Chapter 21
Qin Ziyu didn't expect it to be such a good thing, and when he didn't know how to answer, Shao Xiaopang pulled him aside!
Said: "Brother Ziyu, this is really a great thing. Elder Leng Wushang is recognized as the number one Nascent Soul monster in the Han Kingdom. We must seize the opportunity. And if possible, you can tell Senior Ye that I will go to Lingyun Sect with you, and I will be an inner disciple!"

Qin Ziyu glanced at Shao Xiaopang, who was speaking seriously, and thought for a while. He knew that Shao Xiaopang wanted to develop well in the future. Although he is also a cultivator family, it has gradually declined. The foundation building period is fine, but you have to think Da Jindan, Nascent Soul stage, it is only possible for this kind of top-ranked sect, whether it is from resource skills, or the master who guides the way, they are not a little bit stronger!
Qin Ziyu shook his head slightly, brother still wants to help.

So the two turned around and made this request with Master Bixia. You must know that it is more difficult for a person with a higher realm of cultivating immortals to find a successor apprentice. The Supreme Elder Leng Wushang finally found someone who practiced the same skills as himself, so there is no reason to give up of.

Let alone the elder Taishang, Elder Ye can make the decision on his own.

Elder Ye laughed and said: "This time, our sect will also accept some mortals with spiritual roots to join the sect. This child from the Ye family, Ye Bingrui, will join the sect to practice with you two!"

This is really a great joy, at least for these three boys and girls, of course Ye Bingrui is very happy to be able to practice with Qin Ziyu!
Ling Yunzong was still thousands of miles away to the northwest of Bixia Villa. After Ye Bingrui bid farewell to his family, Elder Ye Ye Tianyun wrapped the three of them in the light and flew. I didn't feel the strong wind hitting the body, and it arrived after half a stick of incense. The flight of the light escape was really fast, and the heartbeat of the three accelerated. They secretly vowed in their hearts that one day they would fly by the light of the light!
The mountains in the distance are rolling and rolling, and the fairy fog is lingering, and the fairy formation is vaguely surrounding the mountains. One of the mountains rises straight into the sky, and the top of the mountain cannot be seen. I don’t know how many thousand feet high. Play the function of blocking the consciousness!

Elder Ye flew directly towards the top of Lingyun Peak, the highest peak of Lingyun Sect. There were groups of monks everywhere on the mountain. Some monks flew over to investigate on the way, and immediately turned around and flew away!Another person flew over, but it was Ouyang Junhui, the head of Lingyun Sect!
The leader, Ouyang Junhui, is of medium build, with a white face and a slight beard, and a square face. He is wearing a blue Taoist robe, and his cultivation is at the peak of the Golden Core early stage. Knowing that Leng Wushang Taishang is going to accept disciples, he came here to check.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Elder Ye introduced three people to the head of the Lingyun Sect, and the three juniors met with the head again, before the left and right boys came to report, Taishang Elder Leng Wushang had already predicted their arrival, so he sent sound transmission into the cave See you, Taishang Elder Leng Wushang's cave is on the top of Lingyun Peak, the main peak of Lingyun Sect, and this is also the place where Lingyun Sect's spiritual energy is most abundant.

I saw a few large characters "Ziyun Dongtian" at the entrance of the cave. When I entered the cave, I saw that the inside of the cave was extremely wide, more than 50 meters wide. I don't know how deep it is. There are a lot of pearls embedded in the walls. , glowing with the same light as the day.I don't know how many independent rooms for retreat, big and small.

The head Ouyang Junhui and the elder Ye Tianyun were the first to greet, saying hello to the uncle!

Ling Yunzong's grand elder Zixia Daoist Leng Wushang was wearing a purple Taoist robe, sitting on the grand master's chair, frankly accepting greetings from the two juniors.I saw Leng Wushang's slender figure with fairy air, and a face that was neither thin nor fat. Although his face was kind, it made people feel extraordinarily elegant and isolated from the world.
Elder Ye Tianyun told the story of the three of them to the elder Leng Wushang, and the three of them immediately stepped forward obediently to bow and salute, saying that the ancestor An, Leng Wushang is a 1000-year-old Nascent Soul Stage superpower, The power is boundless!

Master Zixia Leng Wushang opened his eyes to look at Qin Ziyu carefully for a while, nodded in satisfaction, then asked about Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang, and learned that Ye Bingrui was a mutated spiritual root of gold, water, and ice. Live in God's will.

Because Bing Haoyue, the female Supreme Elder of Lingyunzong's Bing Everest, is also a mutated spiritual root of gold, water, and ice, this Ye Bingrui is really a good apprentice tailor-made by God, the peak Taishang Elder Bing Haoyue in the mid-Yuanying period.

I also asked about Shao Xiaopang's situation, and learned that Shao Xiaopang is the root of the three spirits of earth, wood, and water, so he said that he was arranged to be a disciple under the seat of Luo Ziling, the elder of the late Jindan period in Linggu Peak, because Luo Ziling Elders are also practitioners of these three spiritual roots.

Then he explained to the head of the sect that an initiation ceremony will be arranged tomorrow, and that the apprenticeship ceremony will be at the elders.

The leader, Ouyang Junhui, nodded naturally!
So under the witness of the master Ouyang Junhui, Elder Ye Tianyun, Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang.Qin Ziyu bowed three times and kowtowed nine times as a teacher, and from then on it is a master-student relationship!

Master Zixia gave several meeting gifts happily: the first one is a jade token, which can freely enter and exit the cave, the second one is a high-grade storage bag fifty times the size, and the third one is Yuanying In the later period, the old monster master used it in the early stage, and it was useless until the early Yuanying stage. Protective shield and body shield.Normally, it can be blended into the body and nourished with real yuan and spiritual power, but this magic weapon is too powerful, and Qin Ziyu may not be able to control it!The Panlong Demon-Breaking Spear is a high-level magic weapon for Master Zixia to practice to make a high-grade high-level weapon!
Qin Ziyu was overjoyed and kowtowed his head to express his gratitude. The real Zixia Leng Wushang also twisted his beard and bowed his head. He was also very happy to accept this apprentice.

Seeing that Qin Ziyu got the baby, Ye Bingrui was happy for Qin Ziyu from the bottom of her heart, while Shao Xiaopang was drooling with envy and jealousy all over his face!

After Taishang Elder Leng Wushang's apprentice acceptance ceremony was over, the head master Ouyang Junhui and Elder Ye also took Ye Bingrui and Shao Xiaopang to their respective apprenticeships!

Leng Wushang waited for everyone to leave, then asked Qin Ziyu about his practice, and said that those who are in the qi training period should just practice like this, and when the foundation building period comes, there will naturally be the Zifu Shengong Jue of the foundation building period for him.

Also because Qin Ziyu has the talent to make talismans, I hope that Qin Ziyu will continue to practice talismans and talismans, because firstly, he can quickly improve his own cultivation, and secondly, the talismans produced in the future can exchange some of the resources he needs with the sect, including some Pills and spirit stones can be exchanged.And gave Qin Ziyu a secret book on making intermediate and high-level talismans.

He also took the Panlong Demon-Breaking Spear to help Qin Ziyu recognize the master with a drop of blood, and then helped Qin Ziyu practice the Panlong Demon-Breaking Spear, and was able to completely freely put it into the dantian in his body and use his true energy and spiritual power to warm and assimilate him into his own treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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