Chapter 105
"Old Chen, don't be so rigid, Mr. Lin's Emo-250B vacuum coating machine uses RB's technology..."

"It's not just RB's technology!"

As soon as Du Weiguo spoke to help Lin Mao, the young Mr. Lin couldn't wait to emphasize: "There is also West Germany's technology, this equipment is jointly built by the two top countries in the field of mechanical equipment in the world today. No words can describe its excellence.

If not, relevant manufacturers in the United States would not use this equipment to produce their military knives. Of course, it is the business of Americans to use it well. Now in China, Huangtong Factory is the first to try this model. The manufacturer of the equipment..."

Lin Mao raised his eyes and looked at Chen Yongnian who was facing him through his glasses: "Presumably, Director Chen should be aware of the power of our Emo-250B vacuum coating machine!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Weiguo's gaze also turned to Chen Danian, the meaning was obvious, how did you use the samples given to you a few days ago?

What else can Chen Danian say when he sees this?Only Chen Ken nodded: "Our Huangtong factory was stuck on the level of vacuum coating before, so that the quality of the 'Huangtong' brand razors produced by our factory is always a lot worse. We have finally solved this technical problem with the Emo-250B vacuum coating machine of Lin’s Group!”

What Chen Danian said was very truthful, but he changed the topic while talking: "However...the price of this equipment is a bit..."

"32 US dollars is already the lowest price I can give you. You must know that my American customers all ask for 50 US dollars for the same equipment. If I didn't read that we are all of the same language and the same species, I would never give you this It’s a cost price that can’t even earn half a dime!”

"Mr. Lin is indeed a model of patriotism and Hong Kong..." As soon as Lin Mao's voice fell, Du Weiguo immediately praised with a thumbs up: "How do you sing that lyrics? Although I am wearing a suit, my heart It is still a Chinese heart. Although it was moving before, it lacked a little empathy. Listening to Mr. Lin’s words today, I can completely understand the meaning of the lyrics. Isn’t it a true portrayal of Mr. Lin... Lao Chen, are you right?"

Hearing these words, Chen Danian almost scolded his mother directly.

It was agreed before that I would help myself to lower the price, but in the end, I turned my elbow out without saying a few words when we met, and I made a lot of foreshadowing all in vain. Now I have to accompany you, Du Weiguo, to flatter horses?
But in his heart he cursed, but Chen Danian didn't dare to turn his face here. You must know that their Huangtong factory took advantage of the local production in Double Star City, and after transforming to mass-produce the same type of razors from Lidong Factory, they quickly occupied Double Star City. half of the country.

Later, by means of low prices, reaching an exclusive agreement with the local Double Star department store, instigating local protectionism, etc., the "high-end" razors that were originally very strong were directly killed.

Nowadays, the market share of "high-end" razors in Double Star City is less than 10% of the original one, so that the manager who was stationed in Double Star City to be in charge of the initial market had to get out of Double Star City in disgrace.

At that moment, Chen Danian was full of high spirits, of course he had to make persistent efforts and continue to create greater glories.

At this time, the news that the Lidong Factory established the Zhujiang Factory, specializing in the export business of razors, reached Chen Danian's ears. "The razor was introduced to the international market.

In what he said when he reported to the leader of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau: "Since the brother factory is capable, their Huangtong factory can also do it; since the brother factory can do well, their Huangtong factory can only do better!"

The brother factory naturally refers to the Lidong factory and its subordinate Zhujiang factory. Of course, Chen Danian meant to compete with each other in his words. How can your Lidong factory be able to earn foreign exchange? What is the difference between our Huangtong factory?
But even more important are the generous rewards.

A domestic razor is only about 1 yuan, and a slightly better one is only 3 yuan.

It can be bought in the international market, and ordinary ones can be sold for 1 US dollar; high-end ones can even reach 5 US dollars.

The number remains the same, but the denomination unit is changed from RMB to US dollars, which means a big difference. Not only does it create foreign exchange, but more importantly, the factory's profits are directly turned upside down.

Just ask which operator is not tempted.

Others don't know, anyway, Chen Danian was really moved, so he started to work hard, actively contacted, and finally sent a batch of carefully crafted samples to a foreign businessman in Hong Kong Island last month through Du Weiguo's service and trading company.

As a result, he was called back directly.

Because the products of Huangtong Factory lack a blade vacuum coating technology, they are really uncompetitive compared with the vacuum-coated razor blades that are already full of streets in the international market today.

Chen Danian did not expect such a result. After the initial daze, Chen Danian used the same vigor as he did when digging the foundation of the third-line factory shirtless in the winter.

The problem is that it is easy to make a fool of yourself, but it is difficult to make a real thing, not to mention that the vacuum coating machine is considered a high-tech equipment, and it cannot be made by making a fool of it.

So Chen Danian turned his attention to the Zhujiang factory again. Why can they produce vacuum coated blades?
Is it really independently developed as they said?
If this is the case, with such a technological achievement, the publicity department of Lidong Factory can't praise it to the sky. Why is there no news at all in the publicity department?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so Chen Danian asked someone to inquire carefully, and only then did he know what independent research and development, and what mastered the core technology?
Du his mother is Zhujiang factory's self-importance, in fact, it is a complete set of equipment imported from RB when Lidong factory introduced the TV production line from RB Toshiba last year.

Calculating the time, it coincided with the sudden rise of Lidong Factory's "high-end" razors.

Just say how this happened so coincidentally, it turned out to be such a thing!

Chen Danian, who consciously touched the trump card of the Zhujiang factory, was naturally unwilling to be lonely, and began to actively seek equipment imports. Unfortunately, their Huangtong factory did not have import and export qualifications, and there was no quota for going abroad. They had no choice but to ask his old acquaintances. Du Weiguo, General Manager of Industrial Bureau Trade Service Company.

Du Weiguo lived up to his trust, and after spending half a month in the SAR and Hong Kong Island, he brought back an Emo-250B vacuum coating machine.

Chen Danian immediately put it into trial production. Needless to say, the results are the same as the "high-end" coated razors produced by Zhujiang Factory in terms of quality and performance.

Now Chen Danian is completely confident to take his razor to compete in the international market!

(End of this chapter)

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