The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 47 The person who woke up from the coffin!

Chapter 47 The person who woke up from the coffin!

"Youngest, are you sleeping stupidly?"

Lu Baiyi looked at Wang Ye who was sitting in a daze in the black ice coffin, and shook his hand in front of Wang Ye.


Wang Ye looked at the palm shaking in front of him, and focused his gaze on Lu Baiyi in front of him.

Looking at Lu Baiyi standing in front of him, he frowned slightly: "Who are you?"


When Lu Baiyi heard Wang Ye's words, his eyes widened, and he looked at Wang Ye who was looking at him with a puzzled expression in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Afterwards, Lu Baiyi grabbed Wang Ye excitedly and said, "Youngest, it's me! Don't you even know me?"

"Could it be, have you lost your memory?"

Wang Ye heard Lu Baiyi's words, looked at Lu Baiyi who was playing tricks in front of him, and looked at Mu Yanran who was beside him.

"Sister Yanran, who is this old man?"


When Lu Baiyi heard Wang Ye's words, the corners of Lu Baiyi's mouth twitched continuously.

Good guy, his feelings are what he is now, so this guy Wang Ye doesn't know him anymore, not because he has lost his memory.

It seems that if you talk too much, it will be tears, and there will be no love.

Thinking of this, Lu Baiyi, who has now become a bad old man, ran to the corner of the secret room to draw circles.

"Sister Yanran, this"

Seeing Lu Baiyi who ran to the corner to draw circles, Wang Ye looked at Mu Yanran with confusion in his eyes.

Mu Yanran was very happy watching Wang Ye wake up.

When he came to Wang Ye's side, he put his arms around Wang Ye's shoulder and said with a smile, "Youngest, don't pay attention to that guy."

"Wake up now, do you find any discomfort in your body?"

Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Wang Ye looked at the concern in Mu Yanran's eyes and closed his eyes slightly.

In less than a breath, Wang Ye opened his eyes and looked at Mu Yanran who was full of concern, with a wry smile on his face: "There was no injury on the body, but all the strength has dissipated."

"Isn't it just that your strength has dissipated, youngest, with your cultivation talent, those lost strengths will come back through cultivation."

As Mu Yanran said, she reached out and patted Wang Ye's shoulder.

"Well, the cultivation base is gone, and you can still practice."

"Without people, there is nothing."

Having said this, Wang Ye became dejected.

Mu Yanran, who was standing aside, heard Wang Ye's words, and knew what Wang Ye was talking about.

Seeing Wang Ye's appearance, Mu Yanran opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

She knew who Wang Ye was talking about.

Wang Ye looked at Mu Yanran, who was also looking lonely beside him, and smiled slightly at Mu Yanran, "It's nothing, Sister Yanran, I'm just feeling emotional."

"After all, it's all over, isn't it?"

Having said this, Wang Ye walked out of the mysterious ice coffin, looked at Mu Yanran and smiled slightly, "Isn't it just that his cultivation is gone?"

"Everything is just starting from scratch."

After speaking, Wang Ye took out the black Tang knife that accompanied him in the black ice coffin.

"Old man, you are walking with me."

The black Tang knife held in Wang Ye's hand trembled slightly when he heard Wang Ye's words.

Lu Baiyi, who was squatting in the corner and drawing circles, stared at Wang Ye and Mu Yanran dumbfounded.

These two guys really forgot about him.

"Hey, hey, I said youngest, you guys are too disrespectful."

"You're totally valuing sex and despising friends. If you know your sister Yanran, you won't know your big brother Lu!"

As Lu Baiyi said, he came to Wang Ye from the corner.

Wang Ye looked at the sloppy old man in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Brother Lu?"

"Brother Lu, I only know Lu Baiyi."

"Grandpa, who are you?"


Lu Baiyi, who was standing in front of Wang Ye, suddenly felt that he was not well when he heard Wang Ye address him.

With his left hand in the depths, he grabbed Wang Ye's neck and shook it fiercely: "Your uncle, Wang Ye, I am here to protect you for 300 years."

"I treat you as a brother, why do you actually recognize me as a grandfather?"

"I'll strangle you heartless!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Wang Ye, who was pinched by Lu Baiyi, coughed continuously.

Mu Yanran, who was standing aside, saw the scene in front of her with a smile in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, you two guys, stop making trouble."

"Looking at the state of the youngest, the two of us don't have to worry about this guy anymore."

As Mu Yanran said, she separated Lu Baiyi from Wang Ye, looked at the two and shook her head helplessly: "The youngest has recognized you a long time ago, but I just wanted to tease you, an idiot."

"I really didn't expect that this sleep could actually change the youngest's personality so much."

"If I didn't know you, I would have thought you were taken away by that bastard Wushang."

As Mu Yanran spoke, her face was filled with emotion.

"Are there only three of us left?"

Wang Ye looked at Mu Yanran standing beside him and Lu Baiyi standing in front of him, and asked.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a trace of anticipation and hope.

How he wished to hear that there were still some of his original partners left.

He hoped those guys hadn't come to see him.

Mu Yanran fell into silence when she heard Wang Ye's words.

This silent answer has already given Wang Ye the answer he wanted.


Wang Ye put the black Tang sword in his hand into the scabbard and carried it on his back.

"Now, how long has it been?"

"You guy, but you have been asleep for 300 years."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Lu Baiyi, who was standing in front of Wang Ye, answered.

"Year 300?"

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, Wang Ye's eyes were full of shock.

"No wonder you look like this now."

Speaking of this, Wang Ye stroked his chin and looked at Lu Baiyi who had become a bad old man in front of him, and looked at Mu Yanran who was standing beside Lu Baiyi, and asked with a confused face: "By the way, 300 years have passed in the same way. gone."

"How did you become like this?"

"You are looking at Sister Yanran, looking at her, like a fairy. Look at you, how did you become so sloppy and become a bad old man."

"Damn, do you think I'm your bitch? Why do you take care of me so well? Why don't you just let things take their course?"

Just as Lu Baiyi finished saying this, Mu Yanran, who was standing beside Lu Baiyi, punched Lu Baiyi hard on the back of the head, looked at Lu Baiyi angrily and said, "Youngest, don't listen to this guy's nonsense."

"After that battle ended, this guy paid the current price for summoning Jiejian Mountain."

"Otherwise, do you think this guy can become like this?"


Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Lu Baiyi hastily denied it: "I have become like this now, it is completely the behavior of a real man."

"Strength is everything, appearance and so on are just floating clouds!"

As Lu Baiyi said, standing in front of Wang Ye and Mu Yanran, he raised his head high, his eyes full of pride.

As everyone knows, deep in Lu Baiyi's proud eyes, there is a deep loneliness.

(End of this chapter)

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