Great Power Ship

Chapter 102 Mine

Chapter 102 Mine

Looking at the document in his hand, Wen Dawei's expression became very strange: "Leader, it's not like you don't know the situation in our factory. There are so many mouths to eat, I wish I could cut off more than half of it. You..."

Wen Dawei didn't finish his words, but he expressed his meaning very clearly. This is because you, Lu Guowei, are not authentic. Zhujiang factory has so many mouths that there is no place to raise them. You are adding to the burden. Wen Dawei almost asked: "Your old Lu Still not from the Zhujiang Factory!"

As a result, instead of feeling guilty, Lu Weiguo's face showed an expression of displeasure: "These 82 people are still slapped down with the chief, otherwise it would not be 82 people, but a full 200 people!"

"So many!" Wen Dawei was also surprised.

"You think..." Lu Guowei glared at Wen Dawei unhappily: "It's not a show that the navy has reduced its non-frontline combatants!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Guowei breathed a sigh of relief: "So the chief is very unhappy about this, so he didn't come here, but he also said that since the repair shop is used to cooperate with the local factory, it must learn from the advanced experience of the local factory and be able to give the green light. Still have to give the green light.”

Wen Dawei's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "That is to say, the navy can hand over the maintenance of the ships to our factory?"

"You have a good idea!" Lu Guowei was not polite, and said directly: "There are only a few ships in the navy's hands, and there are so many repair shops and shipyards in the country, and the points are not enough. You should be realistic. Bar!"

When Wen Dawei heard this, he couldn't help but look embarrassed. It seems that the effect of hugging the navy's thigh is not obvious. It is okay to give a small boat instead of a big boat. As long as it does not exceed 500 tons, we can still do it here.

But Wen Dawei didn't say this, because many things were left unsaid, so Wen Dawei retreated to the next best thing: "The mining equipment that the Navy puts in the Zhujiang warehouse can always be borrowed and used. No one will snatch this thing." right?"

"No one will snatch that thing from you, but let me tell you something ugly, it's all second-hand goods bought from abroad a few years ago, and it has been put on hold for so many years. Many spare parts are not suitable for domestic use. If you really take it, you will probably smash it in your hand!" Lu Guowei was very serious when he said this, obviously reminding Wen Dawei to think twice.

But Wen Dawei heard another meaning, he laughed and said: "It would be even better if I could give it!"

"I can give it, but the chief said that starting next year, we will receive 20 demobilized cadres and soldiers every year!" Lu Guowei said.

Wen Dawei's face collapsed: "Is there any condition?"

"Is there a free lunch in the world?" Lu Guowei asked back.

Wen Dawei nodded and gave a thumbs up: "The chief really knows how to do business."

"I don't know about this!" Lu Guowei shook his head with a smile, and then emphasized again: "I still say the same thing, if the equipment is easy to get, the Navy will have already dealt with it, you can think about it!"

Wen Dawei sighed: "Think about it, I have to raise so many mouths, I can't do it without a little bit of stubbornness, otherwise let alone earning foreign exchange, the razor project may be dragged down, so I was also forced to go to Liangshan, I have to fight!"

What Wen Dawei said was not a lie. In order to solve the problem of feeding these thousands of people, Wen Dawei thought of several solutions. The most ideal one was to rely on the navy, accept orders from the army, and maintain a simple and stable production mechanism.

Although you can't be rich and powerful, you won't starve to death.

It's a pity that Jiang Lang is interested in Goddess Wumeng, and the navy is not interested in it. In this case, Wen Dawei can only retreat to the next best thing, put aside the maintenance of naval ships in advance, and break through from another direction, that is, mining— Metallurgical processing mode.

You must know that among the more than 20 local factories in Zhujiang, there are two mines, one is a bauxite mine located in De County, a mountainous area in the northwest of Zhujiang, and the other is a rare earth mine located in the upper reaches of Zhujiang. .

In addition, there are four smelters, namely Guangde Aluminum Products Smelter and Hongde Aluminum Products Smelter supporting Dexian Bauxite Mine; and Youdong Rare Earth Processing Plant supporting the rare earth mines in upstream county.

The remaining one is the ferroalloy factory built in Zhujiang in the 60s.

It stands to reason that guarding the mines and supporting smelters should lead a good life in these places. After all, bulk products such as resources in any era are hard currencies that can drive the economic development of one side.

As a result, no matter whether it was the Zhujiang area or the few factories, instead of benefiting from it, they were dragged down and almost went bankrupt.

The reason is just four words: too blind!

At that time, the Zhujiang District held two analysis reports from the address department, proving that there were medium-sized bauxite and rare earth mines in De County and Upstream County, so it was only excited, and did not investigate the difficulty of mining and smelting these two deposits at all. .

I started the project of mines and smelters without thinking. After several factories were built one after another, I discovered that the bauxite mine in Dexian County is far from the high road, and mining is extremely difficult. With the existing domestic mining equipment The level of technology simply cannot meet the mining requirements of the Dexian bauxite mine.

We can only use the most primitive explosives and the old method of manpower moving, but this is not only dangerous but also very costly. After several serious accidents, the entire bauxite mine was semi-paralyzed.

As a result, the supporting Guangde Aluminum Products Smelter and Hongde Aluminum Products Smelter are also in trouble.

The rare earth mines in the upstream county have no problems in mining, but they have gone wrong in smelting. Because the smelting technology is not up to standard, even if it is only rough processing, it cannot match the high-quality minerals produced in-situ by some large rare earth mines in the north.
Although the export of domestic rare earth mines is in the ascendant at this time, foreign businessmen are not fools. There are cheap and easy-to-use northern mines. Who would use the things in your Zhujiang area that have to go through several rough processing before they can be used?
So rare earth mines and their supporting smelters are naturally embarrassing.

Coupled with poor management and chaotic management, the factories and mines in these places have become a big burden for the Zhujiang region in a few years, so that they have been oppressing the Zhujiang region all these years. Several factories and mines were eaten up and wiped clean.

And this also caused Zhujiang to have no time to take care of other people's livelihoods, causing the entire region to become poorer and poorer.

It can be said to be a typical vicious circle.

Now that all the brains are thrown to Zhujiang factory, it is finally getting rid of the burden, but it also makes the burden of Zhujiang factory extremely serious. The best way is to give up these difficult bones and get something easier, such as It is said that relying on the repair shop of the Marine Corps to enjoy a wave of bonuses for naval ship repair.

In the end, it was rejected by the head of the navy, so there was no other way, so I had to bite the bullet and go. Fortunately, Wen Dawei is not the kind of person who goes all the way to the black. If he doesn't come to the navy's list, he can't get the navy's. equipment?

What's more, the batch of mining equipment imported by the Navy is not as bad as Lu Guowei said, and everyone is doing well!
(End of this chapter)

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