Let's send it to the west!"

Holding the Overlord's Halberd in his right hand, Xiang Wanghou rushed towards Xiao Tiangou following Madman Chu.

And being crushed tightly under the three-legged bronze tripod, his body was pierced, and he looked like a severely injured Xiaotian dog.

Looking at Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou who flew like him, there was a hint of trickery in those eyes full of anger.

Just when Madman Chu rushed hundreds of meters in front of Xiaotiangou, his heart beat violently.

"Go back!"

As the madman Chu said, he grabbed Xiang Wanghou who had just passed him, and quickly retreated.

When Xiaotiangou, who was crushed under the three-legged bronze cauldron, saw this scene, the anger in his eyes burned completely.


The roar of this life roared out from the mouth of the Roaring Sky Dog, and the bronze tripod that was pressing on it was instantly thrown away by the Roaring Sky Dog.

And the big hole in its body, which was bombarded by the Chu madman, also slowly healed as it got up.


At this moment, the Roaring Sky Dog standing on the ground and roaring, actually spoke human language.

And retreated quickly, being held by the back of the neck by the madman Chu, Xiang Wanghou, who was a little dazed, was suddenly grabbed by the back of the neck by the madman Chu and flew out backwards.

He was a little confused, but now, he actually heard human words from a dog, and he became even more confused.

"This dog thing, actually talked?"

Madman Chu looked at Prince Xiang's bewildered expression, and when he heard Prince Xiang's words, he said angrily, "What time is it, are you still in a daze?"

Seeing the silver beam of light coming out of Xiaotiangou's mouth, Chu Kuangren grabbed Xiang Wanghou by the back of his neck and flew to the right, trying to avoid Xiaotiangou's blow.


Madman Chu led Xiang Wanghou straight out for thousands of meters, looking at the huge silver beam of light shot from Xiaotiangou's mouth, a hint of palpitation appeared in his eyes.

He could feel a faint sense of crisis from that silver beam of light.

"I rely on!"

"This player can still turn? Is the belt locked?"

Xiang Wanghou, who was caught by Madman Chu, saw that the silver beam of light that shot straight into the sky did not attack the two of them, and turned back in the air, flying straight towards him and Madman Chu.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Wanghou burst out with foul language.

"Do you really think that I can't break you?"

(End of this chapter)

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