The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 46 Awakened!

Chapter 46 Awakened!

"The youngest guy, hasn't woken up yet?"

Mu Yanran leaned against Lu Baiyi, sat down, held a small and exquisite wine gourd in her hand, took a sip, looked at the distant sky and asked.

"That guy can really sleep!"

Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Lu Baiyi chuckled, took a sip of wine, and sighed.

Afterwards, Lu Baiyi looked at Mu Yanran who was sitting beside him, and teased, "You bastard, do you like the youngest?"

"Although the youngest guy is a bit cold, but that guy really has the potential to be a jerk!"

As soon as Lu Baiyi said this, Mu Yanran, who was sitting next to him, slapped Lu Baiyi hard on the head.

"You guy, have you been hanging out with that guy Wushang for a long time, and you have also learned that bastard's temper?"

As Mu Yanran said, she turned her head to look at the sky, and said with a slight smile: "The youngest is the one Ruyan likes, how can I fight with Ruyan as my older sister?"

As Mu Yanran said, she looked at the distant sky with sadness and sadness in her eyes.

Then, looking at Lu Baiyi who was sitting next to him drinking wine, a trace of bitterness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

This guy is really an idiot.

After Lu Baiyi finished drinking, he turned his head to look at Mu Yanran, his eyes full of disbelief: "Are you sure you don't like the youngest? It's been 300 years, and every year you come to see if the youngest wakes up."

"You stupid!"

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, Mu Yanran, who was sitting next to Lu Baiyi, stretched out her hand and slammed Lu Baiyi's head again: "The partners from back then, there are only three of us left, and the youngest is the youngest among us. Can this older sister not care about the situation of the youngest?"

"Stop talking, take me to see the youngest."

As Mu Yanran said, she reached out and grabbed Lu Baiyi's collar, and pulled Lu Baiyi up.

"Okay, okay, what are you doing so rudely?"

As Lu Baiyi said, he stretched out his hand to knock off Mu Yanran's jade hand holding onto his cuff, and led Mu Yanran towards the only undamaged house in the center of the ruined city.

The two came to the house, Lu Baiyi was in front of the house, with a little force, he stepped on the floor tiles in front of the door.

A hole appeared in front of the house, and Lu Baiyi led Mu Yanran into the ground.

This underground shelter to protect Wang Ye was built by Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran.

The tunnel is [-] meters long, and the bricks used to build this underground tunnel are all made of alloy swivels.

It is so strong that no matter how strong the battle fluctuation is, it will not be able to disturb this place at all.

After walking out of the underground tunnel, the two appeared in an underground room only three meters in size.

The walls around this room are still made of alloy.

In this small space, there is only one black ice coffin.

In this crystal-like coffin, a handsome man lay there comfortably, like a sleeping beauty lying in this black ice coffin.

The two of them looked at Wang Ye lying in the coffin with his chest gently rising and falling through the black ice coffin, and there was a hint of bitterness in their eyes.

"I really didn't realize that the youngest guy actually likes to sleep in so much."

Looking at Wang Ye lying in the coffin, Lu Baiyi's face was full of helplessness.

"I don't know when this guy will wake up."

"Everyone, but they are pinning their hopes on this guy."

As he said that, Lu Baiyi put his hands on the Xuanbing coffin, looking at Wang Ye who was sleeping deep inside, his eyes were full of complexity.

"White clothes!"


Lu Baiyi, who was feeling emotional, suddenly heard Mu Yanran's exclamation from the side.

Lu Baiyi turned around and looked at the excited Mu Yanran, raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with you? How many days have you been here?"

"That's not right. Although it is said that women come here for a few days every month, you didn't disappear a hundred years ago, didn't you?"

With a "bang", upon hearing Lu Baiyi's words, and seeing the doubt in Lu Baiyi's eyes, Mu Yanran blushed and punched Lu Baiyi hard on the head.

"Pain Pain!"

Lu Baiyi held his head in one hand, looked at the blushing Mu Yanran and said, "What are you doing! Am I wrong?"

"Lu! Bai! Yi!"

When Mu Yanran heard Lu Baiyi's words, her eyes were filled with anger.

"Don't, don't, just kidding, kidding, just kidding."

Lu Baiyi looked at the flames burning on Mu Yanran's body, and hurriedly confessed.


Looking at Lu Baiyi, who was in awe, Mu Yanran slowly dissipated the flames that had ignited on her body.

"There will be another time."

Before Mu Yanran finished speaking, Lu Baiyi hastily stated: "There will be absolutely no next time! If there is a next time, you will castrate me!"


Hearing Lu Baiyi's nonsensical words, Mu Yanran rolled her eyes at Lu Baiyi, and said to Lu Baiyi, pointing at Wang Ye who was lying in the black ice coffin.

"Bai Yi, I just saw the youngest's fingers move."


After hearing Mu Yanran's words, Lu Baiyi grabbed Mu Yanran's shoulder with his remaining left hand and looked at her excitedly.

"Is it true, don't you know how to see for yourself?"

Mu Yanran looked at the excited Lu Baiyi, pointed to Wang Ye who was lying in the black ice coffin, and said, "You can see right now that the youngest's eyelids are trembling slightly."


"The youngest is waking up!"

Lu Baiyi turned his head to look at Wang Ye who was in the black ice coffin, listening to Mu Yanran's words, he also saw Wang Ye's slightly trembling eyelids.

"This guy wakes up, let's see if I don't talk about this guy properly."

"It's really possible to sleep. This time, I have slept for 300 years."

"Fuck, if it was someone else, he would have died a long time ago."

Lu Baiyi, who put his hand on the Xuanbing coffin, was full of excitement.

And Mu Yanran, who was standing behind Lu Baiyi, looked at Lu Baiyi who was chattering excitedly and incoherently, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

This guy has spoken the most in the past 300 years.

This guy is also the happiest in these years.

"Like smoke!!!"

Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran, who had been staring at the Xuanbing coffin, looked at Wang Ye who opened his eyes and got up to grab something, their eyes were full of surprise.

If it weren't for Lu Baiyi's quick hands and quick eyesight, pushing the lid of the Xuanbing coffin away the moment Wang Ye opened his eyes, Wang Ye would definitely hit the lid of the Xuanbing coffin when he stood up.


Sitting up, Wang Ye breathed heavily, looking at the old man with a broken arm and Mu Yanran who looked like a fairy standing in front of him, he was stunned for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

As for Mu Yanran and Lu Baiyi, who were looking at Wang Ye, and Wang Ye who sat in the coffin without speaking for a long time after waking up, they were also a little stunned for a moment.

"My youngest, what's the matter?"

"Could it be that you have been sleeping for 300 years, and you have been sleeping stupidly?"

 Talking too much is full of tears, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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