Demon Hunting Demon Cultivation Road

Chapter 19 Visiting Bixia Villa

Chapter 19 Visiting Bixia Villa
Ye Bingrui officially introduced Qin Ziyu to everyone in Bixia Villa, and said that he would invite friends Qin Ziyu and Shao Xiaopang to visit Bixia Villa.Everyone knows Shao Xiaopang in Sunset Valley.

Ye Weiyu saw that Qin Ziyu's temperament was drifting away from the dust, the jade tree was facing the wind, and his cultivation was not bad, so he shook his head slightly.

Everyone in Bixia Villa took the lead, while Qin Ziyu and Ye Bingrui flew towards Bixia Villa behind.

A majestic mountain appeared in front of him. Qin Ziyu opened his eyes and took a closer look. He could see that the whole mountain was vaguely protected by golden energy. There might be a large array of guardians. After all, it was the largest cultivator family in Nailuo City. There is also the ancestor of the family's mid-stage Jindan peak master, who is an elder in the number one sect in the Han Dynasty, which is naturally different from other places.

When they arrived at the foot of Bixia Mountain Villa, everyone walked on the ground, especially outsiders who had to show respect, it was impossible to fly in directly, not to mention that outsiders really couldn't fly in, and the Great Dharma Protector Formation was opened.

Although it is not fully open at ordinary times, it still maintains the basic operation, which can warn and block the enemy, as well as the basic enchantment. The basic enchantment is psychedelic and prevents ordinary mortals from finding and entering this place.

And if there is a big enemy coming, as long as the oath alarm bell rings, and the basic guardian array is broken, the foundation-building monks who are on duty at the center of the array every day will instantly use the middle-grade spirit that has already entered the center of the array. Shi activates the big formation, and the powerful Dharma Guardian formation will come out together with the killing formation and the ecstasy formation. It is too difficult to break the formation!

Of course Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang talked about these things to Qin Ziyu, otherwise Qin Ziyu really didn't know.

At the foot of the mountain of Bixia Mountain Villa, a very huge and magnificent mountain gate stands in front of you, with the words "Bixia Mountain Villa" written on it.

There are people in the mountain gate to receive people, Qin Ziyu and the others don't care, and follow the crowd to climb up the stone steps, only to see the high and low mountains in the distance, with continuous ups and downs, the whole mountain is full of vitality, and there are mighty green cypresses, ginkgoes, and ancient trees everywhere. towering.

Climbing all the way to the mountainside, the inside is empty and high, and the tall buildings with carved eaves and tiles are far or near, hidden in the faint clouds and smoke. In the distance, there is a red wall and yellow tiles, which are resplendent and scattered with dazzling light. The huge palace is so magnificent that it makes people feel solemn.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering tiger roar was deafening.


A three-foot-long demon tiger with black iron armor landed in front of everyone.

But Ye Bingrui stepped forward happily and said, "Iron Armor Vulcan is good."

It turns out that this is just the monster guarding the village of Bixia Villa, named Iron Armored Flame Tiger.

It was Ye Tianyun, the patriarch of Bixia Mountain Villa, who captured the Iron Armored Flame Tiger when he was young to be the guardian beast, and now he has the peak strength of the third rank, which is extremely powerful.Named Iron Armored Vulcan, of course, if others are called monsters, my own must be called divine beasts.

Tiejia Vulcan obediently comforted Ye Bingrui's little hand with his huge head, squinted his eyes and snorted, took a look at everyone and walked away!
Ye Bingrui arranged Qin Ziyu and Shao Xiaopang in the VIP room, and told them that if they feel bored, they can come out for a walk.Then he went to the main hall with Ye Weiyu, the elder of the family.

At this time, Shao Xiaopang said to Qin Ziyu: "Brother, have you really mastered the Zifu magic art? That is a heavenly skill. Tsk tsk!"

Hearing what he said, Qin Ziyu had no choice but to honestly say: "I'm afraid it's true, I entered the world of cultivating immortals just because of this exercise."

Shao Xiaopang enviously said: "You are so lucky, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but the number one sect of cultivating immortals in the Han Dynasty, the elder of the Lingyun Sect who is recognized as the number one is the Zifu Divine Art, and Bixia Villa The patriarch of my family is also the elder of Lingyunzong, I am afraid that this matter will be reported to Lingyunzong, but it should be a good thing, not a bad thing!"

"Oh, why is it a good thing and not a bad thing."

Qin Ziyu wondered!

"I can't say it, but it doesn't feel like a bad thing."

After all, Shao Xiaopang came from the Xiuxian family, so he still has some knowledge!
Qin Ziyu chatted with Shao Xiaopang about every aspect of this world of cultivating immortals. Shao Xiaopang took out a summary of his experience in the world of cultivating immortals written by his predecessors. The knowledge of the characteristics of magic weapons and spiritual weapons, and the identification of elixir, is simply the encyclopedia of the world of cultivating immortals. Maybe some seniors are naturally fond of collecting this.

Qin Ziyu watched it slowly at night, and the two chatted for more than an hour.Just about to go out for a walk, I saw Ye Bingrui walking over.

"Brother Qin, the ancestor of my family will have something to go back to the villa tomorrow. I heard that you have practiced the Zifu Magic Art. The ancestor wants to meet you, and Xiaopang will also meet tomorrow. Don't worry, because it should be a good thing! "

With Shao Xiaopang's round face, he was afraid that people would say he was fat, but Ye Bingrui called him Xiaopang, but she just licked her lips and agreed!
Qin Ziyu didn't want to ask too many questions, so he agreed.

Seeing them coming out, Ye Bingrui accompanied them for a walk, traveling all the way to Zangshu Pavilion, but she couldn't enter for sightseeing, even Ye Bingrui didn't have the right to take them in, only if the family members had a brand name.

Ye Bingrui pouted and said to Qin Ziyu, "Why don't you join me in Bixia Villa!"

Qin Ziyu glanced at Ye Bingrui, who was looking forward to him, swallowed the words of rejection, and only said that he would think about it.

Qin Ziyu and the smiling Shao Xiaopang didn't say anything, and the three of them climbed to the top of another mountain. Ye Bingrui wanted to show them how to practice alchemy, although the alchemists in Bixia Villa can only practice low-level Qiju pills. Immortal cultivators at different levels take pills, but it's better to have than nothing, not to mention that this pill is taken during the Qi training period.

A few rows of houses were built in the open space on the top of the mountain, and a few herb-picking boys were busy. Ye Bingrui went forward to explain the purpose of coming, hoping to be accommodating.

The herb-picking boy said: "It's not that I'm not accommodating. Since the young lady brought it here, there's nothing to say. It's just that Uncle Hai is practicing Qi Gathering Pill today, and it's a time when we can't be distracted. Why don't we practice other medicines another day?" Good to come again!"

Seeing that Ye Bingrui was in trouble, Qin Ziyu quickly said forget it, another day will be another day, but Shao Xiaopang seized the opportunity and said with a smile: "Why don't we make some Qi Gathering Pills, even if we buy them."

Ye Bingrui thought for a while and said with a charming smile: "Okay, I'll ask my father later, there should be no problem!"

The three of them came to a waterfall, a big stream was formed by the rushing water, and the clear torrent ding-dong ding-dong flowed by. Ye Bingrui took off her little lotus shoes, and stretched out a pair of white jade feet like tender white lotus roots comfortably. Entering the stream, the teasing small fish in the stream fluttered back and forth, and the itching of the small fish rubbing their feet caused Ye Bingrui to laugh like a silver bell.

Qin Ziyu sat aside enjoying himself, with a peaceful mind.By the way, he wiped the saliva dripping from Shao Xiaopang's chin, who was stunned!
 Thanks to book friends such as Yaolianlian, Shenchao_Yingan, Who and Zhengzhi, Fenghuo Diandian, etc. for their collections, recommendations, and rewards.Hope to continue to support!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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