Demon Hunting Demon Cultivation Road

Chapter 12 The Cultivation Family

Chapter 12 The Cultivation Family
"Oh, it sounds like Brother Qin is not from the Immortal Cultivation family, so which sect of Immortal Cultivation is Brother Qin from?"

Ye Bingrui, the little fairy in red, said coquettishly.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, brother Yu just stepped into the door of cultivating immortals by chance, I hope the two fellow Taoists can give you some advice!"

Qin Ziyu hurriedly replied modestly!
"It's easy to say, easy to say!" Ye Bingrui smiled cleverly.

"I still want to go in to hunt monsters, do you want to go together!" Shao Xiaopang pouted.

"Together, together, Fairy Ye please, brother Shao please!" Qin Ziyu naturally wanted to get to know the two, and also wanted to see the methods of the heirs of the two cultivators' families!

The Monster Beast Mountain is covered in gray mist, and the whole Monster Beast Mountain is hazy and hazy. The further you go inside, the higher the level of the monster beasts. From the first-grade monsters to the highest twelve monsters, the twelve-grade monsters are equivalent to human beings. The top level of the virtual level, and then there is the monster saint, and I have never heard that there are sixth-rank monsters in the Monster Beast Mountain!
And the range inside the Monster Beast Mountain is even more unknown. They only know that the further you go in, the more powerful the monsters inside are, and the three of them didn't dare to go too deep, they just circled around the periphery cautiously.

A large flock of fire crows flew by from far away, and they were crowded together. Although the fire crows were only second-grade monsters, none of the three of them might be taken seriously, but a large group of crows was difficult to deal with, so we had to Walk from the sky to the ground!

Towering ancient trees rise from the ground, strange rocks are jagged, streams flow from time to time, and gray mist floats around from time to time.

The three of them unfolded their spiritual consciousness and explored forward!

Ye Bingrui and Zhou Xiaopang didn't dare to be careless, and Qin Ziyu was even more cautious, so the three of them lined up and moved forward!

Suddenly, the monster fog billowed in front of him, as fast as lightning. Just when his consciousness sensed something, a huge wave suddenly rolled out of the billowing gray fog, and there was a loud "pop~~", Qin Ziyu, The little fairy in red Ye Bingrui and Zhou Xiaopang of Sunset Valley rolled into a pile like a gourd!
Qin Ziyu was the first to bear the brunt. Qin Ziyu's position was at the front, and when he was the first to notice something was wrong, his spiritual sense warned him: "Be careful."

With a thought of Qin Yu, the Taiji Shield was in his hand, and he lost a handful of true energy and spiritual power.

Immediately, the Taiji shield suddenly became larger, but unfortunately, there was a "pop" and the Taiji shield shimmered, and was slapped by something, and it turned into the size of a palm again with a mournful cry, and was put back into the storage bag by Qin Ziyu.

Although the Taiji Shield only blocked one blow, it dissipated most of the force, and only a very small amount of force hit Qin Ziyu, and the three of them made a pile of gourds.

Only then did the three realize that it was a huge snake tail that attacked them. The tail of the snake was a foot away from the body. See the figure of the snake head.

The three of them suddenly felt bad, they didn't even see the snake's head, if they were flying in the air at this time, they would be photographed as soon as they took off, and the danger of being attacked in the air was even greater.

Qin Ziyu has the kind of temperament that gets calmer as the crisis gets worse. At this time, his head turned rapidly, and he said immediately: "Brother Shao will attack the big snake, and Fairy Ye will respond!"

Shao Xiaopang turned his head to take a look, Qin Ziyu looked into his eyes frankly and encouraged.

"Okay." Shao Xiaopang replied.

"No problem!" Ye Bingrui, the little fairy in red, also responded.

Shao Xiaopang took a deep breath, grabbed a handful of talismans in his hand, chanted the incantation, and went!

Flying knives and ice swords all over the sky slashed at the big snake and giant python, mixed with strings of fireballs.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding..."

The scales of the big snake and giant python jingled like steel sheets, but not a drop of blood flowed. It can be said that even the scales of the snake were not broken, but the continuous rain of flying knives and fire would still hurt.

Qin Ziyu's eyes were fixed on the front, and suddenly rolled up in the gray mist, Qin Ziyu immediately vowed to warn: "Here we come, be careful!"

In a flash of lightning, a huge snake head suddenly appeared in the sky, and the three of them dodged away immediately. It turned out to be a Yinteng python with a crown on its head. Immortal cultivators generally don't provoke it.

This python has extremely strong defense and is not easy to deal with.

The three of them were about to move away, when suddenly the giant python's mouth sucked, and the three of them, who were more than ten feet away, suddenly felt a huge suction pulling them to fly to the giant python's mouth, a huge snake smell The smell is tangy!

In the crisis of life and death, the attacking talisman in Qin Ziyu's hand was free to attack the Yinteng giant python, and at the same time, Shao Xiaopang and Ye Bingrui's attacking talisman should not be thrown at the snake's head.

Immediately, around the snake's head and mouth, flames shot into the sky, knives and arrows were thrown, and the fireball exploded like a torrential rain, like a fireworks festival.

But it couldn't cause harm to the Yinteng Snake, it just lowered the suction of the giant python. Shao Xiaopang conveniently took the baby Yunwu Qiankun Net that his father gave him for self-defense in Sunset Valley, and moved it towards the snake's head cover. The giant python felt a huge crisis and suddenly The mouth opened to increase the suction, and Yunwu Qiankun Wang and the three of them flew towards the snake's mouth. It turned out that the only way for the giant python to break the Yunwu Qiankun Net was the huge suction force, which made the Yunwu Qiankun Net useless. Shao Xiaopang was helpless. Had to take back the baby.

During the crisis, Qin Ziyu held the Qingyun Sword in his hand, and the true essence and spiritual power came out through the sword, shining brightly. The giant python finally felt the danger and closed its huge suction mouth. , just a little pain, but far from causing too much damage to the Yinteng python.


Qin Ziyu reacted like lightning, and pulled Shao Xiaopang and Ye Bingrui away with a pull of both hands. Qin Ziyu's skills are special, and he can use his spiritual sense to explore the movements of the giant python earlier!

This Yin Teng giant python is extremely sinister, seeing that it can't suck the three humans into its mouth, it quietly uses its snake whip to pat the three of them like a storm. There is life.

Seeing that it can't cause harm to the giant python.

Qin Ziyu came up with another plan: "The defense of this giant python is amazing. You Daoist Ye will fly to the middle and use your Jinxia Demon Binding Rope to try it out. Brother Shao will attack and assist from the side. If it doesn't work, I will personally launch the strongest attack!"

After the three passed through the dangerous situation together, they were not arrogant, Shao Xiaopang and Ye Bingrui agreed at the same time.

Ye Bingrui soared into the sky and flew towards the middle of the giant python. The giant python was at least thirty feet long. Qin Ziyu and Shao Xiaopang used magic talismans to attack the Yinvine python's head to divert the python's attention.

The continuous fireballs and flying knives attacked the snake's eyes, and the snake's eyes were half-opened and half-closed. The yin vine python suddenly raised its tail, and a giant python's tail came out, hitting the ground with dust, and the ground sank into a big hole.

At this time the whole body of the giant python was folded together, the little fairy in red Ye Bingrui seized the opportunity to launch an attack, and finished chanting the incantation, Jinxia's demon-binding rope bound the Yinteng python like an arrow.

At the critical moment of life and death, the giant python exploded with shocking power, "roaring" and rolled and struggled violently, the Jinxia's demon-binding rope was struggling to become bigger and smaller, and the golden light shone.

Ye Bingrui was no longer surprised, and also worried about whether her baby would be damaged!
 Please collect and recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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