Chapter 18 Conflict
Qin Ziyu reacted in an instant, accelerated and flew over, released an attack talisman, the spell was completed, and immediately fireballs and swords came out, as if a firework party was held, and Wu Aotian's body shield was like a deflated ball, which seemed dangerous.

Wu Aotian threw out another body protection shield, Qin Ziyu took out the Qingyun sword to input spiritual power and true essence, and the purple and golden light of the Qingyun sword immediately flourished, it stands to reason that the control of the flying sword during the Qi training period is a bit powerless, but Qin Ziyu's heavenly magic power Tough, is an exception.

"How is it possible that you have practiced the Zifu Divine Art?"

During the foundation building period of Lingji Cave, Wu Qingsheng saw Qin Ziyu's movements clearly from the side, and recognized that only the Zifu Shengong Jue could emit purple golden light, otherwise it is usually only golden light or golden golden light.Moreover, the Zifu Divine Art is by no means just difficult to practice and powerful, and it can be advanced very quickly. It is only a matter of time to enter a large realm, and it takes more than half of the time for others to enter a large realm.

There is also a big advantage, the Zifu Shengong Jue is a heaven-level magic art of masculinity and righteousness, it is naturally able to restrain demons and monsters, otherwise it would not be so easy to kill the Yin Veng python.

Just when Wu Qingsheng, a monk in the foundation-building period of Lingji Cave, called out the magic art of the Zifu, Qin Ziyu immediately released the black turtle shield, and the true essence and spiritual power were continuously injected into it.The Black Tortoise Shield was originally a high-level magic weapon, but it fell to the defense level of a middle-level magic weapon due to the change of the former owner. However, if Qin Ziyu fully invested his true energy and spiritual power, the defense power of the lower-level middle-level magic weapon could become an upper-level middle-level defense. Strength, if this baby is nourished by body temperature, it can be improved with the improvement of the new owner's strength until it returns to a high-level magic weapon.It's just that Qin Ziyu hasn't discovered it yet.

Pointing at Wu Aotian with his hand, Qingyun Sword cut towards Wu Aotian like lightning, Wu Aotian chanted a spell while manipulating the body protection shield, Qingyun sword slashed on the body protection shield, the light of the cut body shield dimmed for a while, But it can't break through the defense of the body shield.

Finally Wu Aotian finished reciting the incantation. One must know that the white jade glazed bottle is a middle-grade high-grade magic weapon. When the mana was opened, a huge suction force was about to suck Qin Ziyu into the bottom of the bottle. Input, the defensive power greatly increased, and immediately stabilized the ground.It's just that the true essence and spiritual power don't know how long it will last.

It gradually turned into a tug-of-war competition. For Wu Aotian, he thought that this white jade glazed bottle was his only middle-grade high-level magic weapon. A half-dead man, as long as Ye Bingrui and the others give in, they will be released in the end. After all, they don't want to be enemies with the No. [-] and No. [-] Immortal Cultivation families in Naraku City.

But who ever thought it would become a tug of war.Wu Aotian's face turned pale with anger, Qin Ziyu's face turned red with anxiety, his true essence and spiritual energy were consumed too quickly.Meanwhile, Wu Qingsheng, a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, was also hesitant to make a move. After all, it would be better to kill him now after provoking such a promising enemy, but he was afraid that he would completely offend those two families, so he hesitated again. Not sure.

After Ye Bingrui issued a distress talisman to the family, she fought with the two people who stopped her, while Shao Xiaopang took out his Qinglian enchanting fan, and using his true energy and spiritual power, he captivated the opponent's defenseless Tsing Yi Big man, and Shao Xiaopang has a habit of stepping on his opponent after defeating him. He rushed up and kicked him almost without hesitation, but he didn't know that it was these two kicks that kicked the man in Tsing Yi out of his fascination. wake up.

Climbing up angrily, talismans and magic weapons were flying all over the sky, and he had a great fight with Shao Xiaopang!
But Ye Bingrui was worried about Qin Ziyu, so he tied up one person with the Jinxia Demon Binding Rope in his hand, and the other yellow-faced man was still holding on.

Shao Xiaopang was about to take out the Yunwu Qiankun Net, and when Wu Qingsheng, a monk in the foundation period of Lingji Cave, was about to do it, suddenly several figures shot from the northwest like lightning, and it turned out that reinforcements from Bixia Villa had arrived.

A total of six figures came to Bixia Villa, one was Elder Ye Weiyu who had peaked in the mid-stage of the foundation-building stage, two family elders in the early stage of the foundation-building stage, and the other three were core disciples of the family who had reached the ninth and tenth floors of the Qi training stage!

At this time, both sides had given up, Ye Bingrui stepped forward and explained the reason to Elder Ye Weiyu, Ye Weiyu was a serious and livid old pedant, who looked like a man in his 60s, but he was actually 180 years old.

At this time, I heard that it was Lingji Cave who came to make trouble, so he glared at Wu Qingsheng, a monk in the foundation period of Lingji Cave, without getting angry, while another monk in the foundation period of Bixia Villa sneered and said: "Good job!" , you dare to bully my juniors from Bixia Villa, if you are so capable, then come and challenge me to see how capable you are!"

At this time, Wu Qingsheng, a monk in the foundation building period of Lingji Cave, felt that his head was extremely big, so he had to salute with his fists together and said, "I have seen Senior Ye in Bixia Villa. , but it is really something wrong with our Lingji Cave, I would like to apologize here, and this kind of thing will not happen in the future.”

Wu Qingsheng not only likes to be indecisive when doing things, but also knows how to judge the situation, and when he knows that his strength is not enough, he should bow his head, otherwise this matter will not be able to pass.

But Shao Xiaopang didn't let Wu Aotian go: "The most important thing is to see what the troublemakers say." After saying that, he looked at Wu Aotian.

Another nice voice sounded: "That's right, let's see what Wu Aotian has to say, otherwise this matter will be difficult. A friend who bullies me is bullying me!"

After hearing Shao Xiaopang's voice, Wu Aotian, who was downcast at first, raised his head suddenly and said: "Come on, come and kill me."

After all, he twisted his head like a bull.

Qin Ziyu is not a person who pretends to be powerful. He wants to fight against himself and seek revenge against him later, but he doesn't want his friends to form a death feud for himself and others. After all, this family that has been passed down for thousands of years is all from Naraku City, and they can't move away.

Just as he was about to grab Shao Xiaopang, Ye Bingrui, the hot pepper, had already finished reciting the spell, and the Jinxia Demon Binding Cable wrapped around Wu Aotian like lightning, before Qin Ziyu could react, Shao Xiaopang had rushed up and kicked him twice, Afterwards, there were two haha.Seeing Qin Ziyu caressing his forehead endlessly.

Everyone in Lingji Cave stepped forward to protect Wu Aotian, and Wu Qingsheng, a monk in the foundation building period, clasped his fists at Ye Weiyu in Bixia Villa, Ye Weiyu winked at Ye Bingrui, Ye Bingrui had no choice but to accept Jinxia to bind the demon rope.

Ever since he was tied up by Ye Bingrui's Jinxia demon-binding rope, Wu Aotian has not uttered a sound, nor has he hummed after being hurt, he just pouted his head and stared fiercely at Shao Xiaopang and Qin Ziyu.He didn't make a sound until he was dragged away by the people in Lingji Cave. Anyway, this hatred is settled.

Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang didn't care either, they had fought many times in the past.

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(End of this chapter)

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