Chapter 118
It was released at 12 noon today. It has been more than two years since the last book, and I suddenly feel that I may really be behind the times, especially this book. I originally wanted to lay a good foundation, and then slowly As a result, the pace is relatively slow, and many readers don't like it very slowly.

Helpless, I made adjustments later, including the title, introduction, and outline, but the pits in the early stage have been buried, so I can only go around to complete the story before continuing, which leads to even slower development.

So many people think that you have been writing about ships for a long time without even a shadow of a ship. Yuzu can only say sorry for this. It is because I am too self-willed and think too much. Vaguely put a plank into the water.

So I don't expect any great results in this book. If you like it, please subscribe and support it. Yuzu is very grateful.

The rest is to thank the editor-in-chief Pooh and editor-in-chief Huya, these two sisters are really helpful to this book, and Qi Cheng, the master of industrial literature, his sip of milk can be regarded as giving the grapefruit to the milk, so I don’t say anything Thank you so much.

Don't say anything, see you at 12 o'clock, the first batch of five shifts, after that...see if the grapefruit kidney tonic can keep up...

(End of this chapter)

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