The gods stand at their feet

Chapter 48: Like an Emperor in the World!For Daxia alone! 1!

Chapter 48 There Are Ten Emperors in the World!For Daxia alone!one!

"Youngest, what are your plans for the future?"

After Wang Ye woke up, the three chatted in the secret room for a long time, and after he understood the current situation in Daxia, Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran led Wang Ye out of the secret room.

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, Wang Ye looked at the ruined city around him, and took a deep breath.

Looking up at the sky above his head, he said, "What else can I do? Start all over again."

"After that, kill all the enemies who invaded Great Xia."

"And, expel all the invading aliens on the ancestral star."

Speaking of this, a chill appeared in Wang Ye's eyes looking at the sky.

"What are you going to do now, where are you going?"

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Mu Yanran, who followed Wang Ye and Lu Baiyi, came to Wang Ye, looked at Wang Ye and asked.


Hearing this, Wang Ye fell into deep thought.

The moment he walked out of the secret room, Wang Ye felt the changes in Da Xia over the past 300 years.

Although this is the front line stationed on the border of Daxia, it has now been reduced to a ruined city.

However, here, he can still feel the aura that exists between the sky and the earth.

Only at this moment did he realize what an astonishing move that arrogant guy Tianji had made.

Changing the world, erupting spiritual energy, he traded his life for Daxia's infinite future.

In today's Great Xia, I am afraid that there should be countless people like them back then.

And cultivating in this environment, his lost cultivation might be fully recovered in less than three years.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye looked at Mu Yanran and said, "I don't know yet, first find a place with rich aura and start to restore your cultivation, and then take a look at Da Xia today, and see if Da Xia's juniors are there. There are existences more evil than us."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Mu Yanran and Lu Baiyi who were standing beside Wang Ye fell into silence.

"You two, what's the matter? Why do you show such an expression?"

Seeing Mu Yanran and Lu Baiyi standing in front of them in silence, Wang Ye's eyes were full of doubts.

What he said is also true.

In the Great Xia before the Battle against Heaven, the aura was dozens of times lower than this.

But in the current Great Xia, the aura has become so strong, it shouldn't be difficult for them to appear stronger than them at the beginning.

Just as Wang Ye was thinking, Mu Yanran, who was standing aside, looked at Wang Ye and said slowly, "There is no such thing as a cultivation genius like ours back then."


Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Wang Ye was shocked: "How is it possible?"

"Youngest, a proud man like you and me, since that battle, no one has appeared in Daxia."

"Although Daxia's aura is now dozens of times stronger than before, and some holy places of practice have even a hundred times stronger aura than before."

"Perhaps, it was because of the eruption of spiritual energy that everyone in Daxia could cultivate, or maybe it was because of the attack of the spirit of the ancestral star that caused a little loss of luck in Daxia, and no new heroes were born."

Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Wang Ye, standing in front of Lu Baiyi and Mu Yanran, fell into deep thought.

"But don't worry!"

Lu Baiyi looked at Wang Ye, who was in deep thought, and came to Wang Ye, stretched out his hand and patted Wang Ye's shoulder with a smile, "Although there are no new heroes in the current Great Xia, the current Great Xia is definitely The most powerful country in the ancestor star."

"People like us who stepped into the emperor's realm back then can be found everywhere, and there are hundreds of them in Great Xia."

"There are also three people who have stepped above the emperor's realm and entered the holy realm."

"Since you say that, you two, don't tell me that there are two of you among the three who entered the holy realm."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Lu Baiyi, who was standing in front of Wang Ye, reached out and patted Wang Ye's shoulder with a mysterious smile, and said, "Being a saint? Do you think me and your sister Yanran are so unbearable?"

"How to say, we are also the legendary Ten Emperors."

"Big Xia's aura erupted due to a heavenly secret, and it is dozens of times stronger than before."

"With our talent in cultivation, how could your sister Yanran and I have reached the Holy Realm in the past 300 years?"

"Right now, your sister Yanran and I are the only ones in the human race who have reached the holy level."

Speaking of this, Lu Baiyi, who was standing in front of Wang Ye, had an extremely arrogant expression on his face.

"The Legendary Ten Emperors."

Listening to Lu Baiyi's words, Wang Ye's eyebrows kept beating.

As for the holy rank that Lu Baiyi said, Wang Ye was not too shocked.

After all, when they raised their butcher knives and swung them at the gods, their strength had already reached the imperial realm.

Now, the aura is dozens of times stronger than before, plus 300 years, if they are still stagnant, they might as well brandish their swords and kill themselves.

If their strength had reached the holy level, the battle would not have caused such a big loss.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye's eyes showed a hint of sadness again.

"Okay, okay, youngest, don't think so much."

Seeing that Wang Ye's expression was wrong, Mu Yanran stretched out her hand to pat Wang Ye's shoulder, and said to Wang Ye, "Don't listen to that guy in white talking nonsense, what are the ten emperors? .”


"I am the sword emperor in white, Lu Baiyi!"

Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Lu Baiyi hastily opened his mouth to refute.

"White clothes. Sword Emperor?"

Looking at Lu Baiyi who stood proudly in front of him, Wang Ye looked at Lu Baiyi who looked a bit ragged and looked like an old beggar, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Youngest, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Brother, I am a legendary hero."

"Ha ha."

Hearing Lu Baiyi's words, Wang Ye and Mu Yanran sneered at the same time.

"You. You"

Looking at Wang Ye and Mu Yanran who were very synchronized, Lu Baiyi pointed at Wang Ye and Mu Yanran with his left arm trembling, his face full of grief and indignation.

"The sword emperor Lu Baiyi in white, the youngest is still Ba Dao!"

"Grandma is still a master of pill and fire!"

"Shuangjue of Pill and Fire?"

Hearing Mu Yanran's words, Wang Ye looked at Mu Yanran's eyes full of doubts and asked, "Sister Yanran, when did you know how to make alchemy?"

Listening to Wang Ye's words, Mu Yanran smiled at Wang Ye and said, "Since the end of that battle, I have practiced alchemy at the same time."

"Practicing and practicing, I found that my talent for alchemy is quite outstanding."

"In just ten years, sister, I have become the strongest alchemist in Great Xia."

"Combining these hundreds of years of precipitation, my sister has already mastered the art of alchemy."

"Now, my sister is the teacher of the supreme commander guarding Daxia territory."

"Of course, that little guy is just my registered disciple."

(End of this chapter)

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