Great Power Ship

Chapter 103 The boss can't be so stingy

Chapter 103 The boss can't be so stingy

Speaking of which, this batch of mining equipment for the Navy is also quite tortuous.

In the early 70s, relevant departments discovered phosphate deposits on coastal islands and reefs, so they thought about mining them to increase national income.

Due to the backwardness of domestic advanced mining equipment at that time, relevant departments purchased a batch of second-hand mining equipment from Western Europe in the mid-to-late 70s.

But when the relevant departments were preparing to set up mines, the international situation changed suddenly, and the superiors stopped the project. At that time, the equipment had already been transported to the navy's warehouse, and they were waiting to be sent to the island by the navy's transport ship. As a result, the suspension was stranded in the navy's warehouse in Zhujiang.

This stay lasted for several years.

During this period, several policy adjustments were made. The relevant departments that were preparing for mining were dismantled and reorganized after several organizational adjustments. They were already unable to continue this project, so they simply handed over the equipment to the Navy.

The navy didn't expect that he was just a unit in charge of transportation, and finally became a receiver, with a face full of confusion and worry at the same time.

After all, the navy is not an engineer. What is the use of these mining equipment?

Fortunately, the naval warehouse in Zhujiang is just a general temporary warehouse, and it will not affect the navy's combat readiness wherever it is placed, so it can be piled up wherever it is piled up.

Of course, it’s not that the navy hasn’t been looking for another home during this period, but firstly, the batch of equipment they bought is old, and secondly, it’s not in good condition after being left for such a long time, so those domestic mining companies came to have a look. Nose left.

In the words of a leader of a large mining company: "These things can be worth a few dollars after being dismantled and sold as scrap iron, and the rest have no use value."

But Wen Dawei regarded these trashy things as treasures.

You must know that some of the mining and beneficiation equipment in this batch of equipment are from Liebherr in West Germany, and some of the equipment is from Alstom in France. In addition to the supporting equipment from Ericsson and Siemens, it can be said that it is the best. Department of famous.

But also because of this, the biggest problem with this batch of equipment is system integration and matching.

This is like bringing together the top musicians. If there is no suitable conductor to coordinate and organize, no matter how good the level of a single musician is, it is impossible to play a tune together.

This is the case with the navy's mining equipment. The French hoist cannot match the German conveyor belt, and the Swedish power facilities cannot carry the Italian excavation equipment...

Similar situations can be said to abound.

The main reason for this phenomenon was that the domestic economy was too backward at that time, and they wanted to develop as soon as possible.

Of course, according to the transaction plan at that time, the foreign party would send experts to help the relevant units carry out system integration of related equipment and complete machine debugging.

The problem is, didn't the subsequent projects be called off, and then the relevant units were also dismantled and merged, and the matter of foreign experts was left alone.

Without the help of foreign experts, with the domestic technical level, it cannot be said that it is really impossible to play, but it will cost a lot of resources and time.

If this batch of equipment is brand new, it’s fine, and it’s worth working in the mine for two to 30 years after it’s done. The problem is that many of these things are old products that were eliminated in Western Europe in the 50s, and many parts have been discontinued. In such a case, it is not worthwhile to pay the same resource and time cost.

So this batch of equipment is really no different from scrap iron in the eyes of an insider.

However, if others can't do it, it doesn't mean that Wen Dawei can't do it. We must know that in his previous life, Wen Dawei was engaged in system integration work for a long time.

For example, how American products, European products and domestic products on the drilling platform can be organically integrated and run continuously and smoothly; how can the Russian radar on the ship, the combat system of Western Europe and the domestic weapon system play the best role; and How to combine Russian torpedoes and missiles in submarines with domestic combat systems...

There are so many things that can be described as countless, so Wen Dawei has a wealth of practical experience in this area, plus Deng Kai who works as long as he is paid, and Zheng Dexing who has been silently learning his big moves, so Wen Dawei is still very interested in getting this set of mining equipment done. confident.

It's just that confidence is one thing, how to get it is another.

As a typical white-powder party, Wen Dawei would never pay if he could get it for nothing, not to mention that this batch of equipment was the stuff of the big boss behind it, the Navy, so Wen Dawei would not be burdened if he took it for nothing.

After all, the little brother of Zhujiang factory needs care and love. You, the big brother of the big brother behind the scenes, can't stand by and watch, right?

Look at the boss of Yongjiang, and then look at the boss of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau. He is so considerate to his little brother. If you navy don't show it, be careful that your little brother will change his heart and not love you one day!
Wen Dawei's constant request for ship maintenance orders from the navy is actually expressing this meaning. It is good to be able to succeed, but if it cannot be achieved, the next best thing is to take the mining equipment in the warehouse for nothing. How dare the navy refuse?
All NM is something no one wants, so what can I do if I give it to my brother for nothing?
The boss can't be so stingy!
Sure enough, the development of the matter was as Wen Dawei expected. Of course, there are uncertain risks in it. What if the navy refuses to give it?
Apart from disappointment, Wen Dawei was not afraid, after all, plan 3 and plan 4 were still in preparation, this is the so-called decision before action.

After all, he is someone who came here decades later. He has no foresight to take over such a big business?

Lu Guowei didn't know that Wen Dawei had so many twists and turns. He felt that it was not easy for this young man from the Lidong factory. In order to solve the food problem of more than 800 people in the Zhujiang factory, he really worked hard. Even the broken equipment that no one wanted As a treasure, he couldn't help but look at Wen Dawei sympathetically: "If you have any difficulties, just tell me, the Marine Corps can help and promise to help as much as possible!"

"Can that cancel the dividend at the end of this year?" Wen Dawei was also straightforward.

Lu Guowei immediately shook his head like a rattle: "No!"

"Then I'll continue to work hard!" Wen Dawei half-jokingly said, and entered the repair shop with Lu Guowei. After that, the two chatted about some homework and had dinner together.

When Wen Dawei returned to his room and was about to open the letter sent by Zhang Mingli in the morning to relieve his lovesickness, there was a knock on the door. Wen Dawei opened the door and saw that he had come with him. Liu Chengzhi of Zhujiang Naval Repair Plant.

In the end, before Wen Dawei let Liu Chengzhi into the room, Liu Chengzhi said with an ugly face: "Dawei, our sales of 'high-end' razors have dropped by 30% this month!"

 At this point, the groundwork is almost ready, the structure of the high-end department has been set up, and then Wen Dawei's show operation will start to be staged, everyone, please prepare your votes, vote for Yuzu, and encourage you, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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