Great Power Ship

Chapter 119 Very Human

Chapter 119 Very Human

"What?" The head of the Navy's eyes became more puzzled when he heard the words.

No. [-] knew that this should be Jiang Xudong's handwriting again, but now is not the time to look for Jiang Xudong, but to explain clearly the concerns of the chief, so he said: "It is an amphibious reconnaissance dagger similar to the Soviet NRS reconnaissance dagger. A piece of reconnaissance equipment independently developed by the brigade..."

The chief of the navy immediately grasped the key point from the words of No. [-], but because of this, he frowned even tighter: "Independently developed by the amphibious reconnaissance brigade?"

Seeing the furrowed brows and increasingly searching eyes of the chief of the navy, No. [-] knew that if he didn't explain clearly today, he might not be able to get off the ship, so he turned his head and shouted at a staff officer not far away: "Xiao Wang, put your Take your dagger by force!"

"Yes!" Xiao Wang responded, and hurried forward, took off the other dagger from his waist and handed it to No. [-].

On the [-]st, he took it to the head of the navy and began to explain the whole story of this dagger.

It turns out that it all started when the amphibious reconnaissance brigade was equipped with diving knives...

The diving knives produced by the Zhujiang factory can be said to be tailor-made for the amphibious reconnaissance brigade. As the leader of this unit, No. [-] is not dissatisfied, but there is still a bit of regret.

There is no way that this perfectionist No. [-] still feels that the function of the diving knife is a little less. You must know that when he went to Romania for exchanges a few years ago, he saw a Soviet knife equipped by the special frogman unit of the Romanian Navy. It was an eye-opener, not only a single knife is powerful, but there is also a powerful equipment called NRS reconnaissance dagger, which made No. [-] call it incredible.

The genius Soviets actually made a dojo in a snail shell, and made the handle of the dagger into a firearm capable of firing bullets. Although the amount of ammunition loaded is not large, this small change may make a difference in the ever-changing reconnaissance operations. to a crucial effect.

No. [-], who has rich experience in reconnaissance operations, knows this very well, and it is precisely because of this that he cannot help expressing his love for the NRS reconnaissance dagger equipped by the Romanian special frogman unit.

According to the tradition of Eastern European countries, there is a custom of giving firearms as gifts, not to mention that the guests have already expressed their love, and usually they will not refuse.

However, the Romanian side did not give the NRS reconnaissance dagger as a gift to No. 1933 who came to exchange, but used a Romanian imitation version of the Soviet TT54 hand gun, which is the domestic Type [-], as a gift.

It's not that the Romanians are stingy, but that they signed a confidentiality agreement with the Soviet Union when they imported this batch of NRS reconnaissance daggers.

Not to mention giving it to a third party as a gift, but not even showing it.

Now that Romania has violated the agreement, it can't go any further. Of course, if the country can continue to help Romania repair their naval ships at a cost price, that's another matter. The problem is that Romania doesn't have so many ships to repair.

So just let No. [-] and others enjoy their eyesight, there is no need to make a big deal, but it will make the big brother of the Soviet Union unhappy.

It's just that in this way, No. [-] is even more interested. You must know that the things that others will not give you are really good things, and you can get them casually. It will never go anywhere.

So as soon as he returned to China, No. [-] reported to his superiors, reporting the original situation of the Soviet NRS reconnaissance dagger, and suggested that the country also carry out corresponding research, and strive to distribute similar equipment to the reconnaissance troops.

However, after the report was handed in, it fell into the sea.

No way, the naval equipment department receives a lot of similar reports every day, ranging from requests for the construction of aircraft carriers to small ones to improve rivets in watertight cabins.

If the naval equipment department responds one by one, regardless of whether it is exhausting or not, it is estimated that the pitiful equipment budget every year will be spent if it is not even used for a month.

What about the follow-up ship maintenance, fuel supply, and ammunition distribution?Do you want to watch the huge navy stop?
Therefore, except for a few key pieces of equipment, which the navy's equipment department will pay attention to, most reports will be ignored, and No. [-] is no exception.

The dagger is very fancy, and it is also helpful for the reconnaissance troops to fight, but so what?

Not to mention the small number of equipment, and the amount of equipment is not large. In the current situation where the navy cannot even update the old main ships normally, equipment with such a small coverage as No. [-] will naturally not be welcomed by the naval equipment department.

It's no surprise that nothing happened.

But the equipment department doesn't want to see it, which doesn't mean that No. [-] will give up and still find the relevant manufacturers to propose the so-called cooperation matters.

It's a pity that various national defense military factories are not very interested in domestic military products. The purchase price has not increased by a cent for many years, and the requirements are extremely strict.

In contrast, the production of civilian products is convenient and affordable, so how do manufacturers politely welcome No. [-] in, and how do they politely send him out.

The No. [-] was also very depressed, so that I wanted to give up, but at this time, Zhujiang Factory took over the order of diving knives from their amphibious reconnaissance team, completed the production, and delivered them to their amphibious reconnaissance team.

On the [-]st, with the attitude of giving it a try, he told Wen Dawei, the assistant to the director of Zhujiang Factory who came to deliver the diving knife, about the strong dagger.

Wen Dawei didn't say anything, and immediately made a decision. Zhujiang Factory accepted this matter. The troops don't need to pay for the early research and development costs, and Zhujiang Factory will bear all of it. When the time comes, the amphibious reconnaissance team will purchase according to the price.

No. [-] who heard this at the time couldn't believe it. After all, it was a temptation on the wine table, and Wen Dawei's performance was really not good that day. He was overwhelmed by the amphibious reconnaissance team before he had walked two laps. .

So No. [-] was just a general topic of conversation, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

As a result, within a month, the Zhujiang factory asked Lu Guowei, who came back to report on his work, to bring back a strong sample of a dagger.

It wasn't until the next number one that Wen Dawei not only listened to it, but actually figured it out for them. That's all, the key is that the overall mechanism and performance are better than the NRS reconnaissance dagger that Number One saw in Romania. Be excellent.

Especially in terms of man-machine function, the performance made No. [-], the old scout, full of praise.

No way, the Soviet NRS reconnaissance dagger has good performance, but the shooting method is a bit anti-human, because the muzzle is set at the low end of the handle, and the tip of the knife needs to be pointed at the shooter to fire.

You must know that the dagger is strong but has recoil. If one is not well controlled, the tip of the dagger may hurt the shooter due to the recoil.

Compared with such an anti-human design, Zhujiang Factory's dagger is very humane...

(End of this chapter)

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