Great Power Ship

Chapter 106 Generous

Chapter 106 Generous

However, there is a price to pay for this confidence, and that is the price of the Emo-250B vacuum coating machine.

At first, the Lin Group on Hong Kong Island offered a price of US$40, which was reduced to US$32 after bargaining, but even so, Huangtong Factory could not afford it.

You must know that this price is not a small number. Huangtong Factory has to bear a heavy burden for this, but this is not the most important thing. The key is that Huangtong Factory has no foreign exchange quota at all.

If you don't have money, you can still buy a fart of equipment, and if you don't have equipment, how can you show your ambitions?

Therefore, Chen Danian hopes that the Lin Group can change the payment method from US dollars to Hong Kong dollars while further reducing the price.

Although the Hong Kong dollar is a form of foreign exchange, Huangtong Factory also does not have a quota quota, but the trade service company under the bureau does. Although the total amount is not large, it is enough for Huangtong Factory to purchase the Emo-250B vacuum coating machine.

As for how to fill this hole in the future, Chen Danian also has a way, just hand over the exclusive sales rights of their Huangtong brand razors in some areas to the trading service company.

Based on his old friendship with Du Weiguo for so many years, this will definitely help.

The result can be...

Although Chen Danian really wanted to greet the female members of the eighth generation of Du Weiguo's ancestors kindly, he had to hold back his breath on this occasion, and flattered Lin Mao with a smile: "President Du is right, Mr. Lin's carte blanche patriotism He is indeed a role model for us to learn from!"

Du Weiguo is not an idiot, he can't hear anything wrong with Chen Danian's words, he is usually called by Lao Du and Lao Du, but now that General Manager Du has come out, if he doesn't understand, he, Lao Du, has been in vain all these years up.

However, Du Weiguo pretended not to hear, and after some enthusiastic praise, he changed the subject and said, "Mr. Lin, we are really satisfied with the Emo-250B vacuum coating machine here, but do you know the domestic situation? Yes, there is a shortage of foreign exchange, and the indicators are limited. Although 32 US dollars is not much, it is really impossible for us to get it out for a while. I have an alternative plan here..."

Lin Mao didn't speak, but just looked at Du Weiguo through his exquisite gold-rimmed glasses. Du Weiguo stopped hiding when he saw this, and said directly: "It is to let the products produced by Director Chen's Huangtong Factory deduct the deduction. The quality of Tongchang's razors is comparable to that of similar mainstream products in the international market, and it has the conditions to enter the international market, so..."

Du Weiguo didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious, he wanted to use the internationally popular barter situation to facilitate a support transaction.

Although the pricing is still based on U.S. dollars, there is no exchange of U.S. dollars in the transaction process between the two parties, and it is just used as a unit of measurement for convenient calculation.

The advantage is that Huangtong Factory can get the equipment it wants without paying foreign exchange. Not only that, but if it works well, it can also include the Huangtong razor used to pay for the goods as an export item in the financial statement, thereby making Huangtong The Tong Factory has been transformed into an export factory.

Of course, there is also a downside to doing this, that is, products that could have been priced at a premium will be lowered by the other party, but there are still more benefits than these.

Therefore, when Du Weiguo said this, Chen Danian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect the old guy to plant a mine here. He thought that Du Weiguo had betrayed the revolution. Now it seems that Lao Du still loves himself.

So he raised his eyes to look at Lin Mao, his eyes were full of anticipation and... tension!
"This one……"

Lin Mao obviously didn't expect the other party to have such a request, and he was caught off guard for a while. Seeing this, Du Weiguo hurriedly explained a lot of benefits of such an operation. A flower has come out.

Lin Mao was somewhat relieved by such a wave of brainwashing bombardment, but he still asked a substantive question: "How to calculate the exchange rate?"

Yes, barter is fine, but what about the exchange rate?
According to the current official exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and RMB, it is about 1:2, but it is much lower than this in the market. Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Mao to trade according to the official exchange rate.

As a result, as soon as Lin Mao said this, Chen Danian waved his hand proudly: "Our factory will exchange 200 million coated razors!"

Du Weiguo was obviously shocked by Chen Danian's generosity, but before he could dissuade him, he heard Chen Danian throw out a bigger one: "I know that Lin's Group has other Emo series production equipment, which can just make up a razor Shaver semi-automatic assembly line, if possible, I am willing to exchange this production line with 1000 million razors, plus a vacuum coating machine, a total of 1200 million coated razors, how about it? Mr. Lin, is this sincerity enough?"

Lin Mao didn't expect Chen Danian to be so generous. He was a little surprised for a while, but the next moment his fair face bloomed like a chrysanthemum: "Sincere enough, sincere enough, if everyone is as happy as Director Chen, then There will be no more difficult business in the world!"

"It's mainly Mr. Lin's patriotic enthusiasm that moved me. I have nothing else but a heart to devote myself to the country!" Chen Danian quickly responded with a smile.

After bragging about business for a while, the two called their respective entourages, drafted an agreement, and signed it under the witness of Du Weiguo.

When Du Weiguo sent Chen Danian out of the foreign guests' guest house, he said complainingly: "Old Chen, that's 1200 million coated razors, I heard that you only produce 300 million a year now, don't eat or drink Can you hold on for four years?"

"When the Emo-pro production line is completed, the annual production capacity will be expanded to 1000 million pieces. If not, we will continue to expand the production capacity. However, in a little over a year, we can still survive..."

Chen Danian waved his hand indifferently, and then turned his head to look at Du Weiguo: "I know you have feelings for Lidong Factory, but this is market competition, and it's all about winning and losing, so don't miss the past, brother, but you Don't worry, I won't kill all the high-end razors, they won't be bad in Yongjiang, they won't die..."

Before the words finished, Chen Danian stretched out his hand to hold Du Weiguo, with a solemn and grateful expression: "I don't know what to do without you this time, I have to thank you very much, and I will treat you to dinner after I finish this part .

Let me tell you, when I first came here 20 years ago, I asked someone to get five bottles of old Moutai, which have been buried in the vegetable garden in the backyard of our house. When the time comes, I will ask your sister-in-law to cook some good dishes, waiting for you Let's split up when we come here, drink him for a while, don't give it away when it's done, wait for my notification when the time comes! "

For fear that Du Weiguo would refuse, Chen Danian trotted away before he finished speaking, and along with Chen Danian's leaving back, there was an excerpt from "Taking the Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom" "drinking the celebration wine today" vaguely...

 It has been corrected, if there are any mistakes or omissions, please help Yuzu catch the bugs in time, the rest is to continue to ask for tickets~~~A lot of tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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