Chapter 20
Qin Ziyu suddenly realized something, and gently closed his eyes, the sound of running water in the stream, the slight wind in his ears, and Ye Bingrui's silvery and jade-like laughter seemed to be getting farther and farther away until he entered a silent world.

Qin Ziyu's whole body seemed to melt into the empty and quiet air. If Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang felt something, they turned their heads and felt Qin Ziyu's aura faintly, as if the whole person disappeared into space, but it was clear that Qin Ziyu was beside him , giving a very weird feeling.

But Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang, after all, have a deep family background and a lot of knowledge, and they immediately realized that Qin Ziyu had entered the rare epiphany in the legend, and whether he gained anything from the epiphany depends entirely on luck.There is another word for epiphany called enlightenment!

The two knew that this kind of epiphany was very rare and could not be disturbed, so they meditated together and protected the Dharma so that he would not be disturbed by others.

Although Qin Ziyu's eyes were closed tightly, his ears seemed to be unable to hear any sound, and he entered a silent world, but light suddenly appeared. This is a world with light even when his eyes are closed.

The true essence and spiritual power from all directions poured in colorful rays from the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head, and circulated along the Rendu Ermai of the body. With the influx of the true essence and spiritual power, it reached a full state. With a sound, the peak of the sixth floor of the Zifu Shengong Art was broken.

Finally reached the seventh floor of the Qi training period, a massive amount of true essence and spiritual power penetrated into the lower dantian, Qin Ziyu looked inside the lower dantian, all the true essence and spiritual power poured into the side of the Taiji fish, full of purple-golden light.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Ziyu woke up from the epiphany, and before he opened his eyes, he felt light and refreshed. The voice in his ear was so clear, and the voice in the distance seemed as clear as in his ear. And Ye Bingrui's weak breathing seemed to be in his ears, which made Qin Ziyu's ears itch.

He opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes disappeared in a flash. The world in his eyes was so refreshing and intoxicating, as if he was born again.

Ye Bingrui opened her eyes and looked at Qin Ziyu with feeling, her eyes seemed to be full of apprehension and worry, but also seemed to be full of heartfelt joy for him, and even more as if there was a deep love rippling out!

This one glance almost broke Qin Ziyu's defenses, as if Tang Sanzang's daughter country met Her Majesty the Queen, so he had to bow his head and say: "Uh Amitabha! Infinite Heavenly Venerable!"

It's not that Ye Bingrui is not beautiful, she is beautiful, and it's not that Ye Bingrui has no charm. This kind of pure and lovely is the purest charm. It's just that Qin Ziyu really can't accept the feelings of a loli at present, because Qin Ziyu is not a lolicon. Not equal to love!
Qin Ziyu responded to Ye Bingrui's affectionate gaze with a sunny smile. "Thank you!"

"And Fatty!"

Qin Ziyu said!
"What's the matter, we brothers should protect the law for you."

Ye Bingrui, who was sitting next to her, lowered her head and smiled slightly, and said softly, "Brother Ziyu is too polite! Congratulations to Brother Ziyu for advancing to the seventh floor!"

This time even Shao Xiaopang, who is very energetic, also feels something is wrong. Did I miss something?There are a hundred thousand whys written in his eyes.

Even Shao Xiaopang said enviously: "Brother Ziyu is really lucky! Congratulations!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Qin Ziyu is a person who is refreshed on happy occasions!

The three wandered back to the VIP building, and Ye Bingrui reluctantly parted from them!
At night, Qin Ziyu couldn't help but sigh with emotion when thinking about the adventures of the day, but no matter what, Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang are really lucky stars in his life, but maybe he is also their lucky star in turn?Qin Ziyu thought so stupidly!

Rest all night without words!
The next day, after Qin Ziyu and Shao Xiaopang finished practicing, they moved for another half an hour.

Soon at noon, Ye Bingrui came over and told the two of them that Ye Tianyun, the patriarch of the Ye family, had returned, and told them to go over.

Walking into the main hall, there are nine ten-meter-high red lacquered gold pillars. On the big pillars, coiled dragons and phoenixes are coiled on the golden pillars. There are pavilions, terraces, pavilions and fences cut from jade in the middle, and sandalwood incense burners on the base of the platform. Gives a smoky fairy-like feel.

A dozen or so members of the Ye Family surrounded a tall and tall Immortal Cultivator, who must be Ye Tianyun, the patriarch of the Ye Family. If it is said that a cultivator at the Golden Core stage has a lifespan of more than 60 years, then Daoist Bixia has already passed half of it.

Qin Ziyu still felt the huge pressure from Master Bixia's body naturally, which was the aura pressure of Jindan Realm, and Master Bixia neither radiated it intentionally nor restrained it deliberately.

After Ye Bingrui brought the two of them up to greet him, Bixia real person Ye Tianyun said in a voice as loud as an ancient bell: "Your name is Qin Ziyu, and you are a casual cultivator?"

"This junior is right! I have a chance to enter the world of cultivating immortals!"

Qin Ziyu replied honestly!
Daoist Bixia said again: "I heard that you have mastered the Zifu Shengong Jue. Yesterday you were on the sixth floor of the advanced Qi training period, and you advanced to the seventh floor in less than half a year."

"Yes, the junior was lucky enough to enter the epiphany before advancing."

"Well, not bad, let's test your spiritual roots, I will tell you a great event in a while!"

Master Bixia nodded and said.

The disciple under the door immediately brought a stone-like and jade-like thing. It turned out that this is the spiritual root stone, which is specially used to test the spiritual roots of mortals. The spiritual roots are divided into gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements, and there are variations. Spirit root ice, thunder, wind and other attributes.

Qin Ziyu put his hand on the spiritual root stone, and input the real essence and spiritual power. The spiritual root stone first emitted a purple-gold light, which is the color of the Zifu Shengong Art, and it is also a metallic color, followed by purple blue, which is the water attribute. The spiritual root still has the purple color of the Zifu Shengongjue in it.

Then there are wood spirit roots, fire spirit roots, and earth spirit roots, which are colorful and mixed with purple light, flashing one by one.

Just when everyone thought it was over, there was another flash of purple lightning, and then the wind and ice also appeared!And the colors and light are particularly clear and bright, and the light is brilliant!

Even Bixia real Ye Tianyun stood up, probably shocked.This is the spiritual root of the upper heaven.

And Ye Bingrui told him that it was a mutated spiritual root of gold, water, and ice, and it also belonged to the heavenly spiritual root.

Shao Xiaopang is the three spiritual roots of earth, wood, and water, all of which belong to the heavenly spiritual root.

But speaking of it, only Qin Ziyu's spiritual root is the best, it is the whole spiritual root, the fastest to practice!
"Cough cough", Master Bixia recovered instantly and said cordially: "Now I will tell you about the happy event. When the old man received you yesterday that you practiced the Zifu Shengong Jue, it happened that the grand elder of our sect was beside the old man. The Supreme Elder is the only one besides you who has practiced the Zifu Divine Art, so the Supreme Elder wants this old man to verify that if it is true, he will accept you as his successor, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, what do you think!"

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(End of this chapter)

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