Demon Hunting Demon Cultivation Road

Chapter 11 The Cultivation Family

Chapter 11 The Cultivation Family
As soon as the words fell, a little fairy wearing a light red and elegant dress flew over with a sword.

"Ye Bingrui!"

The round-faced boy Shao Donghai said in surprise!

Ye Bingrui looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old young girl in the blooming season. She is tall and thin, with creamy skin, rosy white, curved willow eyebrows, Qiong nose and cherry lips, but the face that is half a smile reveals a willful and spoiled expression. !

Apparently, Shao Donghai, the chubby man from "Spirit Mountain", knew the little fairy in red.

"Shao Xiaopang, I found this spirit sculpture first, and finally forced it out of the mountain. Fortunately, you dare to grab my Ye Bingrui's things!"

The little fairy in red said with a quick mouth!

"Ye Bingrui, don't talk nonsense. I only know that this spirit sculpture attacked me and was caught by my treasure. How can you say it belongs to you? Whoever catches the monster belongs to him. Hmph, and there is this The Taoist brother saw it with his own eyes!"

The round-faced boy Shao Xiaopang pouted his neck and said!
"Hmph, you must be in the same group, I don't believe you. Hey, you guys from Sunset Valley are willing to give you the Cloud and Mist Qiankun Net. You really deserve to be the young master of the Sunset Valley owner. But Shao Xiaopang, you don't think that I There is no treasure in the Ye Family of Bixia Mountain Villa, what do you think it is?"

After all, a small red rope appeared in his hand!

"Jinxia binds the demon rope, your Ye family gave you this treasure too!"

Shao Xiaopang said in surprise!

"Hmph, Shao Xiaopang, stop talking nonsense, you still don't want to return the spirit sculpture I found first?"

Ye Bingrui's small mouth contains rich expressions. When she is happy, she curls her lips and makes a grimace. When she is angry, her pursed mouth can hold a small oil pot. At this time, the eager expression on that slim figure is written On the face!

"Cough cough,"

"Well, two, two fellow daoists, I'm Qin Ziyu, this fight won't be enough. Today I also met two fellow daoists for the first time, so let me be fair!"

Qin Ziyu finally couldn't help but speak.

Ye Bingrui finally turned her head to look carefully.

Qin Ziyu's temperament has changed greatly because of the special skills he practiced, and because of the systematic training during this period of time. He is handsome in the first place, but now he has a noble and elegant temperament, deep and moving eyes, and a charming and sunny smile. , suddenly made Ye Bingrui feel bright.

She laughed out loud, showing two rows of white teeth like broken jade, and said, "Brother Qin, please tell me!"

Qin Ziyu said: "It seems that Fairy Ye and Brother Shao are old acquaintances, so why bother to get angry because of this mere monster! How about this, since Fairy Ye discovered the spirit sculpture first, Brother Shao will leave it to her. We are looking for another monster, what do you think?"

Shao Xiaopang said with a displeased but helpless face: "Forget it, forget it, I'm unlucky to meet you!"

"Thank you Brother Qin" and then "Thank you Brother Shao"!
Ye Bingrui giggled coquettishly!

Shao Xiaopang, Shao Donghai made a move with one hand, and chanted a mantra, and the Cloud and Mist Qiankun Net that trapped the spirit sculpture returned to Shao Donghai's hands the size of a palm with a "swish".

The spirit sculpture loosened its body, and was about to fly away, it was too late, it was too soon, when the little fairy in red, Ye Bingrui, chanted a spell, and the palm-sized golden glow-binding rope in her hand flashed a golden light, and suddenly became bigger Binding the calf-like spirit sculpture, the spirit sculpture couldn't struggle, and suddenly lost his temper!
Qin Yu met Shao Donghai and Ye Bingrui again, and exchanged names and backgrounds!

"It turns out that the two are heirs of the famous Xiuxian family, what a disrespect, disrespect!"

Qin Ziyu clasped his fists with a smile on his face and said!

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(End of this chapter)

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