The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 30 The Mysterious Emperor!

Chapter 30 The Mysterious Emperor!

"My lord, we can no longer follow you to fight together."

"For the sake of the human race, I will never regret a hundred deaths!"

Saying that, these human sword cultivators were all smiling, ready to be slapped to death by the falling palm.

"Kongming old dog, you are looking for death!"


At this moment, above the remnant souls of these human sword cultivators, a man soaked in blood appeared out of thin air.

Lu Baiyi couldn't see the man's appearance at all.

He could see that there was a black knife on the back of the man, and a long sword full of blood in the man's hand.

With the sound of the man rolling, a sword slashed at the palm of his hand.

"Human Emperor!!!"

"How could you be here?"

After this man appeared, in Lu Baiyi's eyes, the invincible master's eyes were full of panic, and his voice was full of fear.

It's a pity that the man who appeared didn't pay attention to him at all, and swung his sword directly.

"don't want!!!"

The master named Kong Ming's voice was full of fear, and before he finished speaking, the slowly falling palm and the face that appeared above the void were directly strangled to death by countless sword qi.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm too late."

After the man killed the master with a single sword, the man turned around, looked at the remnants of those sword cultivators, his voice choked up.

Obviously this man turned around and faced Lu Baiyi directly.

However, Lu Baiyi still couldn't see the man's face clearly.It was as if, in front of this man's appearance, was shrouded in a layer of mist.

"Haha, Lord Human Sovereign, I will die without regret."

"Relying on the realm of the domain master, cutting off the master's palm, looking at the heavens and the world, which race strong can do it?"

"The only regret in this battle is that I can't follow Lord Human Sovereign to kill these dogs who insult my human race."

"Before I die, I can see this old Kongming dog being beheaded by you, my lord, in front of us. We are not alone on the road to Huangquan."

"Master Human Sovereign, don't worry, even if we go to the underworld and meet that Kongming old dog, we will definitely not embarrass you and the human race!"

"Enough, you fools!"

Human Sovereign saw the relieved smiles on the faces of these human sword cultivator remnant souls, and listened to their words, feeling extremely painful in his heart.

Roaring at their remnant souls: "For this old dog, his body died and his dao disappeared, and he completely dissipated in this world. He can't even enter reincarnation. What are you talking about and go to hell!"

"Ah! You fools."

"My lord, don't do it!!!"

After Renhuang finished saying this, he held the long sword in his left hand, pulled out the long knife carried on his back with his right hand, and waved it towards his side.

With a sound of "boom", a long river of grotesques appeared beside the Emperor.

The remnant souls of these human sword cultivators looked at the human emperor's sword cutting out the long river of time, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt anything."

After Human Sovereign finished speaking, he actually looked up at Lu Baiyi, and smiled at Lu Baiyi.

Seeing the Human Sovereign who appeared looking at him, Lu Baiyi's heart skipped a beat.

He felt that this Human Sovereign looked into his eyes, and he could see through him in just an instant.

For Lu Baiyi, the scene of this battle was a long time ago.

Everything that happened here, he could see and hear.

However, no one in this war could see him.

But now, the Human Sovereign who appeared out of nowhere actually looked at him.

And he also saw from Renhuang's eyes that Renhuang could indeed, clearly see him.

Just when Lu Baiyi was still wondering whether the Human Emperor really saw him, the Human Emperor's voice reached Lu Baiyi's ears, making the hairs on Lu Baiyi's back stand up.

"You've seen enough. If you keep watching, you'll die."

"While watching the battle, I have given you enough insights."

"My lord, who are you talking to?"

These remnant souls of the sword cultivating human race looked at the two words that the Human Emperor said to Lu Baiyi, their eyes were full of doubts, and they all looked at the position that the Human Emperor was looking at.

"A funny little guy, he was pulled over by you guys."

"You were pulled here by the will of these guys, so go back!"

Human Sovereign finished speaking to these remnants of sword cultivators, looked at Lu Baiyi again, put the long sword held in his left hand into the scabbard, and then waved his left hand at Lu Baiyi, who was still standing in the void battlefield. In a blink of an eye, it disappeared in this void battlefield.

When Lu Baiyi opened his eyes, he heard Chu Kuangren's rough voice.

"Three-eyed monster, see if I don't beat you to death!"

Lu Baiyi followed the voice and looked at Madman Chu.

Seeing this, the pupils of Lu Baiyi's eyes suddenly shrank.

"Yang Jian!!!"

I saw that Madman Chu's chest was pierced by the three-pointed and two-edged knife. Chu Kuangren held Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged knife with his left hand, and made a fist with his right hand. A dazzling red light burst out from the fist, facing Yang Jian's eye in the sky. Fist away.

And Yang Jian's chest was pierced by Xiang Wanghou's Overlord's Halberd, and Chu Hanyan appeared here more than once, and the Chilong Spear in his hand passed through Chu Madman's side and pierced Yang Jian's body fiercely.

As for Chu Tianji, holding Liu Wushang's body with both hands, tears flowed continuously.

During the period when he entered the void battlefield, what exactly happened here.

How could that bastard Liu Wushang be killed in the blink of an eye?

Before he had time to think about it, Lu Baiyi, who was charged with anger, stood in place and disappeared, appearing above Yang Jian's head.

"You dogs, taste this sword!"

"Invincible, invincible!"

With a roar, Lu Baiyi slashed Yang Jian's head with a sword from top to bottom.

And Yang Jian, hearing Lu Baiyi's words, felt the sword intent emanating from Lu Baiyi's sword, his eyes were full of horror, and he shouted in horror: "What are you doing?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu Baiyi slashed fiercely on the top of Yang Jian's head with a sword full of anger.

With a slash of the sword, Yang Jian's body was split in half by Lu Baiyi's sword, and golden blood splashed all over everyone.

"You bastard, finally woke up."

Madman Chu pulled out the three-pointed double-edged knife that Yang Jian had pierced into his chest, and looked at Lu Baiyi who appeared beside them and beheaded Yang Jian with a single sword, with a smile on his face.


When Lu Baiyi heard Kuangren Chu's words, he looked at the wound on Chu Kuangren's chest that could not heal at all, his eyes were full of self-blame and grief.

"You bastard, sure enough, you will fall off the chain at the critical moment."

"Why are you crying? I am ready to sacrifice when I come here."

As Chu Kuangren said, he punched Lu Baiyi hard on the chest and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't die yet."

(End of this chapter)

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