The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 29 Death without Regrets! 3!

Chapter 29 Although a hundred deaths have no regrets!three!
"There are many things that shock you!"

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, at this moment, in Yang Jian's eyes, Lu Baiyi is a peerless sword that can pierce the sky and is extremely sharp.

And Jiejian Mountain, which appeared behind Lu Baiyi, brought him even more endless pressure.

Among the heavens and the world, he, Yang Jian, is also well-known, famous for killing and fighting.

The murderous aura on his body can rank among the top [-] among the heavens and myriad races.

Even though it is only his avatar that descended on the ancestral star, the killing intent in the avatar ranks him among the top three among the powerhouses of all races who descended on the ancestral star.

But, now, when facing the Jiejian Mountain that emerged from behind Lu Baiyi.

The murderous aura in his body was actually suppressed by the opponent and could not be released.

And the murderous aura emanating from the Sword Tribulation Mountain had become materialized in his eyes.

Now, what he is facing is not Lu Baiyi, but the powerful human race who has set off endless storms in the heavens and worlds.

He seemed to be in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with countless strong men of the human race standing behind Lu Baiyi.

Each of these human race powerhouses is a sword cultivator, and at their feet, there are countless powerhouses of all races piled up like a mountain.

Yang Jian stared straight at the Jiejian Mountain behind Lu Baiyi, and he saw that these human sword cultivators standing on the corpse mountain were pointing at him.

"If you offend my human race, you will be punished even if you are far away!"

"We are sword cultivators, overcoming thorns and thorns, invincible and invincible!"

Hearing these words, Yang Jian, who was standing in the air, suddenly gushed out a mouthful of immortal blood, and his whole body became extremely weak.

As for Lu Baiyi, who originally wanted to attack Yang Jian, he froze in place, as if he was stupid.

Not only Yang Jian heard this sentence, but Lu Baiyi also heard it clearly.

"What's wrong with Lao Lu? Why are you here?"

Liu Wushang saw that Lu Baiyi stood there in a daze at this moment, did not make a move to Yang Jian, and looked at Madman Chu with a puzzled face.

"Grass, this guy will lose the chain at a critical moment."

"This guy has fallen into an epiphany. The talent is too good, and sometimes it's not a good thing."

"That three-eyed monster, just leave it to us!"

Hearing Liu Wushang's words, Madman Chu glanced at Lu Baiyi who was stunned in place, the energy and blood on his body materialized, turning into a column of blood that shot up to the sky, bursting out from Madman Chu's body.

"I never use any weapons, these fists are my strongest weapons!"

Chu Kuangren's fists were bloody, and he rushed towards the injured Yang Jian.

"Even if I get hurt by those guys, you still can't kill me!"

Yang Jian looked at Chu Kuangren and Xiang Wanghou who rushed forward one after the other, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"bring it on!"

As Yang Jian said, holding the three-pointed two-edged knife in both hands, he swiped at Xiang Wanghou who was attacking behind him.

With a "bang", Xiang Wanghou was actually repelled by the injured Yang Jian this time.

After Yang Jian repelled Xiang Wanghou, he quickly turned around and slashed at the oncoming Chu madman.

With a sound of "Dang", Madman Chu's fist hit the three-pointed and two-edged sword.

"Not bad body, but not enough!"

As Yang Jian said, he kicked Madman Chu out.

"Damn, is this guy on drugs? He's obviously injured, but he's actually getting more and more violent."

Liu Wushang who rushed over saw Madman Chu and Xiang Wanghou being repelled by Yang Jian one after another, and slapped Yang Jian one by one: "Destroy!"


A pure black air flow swept towards Yang Jian.

"Playing tricks in front of me? You're a little too tender."

Yang Jian watched Liu Wushang say "Quiet", the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "The battle is turning and the stars are moving!"

As Yang Jian said, he waved his hand at the black airflow that was about to rush in front of him.

With a sound of "whoosh", the black air current that was heading straight towards Yang Jian turned back and flew towards Liu Wushang.


Liu Wushang looked at Mie Que who was brought back by Yang Jian, his eyes widened, he let out a strange cry, and kept backing away.

"If you don't risk your life, you will really die."

Looking at the black air current that was close at hand, Liu Wushang took the initiative to throw out the black jade fan in his hand, and opened his arms to welcome "Destroyer".

"bring it on!"

Following Liu Wushang's roar, "Mie Que" ruthlessly crashed into Liu Wushang's body.


As Mie Quen entered his body, a black storm erupted within ten meters around Liu Wushang's body.

On the other side, after Lu Baiyi, who was standing there in a daze, heard the voice, the scene in front of him changed.

Lu Baiyi stood in the endless void, and in front of him stood countless strong human swordsmen.

These human race sword repair experts face mighty, countless enemies.

And their enemies, there are monsters, birdmen, gods, gods and demons, there are countless races.

These races are all enemies of the human race.

The number of opponents is tens of thousands of times more than the 10 sword cultivators.

However, there was no trace of fear in the eyes of these human sword cultivators who were not at the same level at all.

The number of enemies of these human races is obviously more than that of human races, but these races that surround human race sword cultivators look at these 10 people with fear in their eyes.

There is no other reason, Lu Baiyi followed the line of sight of those races, and saw the high mountain standing under the feet of these human race Jianxiu.

When Lu Baiyi saw the high mountains standing at the feet of these human races, his pupils shrank suddenly.

What kind of mountain is that, it is obviously a mountain made of corpses of thousands of peoples.

Such a high mountain, there is a peak erected at the foot of every human sword cultivator.

Seeing this, Lu Baiyi couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of foam.


"Happy, happy!"

"Boys, come again!"

These human sword cultivators stood on the mountain of corpses, looking at the races that surrounded them, laughing wildly.

"A bunch of trash, so few people can't solve it, what's the use of you!"

Just as these human sword cultivators mocked these races, a voice appeared out of thin air.

Accompanied by this voice, the eyes of those human sword cultivators who were still standing on the mountain of corpses showing disdain were full of solemnity.

As soon as the voice fell, a big hand appeared out of thin air above the void battlefield.

This big hand can't see the head at a glance.

Even some huge planets in the void become extremely small in front of this big hand.

"do not want!"

"Don't kill us!"

"We can definitely kill these human races."

The tens of thousands of races surrounding the human race looked at the palm that appeared out of thin air, their eyes full of fear, and they yelled loudly.

"Waste is always waste, living is only a waste of resources!"

The owner of this big hand heard the wailing and begging for mercy of those races, and ignored them at all.

When this big hand appeared [-] meters above the battlefield, the tens of thousands of races surrounding the human race had already exploded into blood mist one by one by the coercion emanating from the palm.

In this boundless void battlefield, the only thing left are these 10 clan sword cultivators.

After the palms fell, these cynical sword cultivators burst out with extremely sharp sword intent from their bodies.

Those hundreds of thousands of different sword intents soared into the sky, turning into beams of light, bombarding the huge palm, resisting the coercion emanating from this big hand.

"Yes, yes, if you are willing to become my subordinates, I can consider sparing your lives."

The owner of this big hand looked at the only surviving human sword cultivators, and there was a hint of approval in his business.

"My generation of sword cultivators only has the determination to go forward bravely and overcome obstacles, so I have come to this step."

"You want us to submit to you, old dog, you are simply dreaming!"

"This battle will never retreat!"

"I'll wait, I swear to follow the Emperor."

"I wait for the sword cultivator to be the sword in the hands of the emperor. We will be invincible and invincible!"

"It was originally a battle to the death of the human race, even if you die a hundred times, you will have no regrets!"

"Knowing that I am dead, I want to cut off the palm of this old dog!"

Looking at the huge palm that has landed a thousand meters above the head, the hundreds of thousands of sword cultivators standing under the palm have all become one with the sword in their hands.

In the blink of an eye, these sword repairmen and the long swords in their hands turned into a sword energy mixed with their lifelong sword intent.

Hundreds of thousands of sword qi turned into torrents and rushed towards this palm.

In the air, these torrents merged into a huge multicolored lightsaber millions of meters away.

Even so, this lightsaber, which is millions of miles long, is not even one-tenth the size of this palm.

"court death!"

Seeing these swords' self-cultivation and transformation swords, an extremely angry voice appeared.

Then, a huge, angry face appeared at the top of the void.

Looking at the human sword's body-cultivating divine sword, his eyes were full of anger.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the huge palm was cut off by the divine sword.

As the palm was cut off, colorful blood flowed out from the palm.

And the face that appeared above the void also showed pain.

"Damn human race, I must destroy you!"

Hearing this sound, the divine sword that cut off the palm collapsed.

Hundreds of thousands of streamers shot out from the divine sword and re-formed into human form.

It's just that the bodies of these sword repairmen who have recovered their bodies have become extremely illusory.


"We wait for the domain master to cut off the palm of a master. This wave is not a loss!"

"It's a pity that I can't see the old dog die."


This big face that appeared above the void was full of anger when he heard the words of the human sword cultivators: "Damn human, even if you fight to your death, you just want to cut off my palm."

"Although you remnant souls can't survive for a while, you have successfully angered me."

"Now, let you completely disappear in this world!"

As he said that, another big hand came down out of thin air, and slapped the remnants of these human sword cultivators.

"My lord, we can no longer follow you to fight together."

"For the sake of the human race, I will never regret a hundred deaths!"

(End of this chapter)

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